Invading New York

Everyone has seen the video of the murdered woman on the New York subway who was killed when she was set on fire, so I won’t post a link to it here. It turns out that the asshole who is accused of committing the murder was deported in 2018, but immediately snuck back in just in time to commit at least one murder.

ICE issued an order to have him detained to Federal custody, but NY has refused the request, citing “sanctuary city” laws. If the state and city of New York can claim that Federal law doesn’t apply in their city, then DJT needs to issue a couple of executive orders on his first day.

  • All access to Federal law enforcement databases like NCIC will be suspended for the entire state of New York until such time as they participate with Federal Law Enforcement efforts
  • Any New York official who refuses to comply with Federal Law Enforcement gets arrested for obstruction. That includes the Governor, the mayo of NYC, state judges, and anyone else who says no to ICE detainers. If you or I refused to comply with a NY court order, we would go to jail, and we all know that “no one is above the law.”
  • All Federal funding or grants to NY are hereby suspended until NY pays by US law.

We all know that people in New York will then reply by claiming that they are not going to forward income tax payments, or some other nonsense. At that point, the President would then be permitted to declare that New York’s actions are making it impossible to enforce the law. The law here is 10 USC 252:

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

You’re reading this correctly- the President could then order Federal troops (or the NY National Guard, under Federal orders) to suppress the rebellion and enforce Federal immigration laws.

Just after this is complete, Trump should then tell any other “sanctuary cities” that they are next, unless they comply with the law.

As much as I feel that the Federal government is outside of its constitutional authority, enforcing immigration laws and defending the border is well within Federal purview.

Is Replacement A Theory?

Ask the people of London. In 1961, about 97.7 percent of the city’s residents were white. By definition, the races are listed as:

  • White
  • Asian
  • Black
  • Mixed

By 1997, that number had dropped to about 75 percent, and that is when the gun ban went into effect.

By 2021, that number dropped to 53.8 percent, with 14.7 percent being white, but not British. So in sixty years, the population of London went from 97 percent white and of UK descent, to only 36.8 percent white of UK descent.

Now the civil war has begun, but it appears to be too little, too late.

Are we also being immigrated out of existence here?

Illegals Don’t Vote- It’s Illegal

When Biden gives illegals auto-parole they get social security numbers and with the last four digits of an SSN they can register to vote without any other form of ID. While it is illegal, there is no way to catch them under the current law/system. Then they can request a ballot.

On top of that, Biden is now giving illegals free healthcare.

Being Overrun

While my new house was being built, a visit to the construction site on any given day would show you that no one on the construction crew could speak English. The refrain we get from the left is that “illegals do the jobs that Americans won’t do.” No, they do it for half price, because half price is still much more than they would earn in whatever shithole they came from. Still, the savings that are to be had by employing illegals is only realized by their employer, in this case the builder.

Working at my hospital, we are seeing signs that this area is being overrun by illegal immigrants. The ED at my hospital has tablets that automatically connect to medical interpreters by teleconference. The rule is that we are required to use them for gaining and disseminating information about a patient’s medical condition, if that patient doesn’t speak English.

There are three interpreter tablets for our entire ED. They are in nearly constant use, and it isn’t just Spanish. Just this week, I have had patients who only speak Haitian Creole, Spanish, and even Czech. I have at least one patient a day that doesn’t speak English, and that is in a rural area. Now multiply that by the 25 nurses on duty in my ED. Now imagine that you are in a large city where illegals are more concentrated.

You see the problem. We are being overrun.

But Illegals Can’t Vote…

I have been informed that illegals can’t vote, so there is no way that the Democrats are using the open border to rig the election. With that being the case, we don’t need a law requiring an ID and proof of citizenship to cast a ballot.

Until flyers being distributed by a US NGO that helps facilitate the illegal crossing of the US-Mexico border were intercepted. The flyers distributed in Mexico encourages illegals to vote for President Biden.

The flyer reads:

“Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open”

Second Amendment Questions

A leftist judge, in an obvious attempt to make the Second Amendment look ludicrous, has ruled that the law prohibiting illegal immigrants from possessing firearms is unconstitutional.

The case at hand centered on Carbajal-Flores, who was “charged with possession of a firearm while illegally or unlawfully in the United States.” He had a handgun in his possession “in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois,” on June 1, 2020. He was charged for being a non-citizen in possession for a firearm.

Question 21l on the 4473 asks if the buyer is an alien illegally in the United States. The law in question is 922(g), which is the same law that prohibits felons, fugitives from justice, veterans with dishonorable discharges, citizens who have renounced their citizenship, people who are under a domestic violence restraining order, and those who have been convicted of domestic violence form owning firearms. Are we to believe that all of those people are now permitted to own firearms?

