Here it Comes

I continue with my prediction that the left won’t let Trump take office again. With that in mind, here is what THROATUS is saying she wants to do:

Make sure that you have enough guns for you, your friends, family, and a hidden cache as a backup so they don’t get all of them. Make sure you have lots of ammo. It’s coming. I’ve been warning you for four years now- you DID heed my warnings, didn’t you?

So Far

Here is what we know about the Trump assassination attempt so far:

  1. a random 20 year old acting completely alone walked to within 150 yards of a presidential campaign rally with a rifle
  2. climbed onto a rooftop, fully within the view of two Secret Service sniper teams
  3. even though multiple people told the authorities that there was a man on the roof top with a rifle, only one of the even investigated, and he ran away without telling anyone else once the 20 year old pointed a gun at him
  4. set up his shot and fired without anyone intervening
  5. with no help from anyone.
  6. He once tried to join his school’s rifle club, but his aim was so bad he hit the side wall instead of the end wall where the target was, so didn’t make the team
  7. He was also so politically radical as to attempt an assassination, but not radical enough to have ever posted any political writings or commentary on any social media site, ever
  8. He also wrote no manifesto and left behind no indication about why he did it
  9. The password and encryption on his cell phone is so airtight that the entire Federal government can’t crack it
  10. He committed only two political acts before attempting to kill the Republican candidate, and that was to register as a Republican and donate $15 to Act Blue.

You must believe this and ask no questions about it, or else you are a conspiracy theorist. One thing we know about assassination attempts is that there’s never any conspiring involved.

Things are going to deteriorate at a faster rate. It’s going to seem blindingly fast in retrospect.

Domestic Enemies

The FBI is claiming that the Trump shooting yesterday is domestic terrorism. I don’t like it. It’s becoming more obvious to me that it was a false flag. This wasn’t a psychotic nut bag gunning down a classroom full of kids, this was a directed, determined assassin taking a shot at the candidate who the left already tried to impeach, prosecute, and sue out of the race.

Are they about to play some sort of game where they declare Trump or Republicans to be terrorists?

What is the play here?

Of Course It Was A Show Trial

The left keeps saying that Biden had nothing to do with the Trump prosecution. They are also lying. The third highest ranking official in the Department of Justice under Joe Biden, a man who was once the Acting Attorney General, Matthew Colangelo, resigned from his job at the DOJ in December of 2022 so that he could accept a job as Senior Counsel to the District Attorney of New York, working directly for Alvin Bragg. His job for Bragg was to oversee the NY AG’s most sensitive and high-profile white-collar investigations.

The issue is that Colangelo doesn’t have much experience in white-collar prosecutions. What he did have, however, is a wealth of knowledge about Donald Trump. As early as the Spring of 2023, the Daily Beast was celebrating the fact that Colangelo was the “secret weapon” of the DOJ that had been “dogging” Trump for years.

Colangelo delivered the opening statement at the trial, telling jurors that Trump “orchestrated a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election; then he covered up that criminal conspiracy by lying in his New York business records over and over and over again.”

Before he worked for the DOJ, he worked for the NY AG’s office as the Executive Deputy Attorney General for Social Justice, before being hired to serve in the Obama administration as a Deputy Assistant to President Obama.

This is nothing more than the communists who are running the Obama administration are trying to seize power and overthrow the government.


I would suggest that you watch this video. Even if you don’t watch the entire thing, I want you to pay special attention to the portion from 2:00 to 2:47, where this Atifa leader talks about publishing maps of where Trump supporters live, then immediately begins talking about arming themselves with firearms.

This video is an important look into the organization and training that Antifa/BLM and other insurgents on the left are attending.

Not Protected

This isn’t a protest, it isn’t a petition for redress of grievances, and it isn’t protected:

Expect it to get worse the closer we get to the election.

They Want You Dead

Let’s connect the dots. The leader of the Columbia student protests says that:

  • white supremacists and Zionists are supporters of genocide
  • Since the world is better off without these people, they deserve to be murdered.
  • All whites are racists

The left is telling us what they want to do.

Congress had hearings where they claimed that there were 200,000 so-called ‘hate crimes’ in the US each year, and named off ways to eliminate them.

stop vilifying Muslims, LGBTQ individuals, and immigrants, and stop calling white supremacists fine people.

They are forgetting that the “fine people” trope isn’t what was said- the entire story was, and remains, a hoax that was a misquote. What Trump actually said was:

Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. 

In support of all of this, the left claims that more than half of all hate crimes based upon race are ones where blacks are the victims. Hate crime with race as its basis are judged by criteria that allows selection bias to cherry pick crimes so as to get the results that the picker is looking for.

This tells us exactly what this asshole and the rest of those assholes on the left want to do. They are TELLING you that they want you dead.

Election Season

Communist supporters of Palestinian terrorists are planning to “identify and blockade major choke points in the economy, focusing on points of production and circulation with the aim of causing the most economic impact.” In other words, they will be blocking roads and highways, according to the leftist website that is publishing their plans,

If one city faces police repression, other cities will extend or expand their blockades or initiate other actions in response if able to the best of their abilities and capacity.

We will not attack each other or each other’s actions on social media or to the press. We will hold a post-action debrief so that we can raise principled critiques among ourselves in a constructive manner rather than publicly.

Every city will take responsibility for choosing and planning their own local actions. Fellow organizers will not discourage or denounce each others plans because solidarity means affinity, not ownership.

We will keep each other safe by not talking to the police, not coordinating with the police, and not talking to them about our actions or our fellow organizers.

Be aware that the Commies are starting their election year bullshit again. Sigh. The smoke and pepper gas grenades go back in the truck, as does some extra firepower. We will also keep an eye on traffic patterns to make sure we aren’t surprised by these criminals.