
The US under Trump is set to deport and return illegals from Honduras back to their home country. In response, the President of Honduras is threatening to shut down a US military base that is located at the Soto Cano air base. She claims that the US maintains this military base without cost.

OK, shut down our air base and we will cut off all money that is given to Honduras in any form whatsoever. Last year, that came to more than $152 million in direct payments.

Why do we continue to give money to countries that hate us? The only reason I can come up with is – money laundering. I really believe that most government expenditures see some form of kickbacks coming to the people in our government who decide who gets what funding. That includes everyone- legislators, government bureaucrats, all of them. Most of our middle level, and all of our senior level government officials are crooked.

It needs to stop.

Gangs with Badges

Read this story about cops selling NFA weapons to criminal gangs and then tell me again how only the government can be trusted with guns.

ICE lost $100 million worth of firearms and no one cares. BATFE says that police departments are let off off with warnings. They claim that prosecutors are reluctant to charge these cases, and the bureau stated that “it is our goal to educate, not investigate.”

“We’re not looking to prosecute fellow law enforcement officers,” said Eric Harden, former special agent in charge of the ATF’s Los Angeles field division.

What would BATFE do to a citizen or FFL who did this?

It’s time for Federal law enforcement to be disbanded. All they are is a tool of government tyranny.

Not Transactional

A couple won $3300 at the Indian casino in the Tampa area. I’ve gambled there a few times myself. They were followed home by a couple of the local Amish population. The robbers shot both of them before robbing them. The left always tells you that these robbers are just looking for money to feed their kids, and all you have to do is give them what they want. This case proves this to be untrue.

Watch the video here in this story, and a couple of things jump out at you:

  • Why is there a screaming chick on every shooting video? What does shrieking do to help anyone?
  • Note that the bad guys just started shooting, without making demands first. How can you give them what they want, if they start shooting before saying a word?

Let’s check out the people who did the shooting:

Tristan Wright

Marcus Jenkins. He has a history of being a criminal loser in Hillsboro- multiple evictions, crimes, and even charges of aggravated battery, which was pled down to misdemeanor simple assault.

A third suspect, who was the getaway driver, is still being sought. The couple who were robbed?

Waving cash around and being ostentatious with gold chains and a large, expensive gold watch is just asking to get robbed. I know that society shouldn’t be that way, but the reality is that you can’t show off wealth, or criminals will be tempted.

So how can you avoid this happening to you?

  • White chick and black boyfriend robbed by black males. If you hang out with the most violent demographic in the nation, you will get caught up in violence. Don’t hang out with black people. They are the most violent, criminal demographic in the nation, making up 13% of the US population, but committing 56% of the homicides. If you hang out with them, you will likely get caught up in their culture of violence and crime.
  • Be armed when you go places. (Even though casinos are off limits in Florida for carry- have it in your car, or find another way)
  • Keep your eyes peeled for people who are following you. The investigators informed the couple that the suspects had been shadowing them for two hours, tracking them back to their home, yet the couple didn’t see the men following them.

Cop Is Right

Those of you who read this blog know that I am not shy about posting and calling out the cops when they screw the pooch. Let’s look at this fatal shooting to see what happened. Youtube won’t let me embed the video, so I will wait here while you take a look.

He passed a cop on the highway at 105 miles per hour. In every state that I am aware of makes it an arrestable offence to exceed the speed limit by more than 30 miles per hour. Not only that, but the tags that were affixed to the Dodge truck were registered to a Subaru Forester. Both of these facts meant that the driver was getting put in handcuffs and probably going to jail.

What the deputy couldn’t have known at the time of the stop was the motorist he had stopped had just been exonerated after serving 16 years for a crime that he didn’t commit. That likely contributed to his actions that day on the side of the road, but again, the cop didn’t know any of this, nor does the exoneration have any bearing whatsoever on the shooting. All the cop knew was that the man was being belligerent, noncompliant, and was physically attacking him.

The family of the deceased man has hired Benjamin Crump (don’t they always?) and are suing the deputy and his department for unlawful and excessive force. This is the dream of black families- you have a family member that runs afoul of the law, fights with an armed person, then sue them to win the ghetto lottery.

As I already pointed out, putting him in handcuffs was lawful in this case, and once he demonstrated his noncompliance, the deputy began using the use of force ladder:

  • Presence
  • Voice commands (that didn’t work- the reply was “I ain’t doing shit.”)
  • Open handed technique- the man grappled with the deputy
  • Less lethal- note that this is another case where a TASER didn’t work. He rode out the shock, then swept his arm to rid himself of the wires, then began to physically attack the officer.
  • Less Lethal 2- Now the ASP baton was brought into play, and the man became even more aggressive, grabbing the cop by the throat with enough force to bend him backwards while yelling, “Yeah, bitch.”
  • Lethal- having exhausted the rest of the force continuum, he shot the man.

