Caetano v. Massachusetts

The next time some brain dead moron tries saying that the Second Amendment only applies to muskets, please refer them to Caetano v. Massachusetts 577 U.S. 411 (2016). In that case, the US Supreme court held 9-0 that the Second Amendment applies to all bearable arms, not just those that were in existence at the time that the Second Amendment was ratified.

In that case, the Massachusetts Supreme court had ruled that stun guns are not protected [by the Second Amendment] because they “were not in common use at the time of the Second Amendment’s enactment,” that stun guns are “dangerous per se at common law and unusual,” and that “nothing in the record to suggest that [stun guns] are readily adaptable to use in the military.” 

The U.S. Supreme Court, per curiam, vacated, reiterating that “the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding,” and that it has rejected the proposition “that only those weapons useful in warfare are protected.”

This line of argument will eventually be the one that kills both the NFA and the GCA.


A few questions for this dipshit:

  1. Who is going to invite in this ‘global coalition’ of armies?
  2. What will the force composition be?
  3. How exactly will you get the US police, military, and the courts to sit idly by and watch as all of this unfolds?

Now a couple of points to consider:

Lets look at a couple of relatively recent events as guidance on how this will go:

Iraq is slightly less than 170,000 square miles in area, or about the size of California. During the height of the conflict there, the insurgents numbered about 3,000. Afghanistan is about 252,000 square miles, or slightly smaller than the state of Texas. During the height of the insurgency there, the opposition numbered around 75,000, mixed in with a population of about 35 million.

So both conflicts combined saw the coalition forces facing less than 80,000 insurgents in an area the one seventh size of the contiguous states of the US. Those two conflicts lasted for decades and cost more than 25,000 dead and wounded coalition soldiers.

Now expand that area to make it seven times larger, and instead of facing 80,000 insurgents, you now have 100 million of them all looking for a piece of your ass. The little masturbatory fantasy you are describing is total war between a third of the citizens of the US and an invading army. There are 100 million gun owners in the US, and those gun owners have roughly 600 million firearms. Just one percent of them would outnumber any realistic coalition force that would be here.

To the lefties who are dreaming of this situation, I ask you this: What makes you think that you will be immune to the violence? When they drop a 500 lb JDAM on your gun owning neighbor, are you counting on not being collateral damage? What about when your gun owning neighbor decides that you are the one who dropped a dime on his brother and got him shot by a coalition soldier? Do you think that no one will come after you? From either side?

These brain dead dumbasses have no idea what they are talking about. I know a guy who was a combat engineer in the Army. I also know that he has more than a couple of bricks of composition four stored in his house. I am betting that he isn’t alone in that. Now imagine a gun owner strapping 100g or so of that to a relatively cheap DJI drone and going hunting for some red force armored vehicles.

Use your own imagination to come up with resistance scenarios, and you quickly see what an unrealistic fantasy this is, which brings me to my point.

All of the armies of the world would find it impossible to subjugate the largest armed population that the world has ever known, which is the exact point of the right to keep and bear arms. Everyone who isn’t a fucking idiot knows this to be true, which is why no one has tried to take them.

Gun Ban

So reading this stupid shit:

Keep in mind that the books aren’t banned for reading, selling, or even printing. The rules for books are that you can’t have age inappropriate books in school libraries.

Makes me want to remind the left that the Gun Free Schools Act was passed in 1994. By your same logic, guns have been banned for 30 years. Maybe if you on the left spent more time learning history, government, and law, instead of spending time memorizing everyone’s pronouns or obsessing about your imaginary penis, you would know this. Dipshits.

Not 2 million

Harris claims that she is going to use executive orders to institute an import ban on “assault weapons” and have a mandatory “buyback” of the 2 million “assault weapons” that are in the US. Here she is in 2019, outlining her plan:

She is a lying stupid wannabe dictator. First off, there are about 50 million AR15s in this country. She also says that she is going to do it without Congress.

These people in Washington, DC have failed to have the courage. How many of you guys as college students had to have a drill during high school, or middle school, or elementary school, or even in college, where you learned that you had to hide in a closet…When elected, of Congress fails to act- I’ll give them 100 days to put a bill on my desk for signature- and of they do not do it, I will put in place by executive action a comprehensive background check requirement, and a ban on assault weapons, on the importation of assault weapons into our country. I’m done. [applause]

No. How about go fuck yourself. Soon, it will be time to stop talking. There will be no point in having a discussion with people who do not respect the Constitution, the rule of law, or the limits on the power of the executive. Soon, it will be time to shut down the blog.

Four years ago, I predicted that Trump would never again see the inside of the Whitehouse. Many people said that I was wrong. I also declared that we were seeing a communist takeover of our nation. I was laughed at and told that I was ridiculous. (The blogger who said that is still blogging, but that blog now reads like a lonely cat lady blog.) That last bit of information made me remember this clip.

Still, it’s going to get uglier that we can possibly imagine.

It’s Coming

With a tip of the hat to Joe. Democrats nationwide are planning a major gun control push. Here is what is on the current top of their slippery slope:

Safe Storage law.

It’s something that many gun owners, myself included, think is a good idea on a personal level: Storing your firearms where those who are unauthorized can’t get to them. The issue here is that the law will of course be used in ways that the people who own guns simply can’t imagine. Perhaps the cops will want to inspect your storage facility. Who knows how it will be abused, but it will be, take that to the bank.

“If you actually buy safe storage that’s been certified with the state, you can receive a state tax credit so you’re not feeling that cost economically,” Bravo said. “I think people respond positively to incentives. I would really be compelled to try something like that.”

