Rules For Radicals

Let me start this post with a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon from 1988.

Have you ever played Monopoly? What if one of the people who is in the game is also the banker, and you know that he or she is giving themselves interest free loans from that bank? Would you do as Hobbes did and fight back, or would you simply refuse to stoop to their level and maintain your principles?

Participating in today’s society is a lot like that. The left has no principles or morals whatsoever, as long as they win. They define a win as imposing their will and desires upon others. That’s it- all that matters is that they impose their desires and will upon you. If you refuse to play- they win. If you stick to your principles and refuse to fight back- they win.

Every society in history that has fallen has done so because they refuse to stoop to the level of those who would destroy them. Sure, they call them names- things like barbarian, heathens, whatever the label, but those who refuse to play by any rules are the ones who win by the only rule that matters- winning. Vince Lombardi is credited with saying “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing,” and there is a lot of validity to that.

In Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals,” Alinsky lays out ten rules for defeating an enemy in the political arena. One of these is “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” That’s what the left does- this is why you see them quoting the bible and screaming that you aren’t being a good Christian whenever you say that you don’t want the government to care for an unlimited amount of illegals, or see your tax dollars spent on poor transgenders in Somalia. They are trying to shame you for abandoning your ideals, they are using your own morals as weapons against you.

That’s why the left hates Trump as much as they do, and why they are willing to get along with others on the right. Many on the right do one of two things- they cave in to the left’s desires, or they stick to their ideals. In other words, they accept defeat. Trump doesn’t do that, because his overwhelming personality trait is to win. That is all that matters to him, winning.

I recently posted about Stephen Smith making racist, self loathing remarks. The response was that we shouldn’t care what he says. I disagree. Using the left’s own tactics against them would be to hold them to their own rules- if anyone on the left makes a racist remark- you hammer them for it. Ridicule them, for that falls under another of Alinsky’s rules: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

Let’s do to them what they are attempting to do to us. Hammer home the advantage, press the attack. No respite, no quarter. Winning the battle of ideas is easier and less costly than having to go out and kill one another in actual battle.

Keep up the fight.

The Gulag

A long time ago, so long ago that the posts have been lost to time, I warned that we should not grant the powers of the Patriot Act or of the GWOT to the Republicans, lest we see those same powers granted to the left and abused by them. I was shouted down. I know some of those comments were made on the now defunct as well as on a couple of progun sites whose names I can no longer remember.

I didn’t take long. Even the Republicans abused them. For example, Sheriff Grady Judd abused the laws in order to shut down the website that made GW look bad. That was the case of Christopher Michael Wilson, who ran a website that allowed people to post nude pictures of women on the site, and it required a credit card to access, so that the Wilson would know that people accessing the site were adults. Military men complained that they could not do so while in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, because the web servers in those countries blocked credit cards from being processed by companies who promoted pornography. Because of this, Wilson allowed members who posted pictures from the war zone to have access to the site. The site became a photo journal that chronicled the Iraq war. It was one of the first sites to publish the Abu Grhaib pictures that so embarrassed former President Bush.

It eventually came to pass that Obama began abusing those same laws, declaring those who dared disagree with his policies.

It is those very laws, the same government policies and personnel, that were unleashed upon the enemies of the left, once Biden took office. I am talking about the way that the J6 rioters were treated. They were tortured, mistreated, and illegally held- despite all of the sturm und drang that was unleashed over the treatment of terrorists at Gitmo. Watch this video:

The comments to it are enlightening. The leftists on there who say “Well, next time he won’t trespass in the Capitol.” The issue is that Enrique Tarrio wasn’t convicted of being in the Capitol. He never, in fact, entered the building. Somehow, they took a man who was of mixed black/Cuban heritage and made people believe that he was a white supremacist.

I want you to replay every event in your life, especially the ones that can be used to paint you in an unflattering light. Now picture the left’s enforcement arm in the FBI spinning that in the worst way possible, then amplified and embellished by the MSM. Then they use it to toss you in the Gulag. That’s what happened here.