Later in the video, you can see that the cop was so exhausted from the fight that he was likely going to be overpowered if it had continued.

“And when they want to use excess force there, you have other parts of the body. You can shoot, you don’t have to always kill somebody,” [the dead man’s mother] said.

This is an example of the “shoot to wound” versus “shoot to kill” myth. That was exhausted earlier in the force continuum when the open hand, TASER, and baton failed to control the attacker.

“I’m not going to jail,” Cure says at one point.

Well, he was right about that. He went to the morgue, instead.

I don’t have a problem with the officer’s actions in this incident.

This Is Me Not Caring

When we last heard from the Eustis police, they were being tyrannical pricks*. So the news that an ambush style attack was carried out against police in that area doesn’t surprise me. It doesn’t look to me like it was a deliberate ambush, but an impromptu one. The article also doesn’t mention whether the other people who were killed in the shoot out were bystanders or were involved in the ambush.

It could be that the two people killed in the house were victims of the original nutball who prompted all of this, or it could be that they were struck by bullets fired by the “brave” cops who were indiscriminately firing at the sound of gunfire in a “spray and pray” tactic.

Either way, I don’t care about the cops who were killed, and I don’t care about the crazy bitch who likely bought it. I will reserve my sympathy for any innocent bystanders. To anyone reading this who is a cop- stop being tyrannical cowardly assholes that slap unarmed citizens around, toss grenades into baby cribs, arrest parents who are demanding that you do your jobs, and rid your profession of the dead wood, and maybe I will care again.

It’s really a shame, because I used to have lots of love and respect for a profession that has lost its way.

* On a side note, the driver in the original Eustis case does not have any record of charges actually being filed against him in that county at any point this year. I am guessing that the State Attorney didn’t think that his behavior warranted criminal charges, still it cost him money to get his car out of impound. All for telling a cop that where he worked was none of his business. I would consider an attorney, were I in his place.

Falling Up

After I was discharged from the military, I was 24 years old and broke. I didn’t have the skills to live in the civilian world. To call the next few years a struggle is an understatement. I tried running a business, but I failed to understand the complexities and was homeless within 18 months. We managed to scrape together some money and got the hell out of town. My wife, our two kids, and I moved to the Orlando area.

I worked from one job to another, usually working two jobs at a time, while I attended school. Each time I changed jobs, I made a bit more money than the job before. I had a part time job with a volunteer fire department, who was paying me to staff the station during the day while the volunteer force was at work. I worked a night job as well. We were doing better. Then the divorce came. I was homeless again.

Again, I worked my way into prosperity. Within a decade, I had bought a home. Then the bank crisis hit, I had to declare bankruptcy, and was broke again.

Now I own three houses (although one is for sale), and one is producing income as a rental. My net worth is in the 7 figures. I just didn’t give up. Pressley would have you believe that my success is because my skin color somehow gives me an advantage that she doesn’t have.

Rep Pressley calls this “failing up” as she sits in congress making $174,000 a year as a college dropout. In 2018, the year that she was elected, she had a negative net worth of -$12,500. In 2019, she owed $15,000 in back taxes to the IRS. By 2021, she was claiming a net worth of $60,000. So in three years, you made more than half a million bucks, yet only increased your net worth by $72,000? But that isn’t the big part of the story.

In 2024, her net worth crossed $1 million. So in two years, her salary totaled $348,000, but her net worth increased by over $900,000. Where did that money come from? Her husband, who spent 10 years in prison for being a drug dealer. He now owns a consultancy business, Conan Harris & Associates, a management consultant firm that “specializes in executive coaching, strategic planning, capacity building, and diversifying the pipeline of workforce leadership and personnel.” So he rakes in hundreds of thousands of dollars because businesses want to hear his thoughts on how to run a successful business, because being a convicted drug dealer with no formal business education is a skill set that many millionaires need to seek advice from.

I will leave that to my readers to speculate upon.

This is why Gun Control Won’t Work

A group of fifth grade students were on a tour of the Rock Island Police Department. Students were allowed to step inside a holding cell when one of them pushed on a pillow and felt the presence of a handgun hidden inside. The student alerted staff who immediately took possession of the weapon. The gun was unloaded, and a check of the serial number determined that it had been stolen during a burglary in 2022.

If the police can’t even prevent people from getting a gun while in jail, where everyone and everything is searched when entering, then how can they prevent criminals from getting guns? Even if they turn the entire nation into a prison, criminals will still be able to get guns.