Want to take bets on whether this state certification includes the safe manufacturer supplying the state with the backdoor to enter your keypad locked safe? This is exactly why I changed the electronic locks on my safe with a mechanical combination lock.

Guns in schools

Democrats don’t know what law they will propose to stop killers from brining guns into schools and shooting kids. That’s because it isn’t a problem with a simple solution. It’s already illegal to bring a gun to school and doubly illegal to kill people, but gun free zones and laws against murder don’t work to deter people who want to die at the end of the shooting. No matter what they propose, you know that it will target law abiding gun owners and not criminals. The government is composed largely of tyrannical, power hungry assholes, and an armed citizenry is all that is between them and unchallenged power.

Domestic violence offenders

A proposed bill would add a domestic violence offender to the list of those prohibited from owning a firearm. I don’t know why this is needed. It’s already the law, and we already know that it is abused by scorned women everywhere. I was twice the target of women who tried to get me in hot water over alleged domestic violence. Both failed, but it was a legal pain in the ass.

Educational pamphlets

One proposed law would allow pediatricians and other healthcare providers to educate parents on how to safely store guns. The pamphlet would be created by the Department of Health to be put in medical offices.

OK, but only if I can sue the doctor when I follow his advice and it turns out that he didn’t know his ass from third base. Can you show me where medical professionals receive education on storing guns? Can we also have them provide information on car repair and the importance of having energy efficient appliances?

In the meantime, I won’t be doing that.

This isn’t about safety. It’s about making it so difficult to own a firearm that few people bother.

Executive Action

THROATUS claims that she will sign an executive order in her first 100 days that will require Americans to turn in their guns, because Congress won’t act.

  1. If Congress won’t act, there is no Constitutional way for the President to just order people around
  2. The President can’t violate the Constitutional rights of Americans with an EO
  3. Even if she COULD do so, where will the money to enforce this unfunded mandate come from?
  4. There are 600 million guns in this country. There aren’t enough cops to enforce such an order
  5. Especially when cops stop volunteering after a few thousand get shot
  6. We aren’t turning in shit

Second Amendment Questions

A leftist judge, in an obvious attempt to make the Second Amendment look ludicrous, has ruled that the law prohibiting illegal immigrants from possessing firearms is unconstitutional.

The case at hand centered on Carbajal-Flores, who was “charged with possession of a firearm while illegally or unlawfully in the United States.” He had a handgun in his possession “in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois,” on June 1, 2020. He was charged for being a non-citizen in possession for a firearm.

Question 21l on the 4473 asks if the buyer is an alien illegally in the United States. The law in question is 922(g), which is the same law that prohibits felons, fugitives from justice, veterans with dishonorable discharges, citizens who have renounced their citizenship, people who are under a domestic violence restraining order, and those who have been convicted of domestic violence form owning firearms. Are we to believe that all of those people are now permitted to own firearms?

The court ruled that it is unconstitutional to prohibit someone who has never been convicted of a felony, a violent crime, or a crime involving the use of a weapon from owning a firearm. Think about the implications.

Now consider that this is the first time a Second Amendment court decision that affirms someone’s right to own a firearm hasn’t been protested by the left. Why is that? It’s because the left isn’t antigun. They are anti-people that they don’t like owning guns. Since they love everyone, including brown people, their own security details, and others who follow leftist orders, and hate themselves some white people, any gun decision that favors illegals is something the left will support.

Illegals with guns will be the left’s foot soldiers in the coming Civil War. Picture the military aged males pouring across the border, mostly with military equipment. Now ask yourself what’s going on here.

Now combine that with the man in Plant City, Florida who tried to buy a firearm while there was an ATF agent in the gun store. The agent believed that the man smelled like marijuana, so he ordered the gun store to deny the sale, even though the man had passed a background check for the handgun and denied that he was under the influence of marijuana. In a case earlier this month, the DOJ argued:

Because they are not responsible citizens, unlawful drug users and addicts do not have a Second Amendment right to possess firearms.

DOJ, in their brief for the appeal to SCOTUS of United States vs. Daniels

How is it possible that a person who uses drugs is not a responsible citizen, and can thus be denied the right to keep and bear arms, but an illegal alien, who is neither responsible nor a citizen, has Second Amendment rights?

The answer is simple: your government is at war with you. They are using the law and your rights as weapons against you.

Propaganda Piece

The ATF gets a puff piece on Face The Nation. One of the key moments in the video that just tipped my “that’s stupid” radar was at 16:40, when they are looking at a Cartel pistol, the woman reporter gets all flustered when the ATF tells her that you can get the Virgin Mary encrusted diamond grips for your pistol, because they are not regulated. Um, why does that matter? What do diamonds on your pistol grip do to make a handgun more deadly?

The ATF’s firearms “expert” doesn’t know how to disassemble a Glock, nor does he know the difference between a clip and a magazine. Then at 19:30, he makes the claim that anyone who walks into a gun store and puts down $12,000 for a Barrett must be a criminal member of a drug cartel, because that’s the only reason why someone would do that, so dealers should automatically refuse to sell it. There is also a SAW on the table, not because people have them, but because it looks scary for the Infomercial they are filming. That’s what this is- it isn’t journalism, it’s a paid Informercial for the ATF and gun control. See for yourself:

The press in this country are nothing more than mouthpieces for the leftists.


Since Canada has all of those gun laws that the left likes to say prevent crime, it isn’t possible that men armed with machine guns tried to assassinate a Canadian citizen by mag dumping it into his vehicle, injuring four. Doesn’t that count as a mass shooting? Even though it was caught on video, there must be a mistake.