
 In my county, Republicans outnumber Democrats more than 2:1. Here are some things that surprised me about my area:

All voters:

24% Democrat   57% Republican  19% No party affiliation 

84% White 6% Hispanic 4% black 7% other

43% Men 54% women 3% other or unknown (chose not to say when they registered)

White voters: 

59% Republican     21% Democrat   19% No party affiliation  

Among registered Black voters:

80% are Democrat     11% are no party affiliation   8 % Republican

Among Hispanic Voters:

35% Republican   34% Democrat   30% No party affiliation

I knew that the Democrats considered the Black voting bloc to be in their pocket, but I had no idea that it was so overwhelming. In fact, it is more pronounced among black women:

Democrat 86 %    Republican 4%    Other and No party affiliation: 10%

This explains why elections have become about race. 

29 percent of registered voters in my county have requested absentee ballots. There are more absentee ballots than there are registered Democrats. 

Even though early voting is only 2 days old, more than a third of the county has already voted. I plan on voting on Thursday. 

Liberal logic

 On a news article about the cruise lines, I saw a comment that the cruise ships should be used to provide free housing to people made homeless because they lost their jobs due to the COVID shut down. I had to respond.

Divemedic: Why should the cruise lines have to shoulder even more costs for COVID? How much of your own money are you willing to donate to make this happen?

Liberal: We already are by paying much more in taxes than our commander in chief. How much is he willing to pay to help those in need? Could give a government grant to the cruise line industry to safely house people and maybe help keep them afloat.

DM: What do the President’s taxes have to do with that? A cruise ship is not a very economical way to house homeless people. Besides, how can you make the case that it is OK for homeless people to be living on a cruise ship, but not OK for that same cruise ship to resume operation? The reason the cruise industry is in trouble is because the government won’t allow them to sail because COVID.

Liberal: Think you’ve done too many dives without your mask.

DM: This is a good way to tell when someone has lost in the discussion of ideas: they revert to personal attacks. The point here is this: you want the owners of the cruise line (or taxpayers, or the President, you keep moving the goal posts) to shoulder the cost of housing people who are homeless because they lost their jobs due to COVID. The ironic part of your argument is that the people wouldn’t be jobless OR homeless if the government hadn’t put them out of work by declaring that people couldn’t live on cruise ships in the first place. Instead of addressing that flaw in your plan, you resort to attacking my handle.

At that point, my posts became moderated by the station. They are no longer visible. 

Let me explain

 The reason why I posted yesterday morning that we are done is because evidence now shows that every agency of the Federal government has been subverted. We have reached a point of critical mass where the leviathan exists only to increase its own power. 

The FBI’s sole purpose now is to protect the corrupt Socialists Communist Insurgents Democrats who wish to overthrow the government. They are busy covering up the graft, corruption, and outright power grabs, all while making up threats of a white supremacist terrorist network. A network, I should add, that has not actually carried out a single attack. 

The story of the FBI covering for the Biden family corruption while simultaneously forwarding investigations to undermine the President even though they are aware that the Russian Collusion never happened shows that the FBI, along with the rest of the alphabet agencies, are enemies of the people that they are nominally there to protect. 

The time for changing the course of this nation has passed. The path that this nation has set upon is now impossible to change. We have a nation that is $27 trillion in debt with another $155 trillion in unfunded liability, with no conceivable way to pay for it. This same government has almost unlimited power and a vast alphabet agency of police forces at its disposal. Once they can no longer bribe or con the masses into submission, they will get desperate and use force. It is inevitable. 

Monetary issues

 The United States has already borrowed $27 trillion. In addition, the US has also promised to pay out $155 trillion to people, also known as unfunded liability. The Democrats, if handed the reins of power, want to spend even more: free college, free healthcare, free rent. 

Where will all of this come from? The government takes in $3.3 trillion a year in taxes from all sources. 

If we confiscated the entire fortune of the top 25 richest Americans, the Government would have $1.4 trillion. If applied to the US debt, we could bring the debt back to where it was on May 28, 2020, or 142 days ago. Now what?

There are only 800 US billionaires. If we confiscate the additional $2 trillion in their net worth, we could cut the debt back to where it was April 1, 2020. 

There are 71,000 people with a net worth of $50 million or more. There are 1.3 million people in the US with a net worth of $10 million or more. There are 7.6 million people with a net worth of $2 million or more. There are only 18.6 million people in the US with a net worth of over $1 million. 

So when they tell you that the top 1% of the richest own blah, blah, blah- remember that the top 1% of Americans includes people worth about $3 million or more. That doesn’t make them the uber rich jetset. Most of the richest 1% are people like lawyers, doctors, real estate workers, and stock brokers. 

The article that I found many of these stats on says that 76% of US millionaires is Caucasian, as if it indicated some kind of nefarious, systemic racism. If you think that, you are not good at math. You see, 75% of the US population is Caucasian, making a US millionaire as likely to be one race as another, when adjusted per capita. (There goes the systemic racism trope.) 

If you confiscate all of the wealth of the top 1%, you would pay the national debt down to where it was about a year ago. To do so would require cutting the heart out of the US economy. There would be no more doctors, no more investment professionals, no more business owners. Then what? We don’t have a problem with unfair distribution in this country. We have a problem with out of control spending. 

We are done

 New evidence comes to light that the family of Senator (and then Vice President) Biden was peddling access to government favor in exchange for lucrative jobs that they were unqualified for. In exchange, the family patriarch received half of whatever they made in salary, plus some deals which included a percentage of the take. In short, the Biden family made tens of millions of dollars.

Worse? The FBI knew about it and has done nothing, not even investigating the events, even while spending years investigating Trump for Russian collusion that never happened. Meanwhile, the Biden family was colluding with the Russian and Chinese governments to make nearly $100 million. 

This, more than anything has convinced me that we are done as a nation. There are power brokers making obscene amounts of money by peddling government favors, and the people of this nation are trying to give them more power because they are convinced that the power brokers care more about them than they care about enriching themselves.