No matter how evil you think our government is, it is much worse than you can possibly imagine. Corrections officers are some of the most sadistic of the entire bunch. I watched a CO torture a man with my own eyes, then saw him lie about it, then watched as his own superiors told me and three other staff members that we didn’t see what we all just saw.

If you think that, just because Trump one an election, that the left has given up, you are sorely mistaken.

Pardons Don’t Mean Shit

President Donald Trump ordered that the defendants from January 6 be pardoned. As the chief executive, the power to issue pardons is absolute. That doesn’t mean shit to the leftist enforcers. Although Olivia Pollock and Joseph Hutchinson III have been pardoned for their actions on January 6, the Feds still would not drop the counts of failure to appear in court from 2023. Why didn’t they appear in court?

After reading stories about the abuse suffered at the hands of police that are detaining J6 defendants for trial, knowing how cops will abuse and torture prisoners, and how they are transferring them to Supermax prisons, many J6 defendants began simply skipping out on their trials and sentencing hearings:

So Pollock and Hutchinson did what many would have done- they simply removed their ankle monitors and skipped town. Because of that, the Feds decided that Trump’s pardon didn’t excuse them from criminal charges.

The good news is that a Federal judge ordered that the charges be dismissed. The Federal employees are refusing to obey orders. This is being replayed all over the government- there are employees and former military members who still are loyal to the commies that are trying to overthrow our government. They need to be rooted out- every last one of them.



A brief slowing of the speed with which we are headed off the cliff as the corrupt Biden regime ends.

Now about the pardons for Fauci, Milley, et al: A pardon isn’t a pass to avoid all consequences for your past actions. There are many, many people who lost loved ones and couldn’t even say goodbye or attend a funeral due to COVID. All you have to do is release all of the evidence that Fauci was complicit. Then release the addresses of his home, work, and other places he is likely to be. Heck, have Elon host a live tracker of his location. That will sort itself out.

Then recall Milley back to active duty. A pardon can only insulate you for prosecution for past crimes, not future ones. If he refuses to return, court martial him for desertion. When he DOES return, send him to the base in Antartica. Or better yet, let it be known that he assisted the Chinese in the COVID pandemic and send him on an accompanied fact finding tour to areas hard hit by the disease.

Still, there has been very little heat, light, or noise from the left. They haven’t given up, so I just wonder what is coming…

Bring It On

This is what some retard just posted on social media:

I’m also fine with Biden telling the Senate to fuck off by just appointing 10 liberal justices instantly to the Supreme Court.

John Roberts: “You can’t do that.”

Biden: “Fuck you I can’t. I’m assuming all the powers that you gave me in the Trump case.” “And the Court

is meeting today to determine whether I can annull the Nov election and call a new one – using ONLY paper ballots. Care to join?”

I dare him to try. That is the moment that 80 million citizens who collectively own 600 million firearms and several billion rounds of ammunition will enter the chat.

That would be the signal that the Civil War has begun, and those of us who care about the Constitution will start by shooting every fucking person who had a Harris/Biden sign in their yard, followed by any cop who tries to enforce this stupid edict, then working our way up to any lawmakers or government officials who support it.

I would bet that millions would die before President’s Day.

You guys keep lists? So do we.

The powers that be know this, and that is why it will never happen. The Second Amendment is the protection that we the citizens put in place to ensure that no would be dictator ever has the ability or desire to carry out such a plan.

Nope, not now, not ever.

As you all know, I have been off on vacation for the past few weeks. We went to the Bahamas, then were back for a couple of days before leaving for 5 days to Myrtle Beach. While we were there, I went on a pilgrimage to Palmetto State Armory. I made a few small purchases and wound up $500 poorer as I left. (no firearms, of course) I did see some things there that have me ideas for my next build.

We stayed at a Hilton, and they were posted as not allowing any firearms, which has been Hilton’s policy forever. They don’t allow anyone, even off duty police, to carry. They are hypocritical assholes, because they make exceptions to their “no firearms” policy thusly:

  • Sworn federal, state or local law enforcement officers while on official business and, when off duty, are required to carry weapons in the jurisdiction by statute, ordinance or rule,
  • an exception otherwise made by a Regional Senior Vice President.
  • Insured and/or bonded armored car service employees under contract either to the hotel or to certain hotel guests
  • Airline flight crew members authorized by federal law who have current and valid credentials issued by the Department of Homeland Security/TSA as Federal Flight Deck Officers (“FFDOs”).

