This is Why the US Will Fall

I want you to look at this story. The left entered the House gallery and “protested” in an attempt to derail Congress. Not one of them was charged with interfering with the government before being locked up for years while awaiting trial.

The “protesters” grabbed a cop and dragged him across the ground. None of them were arrested.

The left is going to overthrow the government, and the right will do nothing but sit around arguing about shit that is completely irrelevant. It’s the biggest problem that I have with libertarians, and it keeps rearing its head. The left is using violence to alter an election, again. Meanwhile, the right is busy arguing about semantics.

This is why the left will win.


Newly-elected President Obama was meeting with Republican leaders just after his 2009 inauguration. The Republicans were meeting with the President and attempting to find some common ground. The Democrats had majorities in both houses of Congress. Mr. Obama smugly told GOP leaders that “elections have consequences, and, in case there is any doubt, I won.” Then he proceeded to use his power to bend the entire nation over the Resolute desk. You know, the same desk that Clinton was sitting behind when he got a Lewinski from, well, Lewinski.

For the 15 years that followed, the left used their power like a large hammer, beating down everyone simply because they could. Cancel culture became a weapon. How many of us were silenced on social media? How many times did we smugly hear “learn to code?” I have been attacked on this blog, to the point where people have tried to get my website taken away, tried to locate my employer to get me fired, and even threatened me with physical violence. That’s why I moved this blog from the free space it had on Blogspot to the version that you see here.

The threats and attacks have been escalating for a decade and a half, mostly because the left was emboldened by the fact that they weren’t getting much pushback. Not remaining content with just taking away people’s livelihoods, in 2020 the soft attacks of cancel culture expanded to become physical violence. People died. Now someone has taken a shot at President Trump and the left is crowing online and in person about how the assassin should have been successful, and the right seems to finally be responding in kind.

They are calling the right “divisive” because they no longer want to deal with those who have been calling them “deplorable NAZI’s” while threatening to put them in camps and kill them for the past 15 years. The Twitter account called “Libs of TikTok” has been contacting the employers of people who have been saying ugly things and getting them fired, deplatformed, and putting them out of business. The left has been crying about it. I would love to respond, but Larry Correia beat me to it, and has said it much more effectively than I could.

The left crushed tens of thousands of people’s lives for things that they said for more than a decade and a half. They hounded CHILDREN for perceived transgressions. They gleefully ruined lives. They have been SWATTING people.

My sense of civility and kindness has been worn away. I don’t give a fuck about the left, and I will have no mercy. I am going to fight this fight, taking the battle as far as is strategically and tactically feasible.

How To Lie

According to Robert Heinlein, there are three ways to tell a lie:

  • Complete fabrication. This is the means of lying used most by children. The reason is that this is the easiest way to be caught as the liar loses track of what lies they have already told.
  • Tell partial truth, partial falsehood. This is the way that most people lie. You tell the truth, but modify that truth with enough facts to tell the tale you wish to tell.
  • Tell the absolute truth, but tell it in such a way as to misdirect the listener.

With that being said, read these headlines from the leftist media:

This is why I don’t watch traditional media. If I catch you lying to me once, I can never again trust anything that you tell me. Note that they are telling the truth, but are doing so in such a way as to misdirect the receiver of the message. The omission of the key facts completely transform the message, making the received message a different one that the reality that the message was based upon.

You don’t hate our media enough.

In the meantime, I continue making sure that my family is ready for what is coming.

I Noticed

I noticed that WKMG always mentions the race of accused criminals when the criminal is white.

They never do so when the criminal is black, even when that black criminal is an armed robber, or when he is a child molester who murdered a 13 year old girl while he was raping her. Or when a pair of Canadians and their mudshark girlfriend are shooting at a crime victim, but more on that in another post.

There is no Pravda in Isvestia

The press is supposed to keep the people informed on what government officials are doing, but today it fails in its job, in that the press isn’t doing any actual reporting. What they are doing is simply asking the questions that they are being told to ask.

It’s come out that interviews of Biden are completely staged because reporters are being told what questions to ask.

Ingram told ABC he didn’t see anything necessarily wrong with the practice. “To think that I was gonna get an opportunity to ask any question to the President of the United States, I think, is a bit more than anybody should expect,” he said.

The expectation of all of us should be that the press is more than just the disinformation bureau of the President’s office.