
Newly-elected President Obama was meeting with Republican leaders just after his 2009 inauguration. The Republicans were meeting with the President and attempting to find some common ground. The Democrats had majorities in both houses of Congress. Mr. Obama smugly told GOP leaders that “elections have consequences, and, in case there is any doubt, I won.” Then he proceeded to use his power to bend the entire nation over the Resolute desk. You know, the same desk that Clinton was sitting behind when he got a Lewinski from, well, Lewinski.

For the 15 years that followed, the left used their power like a large hammer, beating down everyone simply because they could. Cancel culture became a weapon. How many of us were silenced on social media? How many times did we smugly hear “learn to code?” I have been attacked on this blog, to the point where people have tried to get my website taken away, tried to locate my employer to get me fired, and even threatened me with physical violence. That’s why I moved this blog from the free space it had on Blogspot to the version that you see here.

The threats and attacks have been escalating for a decade and a half, mostly because the left was emboldened by the fact that they weren’t getting much pushback. Not remaining content with just taking away people’s livelihoods, in 2020 the soft attacks of cancel culture expanded to become physical violence. People died. Now someone has taken a shot at President Trump and the left is crowing online and in person about how the assassin should have been successful, and the right seems to finally be responding in kind.

They are calling the right “divisive” because they no longer want to deal with those who have been calling them “deplorable NAZI’s” while threatening to put them in camps and kill them for the past 15 years. The Twitter account called “Libs of TikTok” has been contacting the employers of people who have been saying ugly things and getting them fired, deplatformed, and putting them out of business. The left has been crying about it. I would love to respond, but Larry Correia beat me to it, and has said it much more effectively than I could.

The left crushed tens of thousands of people’s lives for things that they said for more than a decade and a half. They hounded CHILDREN for perceived transgressions. They gleefully ruined lives. They have been SWATTING people.

My sense of civility and kindness has been worn away. I don’t give a fuck about the left, and I will have no mercy. I am going to fight this fight, taking the battle as far as is strategically and tactically feasible.

That’s Funny Right There

Michelle Obama as President Camacho.

This reminds me of what it feels like to argue with most people, especially on the Internet.

The only difference is that, in real life, someone ends the discussion with one or more of the four following responses:

  • You are a racist/fascist
  • All you MAGAts are evil
  • You just wait until we start arresting your types
  • I am reporting you for saying mean things

Enemy of the State

Leticia James has announced that NY will confiscate all of Trump’s NY property, including Trump tower, if he doesn’t or can’t pay the $354 million fine. I don’t see how they can do that, since Trump only has a 30% stake in the building.

The interesting part here is that Trump tower contains 2.1 million square feet of floor space, with 98% of it currently leased at about $100 per square foot. Trump’s 30% stake in the tower nets him $62 million a year. So overall, the building brings in $210 million a year in rent. The judge in the case found that Trump lied about the value of the building, which Trump claimed was $806 million. The judge claims that the building is worth only $40 million. I am not a billionaire tycoon, nor am I a NY judge or a NY real estate expert, but I think that a building that brings in $210 million a year in rent is worth more than $40 million.

Similarly, the judge in the case claims that Trump’s Mar a Lago in Palm Beach is only worth between $18 million and $27 million. That’s bullshit, and I can easily prove it. Just a block away in Palm Beach is 1200 S Ocean Blvd. That house is a 12,000 square foot home located on 3.4 acres with 9 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms. The lot borders on the Atlantic ocean on the east, and A1A to the west. It’s estimated value is $110 million, or about $9,100 per square foot. Another home which just sold in 2022 for $9.5 million and located less than a mile from Mar a Lago is a 1900 square foot 3/3 home on a third of an acre that doesn’t border the water at all. It works out to $5,000 per square foot.

Contrast those two homes with Mar a Lago- a 16,500 square foot home located on 17 acres of land. If we are to believe the judge, this resort is worth 5 to 10 percent per square foot of the two homes above?

Or you can instead view it as the commercial property that it is. The Mar-a-Lago Club had $29.7 million in gross revenues in 2015, $25.1 million 2017, $22 million in 2018, and $21.4 million in 2019. So it brings in $20 to 30 million a year in revenue. Again, hard to claim that a business brings in 100% of its value each year.

As I have been saying- the left is going to destroy Trump. I don’t think that simply making him a pauper is going to be enough. He will wind up in prison, where he will be killed pour encourager les autres.

Breakdown of Civilized Society

The complete loss of not only common sense (they admit to eating meat while claiming that the killing of animals is wrong) and the complete loss of civility (an adult allowing his preteen son to call an adult an asshole and tell him to fuck off) is just a bridge too far.

The American people and its society have completely broken down.

Elimination Theory

The Biden administration is removing the memorial statue in Arlington that was intended to mark the reconciliation between the Union and the Confederate states. The “reconciliation memorial” marks the center of the 3.5 acre Confederate section that is located on the west side of Arlington National Cemetery.

The burying of Confederate dead in Arlington was begun after the end of the Spanish American war by President McKinley as a way to attempt to heal the nation. The memorial was placed at the center of the Confederate section in 1910. Just wait until they begin digging up Confederate graves there.

This is yet another step in painting white males as the enemy. This is, I believe, a coordinated campaign to make white men into the enemy. This is the early stages of what will become an organized genocide. Replacement theory? Nope. This is elimination theory. We are going to be eliminated.

Not Woke Enough

Andrew Branca was providing expert testimony on self defense law, free of charge to defendants that were being defended by the Colorado Public Defenders office. Then they found out that he wasn’t woke enough. I will let you read about it from Branca himself.


Gunfreezone is a blog I read everyday. In the recent past, they have been allowing a person that is what I would call a liberal light. Kind of like the Coors light of lefties. Anyhow, today’s post from that particular blogger goes on and on about how the left doesn’t condone the actions of those who attack people for their opinions. I disagree. Not only do they condone it, they actively participate.

I had an opinion that I expressed on social media and a deranged leftist threatened to go after my job. Then she sent her online minions to spam this website, and tried to get me removed from Twitter. leftie tried to dox me and end my career for merely stating an unapproved opinion. Then tried to get my blog shut down.

Coming after my blog, after my job, trying to get me doxxed? All of that is no different than tearing down a Fag Flag. The post over there ends with:

When people on the Left and the Right stay silent over actions like this, over burning American flags, Gadsden flags, rainbow flags, over threats of violence and disruption of business, they are tacitly telling their friends and family that it’s okay. They are saying that they won’t step in, that perhaps they’re even supporting such actions. Certainly in the minds of the few twisted individuals who break and murder innocent people, that silence is interpreted as support.

Stand up against this kind of (expletive erased). I don’t care who does it. I don’t even care what their reason is. Stand up against it, and stop it from happening. I don’t want the next flag owner who is shot to be you, or me, or someone I know and love.

So explain to me how what that woman did to me was any different than standing outside of another person’s business and screaming invectives. The left’s continued support for cancel culture and getting people fired for expressing political opinions is going to have but one logical solution- violence. The people that are losing their livelihoods, businesses, and property are going to respond with violence.

Don’t pretend to be a victim when you are counterattacked during a war that you started.