The court ruled that it is unconstitutional to prohibit someone who has never been convicted of a felony, a violent crime, or a crime involving the use of a weapon from owning a firearm. Think about the implications.

Now consider that this is the first time a Second Amendment court decision that affirms someone’s right to own a firearm hasn’t been protested by the left. Why is that? It’s because the left isn’t antigun. They are anti-people that they don’t like owning guns. Since they love everyone, including brown people, their own security details, and others who follow leftist orders, and hate themselves some white people, any gun decision that favors illegals is something the left will support.

Illegals with guns will be the left’s foot soldiers in the coming Civil War. Picture the military aged males pouring across the border, mostly with military equipment. Now ask yourself what’s going on here.

Now combine that with the man in Plant City, Florida who tried to buy a firearm while there was an ATF agent in the gun store. The agent believed that the man smelled like marijuana, so he ordered the gun store to deny the sale, even though the man had passed a background check for the handgun and denied that he was under the influence of marijuana. In a case earlier this month, the DOJ argued:

Because they are not responsible citizens, unlawful drug users and addicts do not have a Second Amendment right to possess firearms.

DOJ, in their brief for the appeal to SCOTUS of United States vs. Daniels

How is it possible that a person who uses drugs is not a responsible citizen, and can thus be denied the right to keep and bear arms, but an illegal alien, who is neither responsible nor a citizen, has Second Amendment rights?

The answer is simple: your government is at war with you. They are using the law and your rights as weapons against you.

Attacking Female Staff

An illegal immigrant in New York has been attacking female staff members at the city’s emergency rooms.

Edward Johnson, 57, an illegal immigrant believed to be from the Caribbean who came to the United States over a decade ago, has been arrested 23 times on charges that include gun possession, according to sources and records. He has another 42 arrests that have been sealed since he arrived in the US.

He skipped out on supervised release and is on the lam, authorities said — and has a dangerous habit of attacking female healthcare workers who try to treat him.

“Every time he goes to the hospital, he beats up a nurse or a doctor,” said an NYPD source.

Here is a picture of the critter.

Now here is a picture of one of the doctors that he attacked.

This Dr has been attacked twice

I posted about this before. I won’t be anyone’s punching bag. You take a swing at me, and it is ON. The struggle that follows will be as violent as you want to make it. How do you get to do this without being fired? “The patient was violent, deranged, and I was fearful that he would hurt himself or someone else. He had to be restrained for his own, and the staff’s protection.”

With all of that being said, note that this criminal has been arrested for all sorts of violent crime, carrying weapons, and most of the arrest records have been sealed.

Still, in this case, we can see what the issue is.

Leahy said an assistant district attorney working for Clark called her in April 2023 and explained the office wouldn’t take the case to trial because it doesn’t want to “hurt [Johnson’s] immigration status” and believes his eight months served as a detainee was enough.

Odds are, this doctor is a Democrat and voted for the very politicians who are green lighting these attacks. You get the government that you deserve, and until you as a voter demand that this stop, it will continue. The people that the good Doctor voted for have made NY a sanctuary, and they have shown that those people matter to them more than you do.

You have been attacked twice by this guy and gotten a shiner as a result, but at least they are going after Donald Trump, so I guess you have that going for you.

Workplace Safety

The leftists on Twitter are in an uproar over a 15 year old roofer who fell to his death in Alabama in 2020. They are firing off post after post, claiming that Republicans don’t want to protect children. They are, however, leaving out an important part of the story.

The missing fact? The child laborers who are being injured are illegal immigrants (referred to in this link as “migrants”). The employers in this case are already hiring them illegally and paying them less than minimum wage, so labor laws protecting children really won’t do anything in these cases.

In fact, the $100,000 fine levied against the roofing company for hiring the child labor is peanuts compared to what these companies save by hiring illegals for less than minimum wage. Go to any construction site in the US, and you are likely to find illegal immigrants- what the left euphemistically calls “migrants”- being the majority of the workforce. A roofing company that employs 10 people at $8 an hour is saving a quarter of a million dollars every year that they continue the practice in Florida.

According to, a roofer in Alabama makes around $30k a year. Now imagine that you are employing illegals for half that. A ten man crew would save you $150,000 a year in salary alone. Then there is unemployment, the Social Security match, benefits, and other costs that you don’t have to pay, even though you are breaking a dozen laws in the process.

But a child labor law will matter.