Medicine Expensive?

This woman here had a child that was born prematurely. That child spent a month in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The bill came to $738,360, and the mother complains that the cost is too high. There are many in the comments that agree, and it’s filled with comments about how other countries have free healthcare, which is of course false.

The bill for that child’s care is completely reasonable. Let me explain why:

Nurses work 3, 12 hour shifts per week, and NICU nurses are frequently on 1:1 care, meaning one nurse to one patient. A 30 day stay in the NICU means that your child had the undivided attention of 5 nurses for a month. An experienced nurse, (for obvious reasons NICU nurses tend to be fairly experienced, qualified, competent, and educated) aren’t cheap. The average pay for a NICU nurse in the US is about $130,000 a year. Night shift makes even more, thanks to shift differentials.

The nurses in charge of your child’s care cost the hospital $70,000 in direct compensation, plus the costs of insurance, training, and other HR expenses. In all, just the nursing care for that month in the hospital cost that hospital about $140,000. Now add in the costs of everyone involved in that from the doctors to the lab technicians, and even the janitors.

Each of those people is highly educated, even the janitor. Yes, the janitor. To comply with Federal law, that janitor has to be instructed on CPR, stroke procedures, HIPAA compliance, Medicare and Medicaid laws, sex trafficking, recognizing child abuse, disposing of medical waste, and a host of other laws. He also needs to be background and possibly drug checked, especially to work in a pediatric wing. All of this raises the cost of hiring that janitor.

Back to the nurses. It takes 3 years of schooling to become a registered nurse. Then it takes years of experience, training, and work to specialize as a NICU nurse. In all, the average NICU nurse has been a nurse for 5 years or more and has attended far more schooling than a beginning nurse. Pediatrics is a specialty. So is neonatology, as is critical care. NICU nurses have to certify as all three. That’s why they make what they make- competence costs money.

Then there is the lab work, the cost of provider that supervises those NICU nurses (usually a nurse practitioner), lab technicians, respiratory therapists, medications, medical equipment, supplies, meals, and even the guy that empties the trash. Then there are the doctors, as well as the regulatory costs of compliance.

In total, labor costs alone for that stay were probably in the neighborhood of $300,000, so I don’t think $700k is out of line once you do the math.

That isn’t even considering what procedures may have been done- if surgery was involved, you can also add anesthesia, scrub nurses, surgical nurses, and a host of other specialties and specialized equipment.

The argument that other countries offer free healthcare is false. The care isn’t free, it is paid for through taxes. Even then, there aren’t enough professionals to go around, so care is rationed, and even Canada offers to kill the patient, putting them down like a race horse with a broken leg once the cost of their care gets too expensive.

There are ways to make this sort of care cheaper, but every one of those ways involves compromising the level of care. You can increase the nurse to patient ratio, but this means that the patient is left to fend for themselves for longer periods of time. You can get away with that for an adult admitted with a broken hip, but not for an infant that is near death.

Americans demand perfect healthcare, but then complain when the bill comes due. You want good care, and you want it now? Then it won’t be cheap.


One of the things that kills me is that whenever anything hits the news, everyone on the Internet becomes an instant expert. It doesn’t matter if the subject is the use of force, medicine, fire suppression, or engineering. Whatever the big news article, the Internet has an easy solution, and since no one has implemented your solution, it must mean that there is a conspiracy of rich guys who are not doing it because reasons.

The fires in LA are no exception. The latest I have been seeing is:

  • how all of LA should be surrounded by a fire suppression sprinkler system that douses the buildings and surrounding countryside to ward off wildfires.
  • Buildings should all be built of the same materials as kilns or perhaps of bricks, so that houses won’t burn.
  • Neighborhoods should build their own reservoirs and hire their own fire departments to protect that specific neighborhood
  • Establish volunteer fire departments where people who live in a neighborhood could defend it

I can think of half a dozen reasons why each of those ideas would fail spectacularly. I am sure that my readers can as well. The easiest and most effective answers are the ones that won’t be used. Again, I use Florida’s wildland forestry system as an example. I spent more than 25 years as a firefighter, have a degree in fire science, and a hold a Red card as a certified Federal wildland firefighter, but I clearly don’t know as much as a Liberal Arts major who works at Starbucks and spends his time solving all of the world’s problems on social media.


A few questions for this dipshit:

  1. Who is going to invite in this ‘global coalition’ of armies?
  2. What will the force composition be?
  3. How exactly will you get the US police, military, and the courts to sit idly by and watch as all of this unfolds?

Now a couple of points to consider:

Lets look at a couple of relatively recent events as guidance on how this will go:

Iraq is slightly less than 170,000 square miles in area, or about the size of California. During the height of the conflict there, the insurgents numbered about 3,000. Afghanistan is about 252,000 square miles, or slightly smaller than the state of Texas. During the height of the insurgency there, the opposition numbered around 75,000, mixed in with a population of about 35 million.

So both conflicts combined saw the coalition forces facing less than 80,000 insurgents in an area the one seventh size of the contiguous states of the US. Those two conflicts lasted for decades and cost more than 25,000 dead and wounded coalition soldiers.

Now expand that area to make it seven times larger, and instead of facing 80,000 insurgents, you now have 100 million of them all looking for a piece of your ass. The little masturbatory fantasy you are describing is total war between a third of the citizens of the US and an invading army. There are 100 million gun owners in the US, and those gun owners have roughly 600 million firearms. Just one percent of them would outnumber any realistic coalition force that would be here.