The Hilton family owns firearms and has 24/7 armed bodyguard protection. Well, I can’t afford armed bodyguards, so fuck them. I don’t give a shit. Concealed means concealed.

There were numerous businesses around Myrtle Beach that were posted, and signs have the force of law in SC, but again, I don’t care. If I get shot or robbed, those businesses aren’t going to pay for my medical bills, so fuck them.

I am done being nice.

While we are on the subject of being nice, the left is now demanding that the right play nice and play bipartisan games while trying to unite the country. No sale. For the past 8 years, I have been called racist, NAZI, misogynist, deplorable, uneducated, and ignorant. The left censored me and others with my views from social media, threatened to put me in a camp, locked me in my home for months, threatened to put me in jail, and said they wanted me dead. They tried to deplatform me, as well as trying to contact my employer to get me fired. At the same time, the left is saying that they don’t want to associate with members of their own families who didn’t vote like they did. For crying out loud, they have been KILLING people. Let’s not forget all that we have been through since 2015. Remember this shit?

I am not playing nice. As far as I am concerned, I am at war with the left. Sure, I haven’t yet gotten to the point of lethal means of combat, but I am fighting this war with everything that I have short of lethal force. I am not going to be nice, nor am I interested in being united with them. You said that you are my enemy and that you want me dead or in a camp. There is no reconciliation from that.

Still Pushing

When Trump was elected in 2016, it came as a huge surprise to the left. They were sure that Cankles would win. After that, they began a push to eliminate Trump.

  • First there was Russian collusion. It turned out to be a verified falsity that was pushed by the FBI and the Hillary campaign. They coordinated everything by using HAM radios. Why? HAM radios aren’t monitored by the NSA.
  • Then they impeached him twice, failing each time.
  • His own military conspired against him.
  • They accused him of treason and tried to keep him off the ballot.
  • They tried suing him into the poorhouse after changing the laws to allow a woman to accuse him of something that was beyond the statute of limitations.
  • They convicted him of a crime without meeting the necessary predicates to be able to do so.
  • They tried to assassinate him. Twice.

So now that Trump has won reelection, do we really expect it to end here? Only if you are an idiot.

They are so over the top that they are shaving their heads and swearing all sorts of violence and childish antics in “protest” because people are destroying Democracy by voting for a person with whom they disagree.

The latest attack is that, nearly two weeks after it ended, the election is about to be flipped in favor of Harris. The day after the election, Trump was in the lead by over 5.5 million votes. As of this morning, November 16, Trump’s lead has been cut in half, to only 2.6 million votes. Bucks county PA is still “finding” votes to the point where that county is now within 300 votes of flipping to Harris.

California is talking about secession, other states are banding together to form a shadow government that will run in parallel with the actual one.

The left hasn’t learned anything from their loss. Instead of thinking “maybe our policies are just a step too far,” they want to believe that they lost because you are a racist. Or because Trump cheated. They believe themselves to be so smart, so right, so justified in their actions, there is nothing they can do that is too extreme to win and force their will upon the nation.

They hate Trump, and by extension, they hate you too. The left is like a Terminator: “Listen, and understand! It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are dead!”

The war draws even closer.

Terms Accepted

They are losing their collective shit, and they are dumbasses about it. One suggestion is that, since California is the “fifth largest economy in the world” the state should withhold all exports from CA to the rest of the country, because they can make it without the rest of the nation.

My reply? Southern California gets 58% of its water from Lake Mead, you fucking mental midget. Try to grow food in the desert without irrigation.

The left is now saying that they want to form their own militias and are ready to start the Boogaloo. Sorry, embeds to Twitter are still broken.

Jesus Christ on a fucking pogo stick, the left is filled with retards, and they call US the uneducated ones. But you know what, I accept your terms.