A large tornado struck the lower ninth ward in New Orleans overnight:
Heartbreaking scene from New Orleans Metro. Significant damage reported in Arabi/Lower Ninth Ward. 📸Clint, Chalmette looking towards Arabi. @weatherchannelpic.twitter.com/oZA1sI74hZ
Here are some things that your tax dollars have been paying for: 1. National Squirrel Census $2.3M 2. Federal Committee on Sandwich Standards $5M 3. Bureau of Uneven Sidewalk Awareness $1.8M 4. National Soap Carving Read more…
I was asked why I hadn’t posted any stories on the DC plane crash. I replied that there weren’t yet enough facts, but I bowed to pressure from my readers and went ahead and posted Read more…
Every winter, Florida gets overrun by rich assholes who flock to our state – people who own multiple homes and want to dodge the shitty cold weather from more northern climates. They bring with them Read more…