To the lefties who are dreaming of this situation, I ask you this: What makes you think that you will be immune to the violence? When they drop a 500 lb JDAM on your gun owning neighbor, are you counting on not being collateral damage? What about when your gun owning neighbor decides that you are the one who dropped a dime on his brother and got him shot by a coalition soldier? Do you think that no one will come after you? From either side?

These brain dead dumbasses have no idea what they are talking about. I know a guy who was a combat engineer in the Army. I also know that he has more than a couple of bricks of composition four stored in his house. I am betting that he isn’t alone in that. Now imagine a gun owner strapping 100g or so of that to a relatively cheap DJI drone and going hunting for some red force armored vehicles.

Use your own imagination to come up with resistance scenarios, and you quickly see what an unrealistic fantasy this is, which brings me to my point.

All of the armies of the world would find it impossible to subjugate the largest armed population that the world has ever known, which is the exact point of the right to keep and bear arms. Everyone who isn’t a fucking idiot knows this to be true, which is why no one has tried to take them.

On Interface Fires

The fires in California are called wildland/urban interface fires. The left is claiming that it’s due to climate change and Donald Trump (no, I’m not kidding) and spending most of their day deflecting blame away from themselves.

The fires are now beyond man’s control. With high winds, lack of rain, and humidity below ten percent, these fires are going to burn until they run out of fuel. There is nothing that can be done at this point to get this under control. Any time you are seeing dry winds of 70 mph, firebrands can fly for miles. Combine that with relative humidity below 30%, and there is nothing you can do to stop the fire from spreading.

The real problem here is a lack of forestry and poor personnel management. The fire departments in the area made the news a year ago because the city felt that the fire department contained too many straight white men, too much toxic masculinity, so they began a program of hiring black women. So now the LAFD has an unqualified dyke who, upon accepting the job, stated that her highest priority was promoting DEI in the department.

Creating, supporting, and promoting a culture that values diversity, inclusion, and equity while striving to meet and exceed the expectations of the communities are Chief Crowley’s priorities

How you manage the area before a fire starts matters. Lowering the fuel load by having prescribed burns while fire conditions aren’t conducive to spreading the fire is a key part of it. I blogged on this just a few years ago.

How you manage your biggest resource matters. You need to have people who are qualified and capable, not people who merely check all of the diversity boxes.

How you manage the tools those people will have at their disposal matters. Not refilling reservoirs because of climate change means that firefighters don’t have ammo to fight these fires. LA has been donating fire trucks and to Ukraine for the past two years, and has spent the last three years sending planeloads of firefighting equipment like hoses, nozzles, turnouts, helmets, body armor and other personal protective gear there since at least March of 2022.

Leadership matters. The mayor was in Africa attending the inauguration of the new President of Ghana as the fires grew.

The leftists of California won’t learn from this failure of leadership and failure of government. Instead, they will continue to blame the climate for fire weather conditions that have existed in California since people began settling there, they will blame a man who isn’t even President yet, and will continue to vote for the same failed policies.

California is getting the exact government that it voted for.

National Popular Vote Compact

Since Trump was successfully certified as the winner yesterday, I wanted to post something that I found humorous. The left was making all kinds of noise about an end run around the electoral college by signing on to the interstate compact, which is a deal cut between the leftie states that they will award their electoral votes to the candidate that wins the national popular vote. The compact goes into effect once the states signing on to it are equal to more than 209 electoral votes, so they aren’t quite there yet.

Had that compact been enacted, the electoral vote would have been the largest landslide in American history. The only state that went for Harris and was not a part of the compact was New Hampshire and its 4 electoral votes.

This means that Trump would have won by a margin of 534 to 4, or 99.25% of the total number of electoral votes.


The US under Trump is set to deport and return illegals from Honduras back to their home country. In response, the President of Honduras is threatening to shut down a US military base that is located at the Soto Cano air base. She claims that the US maintains this military base without cost.

OK, shut down our air base and we will cut off all money that is given to Honduras in any form whatsoever. Last year, that came to more than $152 million in direct payments.

Why do we continue to give money to countries that hate us? The only reason I can come up with is – money laundering. I really believe that most government expenditures see some form of kickbacks coming to the people in our government who decide who gets what funding. That includes everyone- legislators, government bureaucrats, all of them. Most of our middle level, and all of our senior level government officials are crooked.

It needs to stop.


NORTHCOM has just announced increased security at all CONUS military installations, effective Monday morning:

The Commander of U.S. Northern Command has directed all military installations to immediately implement heightened security measures. These include:

100% ID checks

Random inspections

Suspension of the Trusted Traveler Program. (The Trusted Traveler Program was a procedure that allowed DoD-affiliated sponsors to vouch for vehicle occupants to gain entry onto an installation. )

Drivers should expect delays and random inspections at entry gates as we enhance the security posture of our installation to ensure our ability to project combat power when and where required. This is a critical step in ensuring the security and readiness of our installations. Drivers should expect delays at entry gates due to increased inspections.

Note that this move is supposedly in response to the events in New Orleans and Las Vegas, but if it was that serious, why wait nearly a week? Why would this move begin on the very morning that the Electoral College votes are to be certified?

The coming troubles

While discussing the city versus rural conflict that is obviously coming, this is what a lefty had to say on the subject:

They think that whatever office job they have is skilled labor, because it required a degree from a liberal college, but farming is something that is so easy that anyone can do it with only a simple Google search. All they need to do is snatch away your land.

Communists always think this, which is why the Soviet’s agriculture was such a spectacular failure that the US had to sell them wheat every year.