Falling Up

After I was discharged from the military, I was 24 years old and broke. I didn’t have the skills to live in the civilian world. To call the next few years a struggle is an understatement. I tried running a business, but I failed to understand the complexities and was homeless within 18 months. We managed to scrape together some money and got the hell out of town. My wife, our two kids, and I moved to the Orlando area.

I worked from one job to another, usually working two jobs at a time, while I attended school. Each time I changed jobs, I made a bit more money than the job before. I had a part time job with a volunteer fire department, who was paying me to staff the station during the day while the volunteer force was at work. I worked a night job as well. We were doing better. Then the divorce came. I was homeless again.

Again, I worked my way into prosperity. Within a decade, I had bought a home. Then the bank crisis hit, I had to declare bankruptcy, and was broke again.

Now I own three houses (although one is for sale), and one is producing income as a rental. My net worth is in the 7 figures. I just didn’t give up. Pressley would have you believe that my success is because my skin color somehow gives me an advantage that she doesn’t have.

Rep Pressley calls this “failing up” as she sits in congress making $174,000 a year as a college dropout. In 2018, the year that she was elected, she had a negative net worth of -$12,500. In 2019, she owed $15,000 in back taxes to the IRS. By 2021, she was claiming a net worth of $60,000. So in three years, you made more than half a million bucks, yet only increased your net worth by $72,000? But that isn’t the big part of the story.

In 2024, her net worth crossed $1 million. So in two years, her salary totaled $348,000, but her net worth increased by over $900,000. Where did that money come from? Her husband, who spent 10 years in prison for being a drug dealer. He now owns a consultancy business, Conan Harris & Associates, a management consultant firm that “specializes in executive coaching, strategic planning, capacity building, and diversifying the pipeline of workforce leadership and personnel.” So he rakes in hundreds of thousands of dollars because businesses want to hear his thoughts on how to run a successful business, because being a convicted drug dealer with no formal business education is a skill set that many millionaires need to seek advice from.

I will leave that to my readers to speculate upon.

This is why Gun Control Won’t Work

A group of fifth grade students were on a tour of the Rock Island Police Department. Students were allowed to step inside a holding cell when one of them pushed on a pillow and felt the presence of a handgun hidden inside. The student alerted staff who immediately took possession of the weapon. The gun was unloaded, and a check of the serial number determined that it had been stolen during a burglary in 2022.

If the police can’t even prevent people from getting a gun while in jail, where everyone and everything is searched when entering, then how can they prevent criminals from getting guns? Even if they turn the entire nation into a prison, criminals will still be able to get guns.

Police and Crime

I am sure by now you have all seen the video of the guy in NYC who kidnapped a woman by throwing a belt over her head before raping her:

When the cops caught him, they had to keep the crowds from lynching him on the spot:

I have been saying for awhile, the true purpose of the police isn’t to collect fines. It isn’t to solve crimes and punish criminals. The true purpose of the police is to ensure that accused criminals get a fair trial. When people think that the legal and justice system have failed, they will take care of the criminals themselves.

What is Rural?

Reader Jonathan asks if I live in a suburb because he lives 200 miles from the nearest town. I guess that depends on your definition of a suburb. Miriam Webster defines a suburb as a smaller community adjacent to or within commuting distance of a city.

So what is a reasonable commuting distance? In wide open country, 50 miles is an hour’s drive. In more densely populated areas, it isn’t unusual for it to take an hour to drive 10 miles. Using the IRS definition of commuting distance of 50 miles, there is no place that you can live in the entire state of Florida that is more than 50 miles from a city. Why is that? Because the entire state is only 140 miles wide from beach to beach, with cities on both coasts and in the center of the state, so it’s rather difficult to be more than 50 miles from anything. That would make the entire state either city or suburb, but that is demonstrably not the case.

A great example of this could be southern Osceola county and the town of Yeehaw Junction. This is an area of chicken farms and cattle ranches. The entire town has a population of 240 people. Technically a part of the Orlando-Kissimmee Metropolitan Statistical Area, it is located less than 50 miles from the nearest city.

The Turnpike exit at Yeehaw Junction is notable for being the only exit on a nearly 90-mile stretch of the Turnpike, being located at the southern end of the longest stretch of limited-access highway without an exit in the United States (the next interchange to the north being 48.9 miles away at Kissimmee/St. Cloud) and the northern end of the second-longest such stretch, the next exit to the south being 40.5 miles away at Fort Pierce. It is about as remote as you can get in Florida. Get in any sort of trouble in this area, and you are screwed. Police, fire, and EMS help is 30 minutes or more away, and the nearest hospital is an hour’s journey from there. Yeehaw Junction is considered remote enough that in 1968 the government purposely released biological warfare agents over the town without the knowledge of town residents, although the entire experiment was kept a secret until 2002. The project was called Project 112

Project 112 was supposed to be conducted outside of the US, but it has since come to light during a Congressional investigation in 2002 that there were experiments conducted all over Florida, including:

  • Avon Park
  • Boca Raton
  • Eglin Air Force Base
  • Fort Pierce
  • Panama City
  • Yeehaw Junction

It’s hard to imagine that Fort Pierce and Boca Raton are considered rural, but the CIA and the military were perfectly fine with using Bio weapons on US citizens just so they could see what would happen.

Even then, the CIA won’t release many details about the operation, not even to Congressional oversight committees. The entire project was approved by agencies that eventually would become the FDC and the CDC, so don’t think that the government is above conducting experiments on the US public.

The US government, in concert with the UK, Canada, and other nations actually committed what would be a war crime, yet they want us to believe that COVID was an accident, because they would NEVER release biological warfare agents as a test.

Our government is evil, and it is long past time that it collapse.

Our Politicians are Criminals

One of the Democrat Senators from Minnesota, Nicole Mitchell, was arrested inside of her stepmother’s house during what appeared to be an attempted burglary. When caught, her statement was “Clearly, I am not good at this.” Below is a copy of the probable cause affidavit:

Because of the recent history with my mother and her husband, I can sympathize with her, even if I don’t agree with how she handled it. However, she didn’t just take stuff that belonged to her deceased father. She was stealing other things like laptop computers, and that is where my sympathy ends.

Twists and Turns

This carjacking in the Orlando area has begun sounding like a television show.

Police identified the car that was involved in the carjacking as a Green 2002 Acura. There are only three of them in the state of Florida.

  • The car was purchased at a “buy here, pay here” place in February. The purchaser was never seen again after buying it, despite owing money on the car.
  • The car was towed on March 19.
  • The tow truck driver was shot at over 100 times by a 10mm and killed on April 10.
  • The carjacking turned muder happened on April 11.
  • The car was found abandoned and towed on April 13

On top of that, despite police claiming that the woman and her husband had no relatives or known associates in the Orlando area, the woman’s husband and brother contacted the wife of an Orange County Deputy, and coopted the Deputy into calling the Seminole County Deputies who were conducting the investigation, and posing as someone else, recorded the call and forwarded a copy of the recording to the husband.

This is some organized crime television drama. It stinks of organized crime.