This is Why the US Will Fall

I want you to look at this story. The left entered the House gallery and “protested” in an attempt to derail Congress. Not one of them was charged with interfering with the government before being locked up for years while awaiting trial.

The “protesters” grabbed a cop and dragged him across the ground. None of them were arrested.

The left is going to overthrow the government, and the right will do nothing but sit around arguing about shit that is completely irrelevant. It’s the biggest problem that I have with libertarians, and it keeps rearing its head. The left is using violence to alter an election, again. Meanwhile, the right is busy arguing about semantics.

This is why the left will win.

You Need a Program to Identify the Acts of the Play

So here it is, to get you caught up:

  1. They tried to smear him in 2016 by claiming Russian collusion. The evidence, as it turns out, was fake.
  2. they tried impeaching him
  3. they tried impeaching him again
  4. they tried suing him into the poorhouse
  5. they filed tons of criminal charges against him, finally getting a conviction on some rather dubious legal grounds. When SCOTUS issued the ruling on Presidential immunity, the court delayed sentencing.
  6. All of the other cases were dead in the water. The left went apoplectic.

Then there was an assassination attempt on Trump’s life. In order for this event to have happened, at least one of two things must be true:

  • The Secret Service is entirely incompetent.
  • The Secret Service was complicit in the attempt.

There are no other possibilities. Where I am leaning is complicity.

In either event, the attempt failed. Then the poll numbers came out, and Trump’s numbers looked even better. It was at this point that Biden reversed course and decided to drop out of the race, citing health concerns. So now there are only two possibilities:

  1. Biden is too addled and mentally incompetent to run for office, which makes him too addled to hold the office of President, and he needs to go under the 25th Amendment. Now.
  2. Or, he resigned because his numbers looked so bad that it was unlikely that he would beat Trump in the election. In this case, the left is guilty of election tampering. The Democrat party can no longer claim to “support democracy(tm)”

No matter which of the above is true, welcome to banana republic status.

Getting Worse

Yes, the first information from a major event is usually wrong. It’s called the ‘fog of war’ and it’s a well known phenomenon. The problem is that the news coming out from Trump’s attempted assassination keeps making the entire even glow brighter as time goes on.

The latest is that the police spotted the shooter on that roof at 5:45, called it in and took a picture of him. Trump didn’t take the stage until 6:05. The shots were fired at 6:11.

So when the suspicious person was called in, why did Trump’s detail still allow him to take the stage? Why didn’t anyone go over there and check it out? Was this incompetence? Complacency? Or something more sinister?

We will never know the truth.

So Far

Here is what we know about the Trump assassination attempt so far:

  1. a random 20 year old acting completely alone walked to within 150 yards of a presidential campaign rally with a rifle
  2. climbed onto a rooftop, fully within the view of two Secret Service sniper teams
  3. even though multiple people told the authorities that there was a man on the roof top with a rifle, only one of the even investigated, and he ran away without telling anyone else once the 20 year old pointed a gun at him
  4. set up his shot and fired without anyone intervening
  5. with no help from anyone.
  6. He once tried to join his school’s rifle club, but his aim was so bad he hit the side wall instead of the end wall where the target was, so didn’t make the team
  7. He was also so politically radical as to attempt an assassination, but not radical enough to have ever posted any political writings or commentary on any social media site, ever
  8. He also wrote no manifesto and left behind no indication about why he did it
  9. The password and encryption on his cell phone is so airtight that the entire Federal government can’t crack it
  10. He committed only two political acts before attempting to kill the Republican candidate, and that was to register as a Republican and donate $15 to Act Blue.

You must believe this and ask no questions about it, or else you are a conspiracy theorist. One thing we know about assassination attempts is that there’s never any conspiring involved.

Things are going to deteriorate at a faster rate. It’s going to seem blindingly fast in retrospect.

Domestic Enemies

The FBI is claiming that the Trump shooting yesterday is domestic terrorism. I don’t like it. It’s becoming more obvious to me that it was a false flag. This wasn’t a psychotic nut bag gunning down a classroom full of kids, this was a directed, determined assassin taking a shot at the candidate who the left already tried to impeach, prosecute, and sue out of the race.

Are they about to play some sort of game where they declare Trump or Republicans to be terrorists?

What is the play here?

Rigging the Election, Sowing Confusion

Long time readers know that I have been saying for more than three years that the left would kill Donald Trump before letting him retake the Oval office. Even Tucker Carlson said the same last August and was lambasted for it, I believed the term used was “bonkers.”

At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, what happened yesterday was genius. The pictures of the shooter, wearing a t-shirt from a progun Youtube channel, then news that he was a Republican are simply genius. Had a purple-haired tranny been the shooter, the civil war would have begun almost immediately.

Instead, what we now see is a fig leaf that will keep many on the fence and allow both sides of the aisle to pander for gun control, thus creating enough of a smoke screen to permit an organized PR campaign calling people who disagree “conspiracy theorists.” He is supposedly a registered Republican, yet was donating money to leftist causes?

A voter-registration record showed that Mr. Crooks was registered as a Republican, though federal campaign-finance records show he donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project, a liberal voter turnout group, through the Democratic donation platform ActBlue in January 2021.

I don’t believe it.

I have worked with the Secret Service (not as an employee- they enlist local government for assistance) during three different Presidencies, and they are pretty good at what they do. They don’t let anyone get that close to their protectees. So how, I am asking, did a man armed with a rifle get within 150 yards of a secret service principal and no one noticed? Then there is this story with video of how they were warned about the armed man, and did nothing.

I don’t believe that story.

This was the swamp, trying to take Trump out. They are scared, they are willing to kill him, and by extension, they are willing to kill you. We have reached the point where people are voting from the rooftops, but the only people voting appear to me to be intelligence agency operatives.

Of Course It Was A Show Trial

The left keeps saying that Biden had nothing to do with the Trump prosecution. They are also lying. The third highest ranking official in the Department of Justice under Joe Biden, a man who was once the Acting Attorney General, Matthew Colangelo, resigned from his job at the DOJ in December of 2022 so that he could accept a job as Senior Counsel to the District Attorney of New York, working directly for Alvin Bragg. His job for Bragg was to oversee the NY AG’s most sensitive and high-profile white-collar investigations.

The issue is that Colangelo doesn’t have much experience in white-collar prosecutions. What he did have, however, is a wealth of knowledge about Donald Trump. As early as the Spring of 2023, the Daily Beast was celebrating the fact that Colangelo was the “secret weapon” of the DOJ that had been “dogging” Trump for years.

Colangelo delivered the opening statement at the trial, telling jurors that Trump “orchestrated a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election; then he covered up that criminal conspiracy by lying in his New York business records over and over and over again.”

Before he worked for the DOJ, he worked for the NY AG’s office as the Executive Deputy Attorney General for Social Justice, before being hired to serve in the Obama administration as a Deputy Assistant to President Obama.

This is nothing more than the communists who are running the Obama administration are trying to seize power and overthrow the government.

This is how Liberty Dies

I usually comb the Internet and social media in search of blog fodder. That is hard to come by today, because the Internet and the news cycle is dominated by the left cheering that the sitting President was able to toss his main political opponent in prison. This makes it difficult to find anything to write about that isn’t simply TDS porn.

Trump understood something that Biden does not: Throwing your political rivals in prison may make your supporters cheer with glee, but at the cost of destroying the very rule of law that always made this nation the shining beacon on the hill. That is no more…

We have officially joined the long list of nations where votes don’t matter, and dictators have their political opponents jailed or killed.