You get hired for a job. While at work, you unfurl a flag with a political message. Sure, you are fired. You will likely be banned from your employer’s property. Did you commit a crime, though?
This is Criminal
Here are some things that your tax dollars have been paying for:
1. National Squirrel Census $2.3M
2. Federal Committee on Sandwich Standards $5M
3. Bureau of Uneven Sidewalk Awareness $1.8M
4. National Soap Carving Championship Grant $700K
5. Bureau of Left Handed Scissors $250K
6. National Moth Appreciation Day Initiative $250K
7. The Federal Cheese Wheel Roll Off $1.2M
8. The Office of Inflatable Pool Regulations $500K
9. Duck Quack Research Fund $4M
10. National Database of Presidential Hairstyles $800K
11. National Pillow Fluffing Initiative $1.5M
12. Bureau of Elevator Music Standards $2.1M
13. Federal Bureau of Traffic Cone Counting $1.3M
14. Office of Seasonal Pumpkin Oversight $800K
15. National Chair Spinning Safety Council $400K
16. Federal Kazoo Orchestra Grant $2M
17.American Cloud Watching Fund $1.1M
18. The Department of Leftover Labeling $600K
19. The Bureau of Ice Cube Uniformity $2.5M
20. The National Velcro Noise Study $1.7M
21. The National Bubble Wrap Stress Relief Study $1.4M
22. Bureau of Mailbox Feng Shui $900K
23. Federal Balloon Animal Training Academy $2.3M
24. National Pretzel Untwisting Initiative $600K
25. Department of Sock Pairing $1.8M
26. Federal High Five Coordination Bureau $1.2M
27. National Ice Cream Cone constructural  Integrity Lab $700K
28. Office of Puddle Depth Measurement $3M
29. Bureau of Alarm Clock Testing $1.5M
30. Federal Litter Clean Up Task Force $2M
Of course, this isn’t REALLY where the money goes. This is a grift, so that people can steal money from the treasury.
This is Why
I was asked why I hadn’t posted any stories on the DC plane crash. I replied that there weren’t yet enough facts, but I bowed to pressure from my readers and went ahead and posted a couple of stories.
It turns out that there are still more stories coming out about the pilot who was the apparent cause of the crash. Let me post a collage picture that shows you what I mean.

What do you know- a DEI hire because she hit the checkboxes for the Biden Administration- a lesbian LGTBQ activist.
This statement from her family reinforces that position:

Her sexuality wasn’t a factor in the crash, but her lack of experience was, and she was in the Whitehouse because of that sexuality. Once an Army officer is favored by the President, they tend to be promoted to and given opportunities that they are otherwise unqualified for. That certainly WAS a factor in the crash.
Sure enough, there are people who read this blog that are jumping to defend her because they don’t like to see me call out the military. One commenter said “It is enough time to know what you are doing, and he was an evaluator, which means his command thought he was experienced.”
So the commander of the helicopter squadron that has been responsible for transporting Democrat bigwigs all over the DC area would never bow to DEI pressure from the Whitehouse, I am sure. After all, we know that President Poopy Pants was in full command of his faculties, and there was absolutely no shenanigans from the lefties who were really running the show.
Anti American left
Good, GTFO
Every winter, Florida gets overrun by rich assholes who flock to our state – people who own multiple homes and want to dodge the shitty cold weather from more northern climates. They bring with them their northern political opinions and attitudes. States like Pennsylvania, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and Ohio as well as the nation of Canada send us millions of old, rich assholes that force our cost of living higher, fill our hospitals, and make it impossible to get into a restaurant without waiting an hour or more for a table. The regale us with tales about how they “do things up north” and tell us how backwards we are down here for the way that we like to live our lives.
It seems that the Canadian Dollar weakening in relation to the US Dollar, and combined with increasing costs of living in Florida, this is causing Canadians to sell their property and go home. Good. GTFO and stop pushing Florida towards being the socialist shithole that Canada has become.
The asshole in this story, a man by the name of Jasmin Gosselin (what man is named after a Disney Princess?) is saying that the financial burdens of living in Florida has combined with Trump being an asshole is making him move back to Canada. Really? It’s Trump’s fault? Then why didn’t you leave in 2017?
“Trump doesn’t respect snowbirds who spend their money during four, five months in Florida. We feed their economy and he doesn’t respect us.”
What’s really going on is now that Canada’s money isn’t doing as well, he can no longer afford to take advantage of Floridians and is now returning to his home. Good, GTFO. We don’t want you here. Our emergency room sees twice as many patients during the winter, and more than 80% of the excess patient load are people over the age of 70 who don’t live in Florida full time. You aren’t really helping the economy- you are taking advantage of it.
The story claims that he has been living each of the last 20 winters in Boynton Beach. Snowbirds are killing the economy there. The average cost of a new home in Boynton Beach is about $360k, but the average income there is only $66k. Even with the low salary, Boynton Beach is considered one of Florida’s most affluent zip codes. Why? Snowbirds buying up all of the beachfront property and causing housing prices to rise. While Florida’s cost of living is 3% lower than the national average, the cost of living in Boynton Beach is 10% more than the national average.
Snowbirds don’t help the local economy- they destroy it. Their throwing around money from outside of the state for 4 months of the year raises prices and puts a strain on local resources. Then they leave for the summer, but the high prices remain. The employees who are hired to work in the businesses that support the snowbirds need jobs for the other 8 months of the year, but the money to support them isn’t there.
No, GTFO and go back to where you came from. Interstate 95 runs north as well as south. Take your leftist politics, a friend or two, and your illegal immigrant housekeeper with you when you go.
The left wants to know why Congress and the President are not supposed to be arrested while enroute to or in the midst of carrying out their mandated duties? This is why:
That’s Georgia State Senator Colton Moore being arrested for attempting to enter the Georgia State House chamber to attend the Governor’s State of the State address. He was banned by the Georgia Speaker of the House for daring to call the previous Speaker corrupt.
This is pure tyranny. He is a state Senator who is attempting to carry out his official duties and being denied that. Don’t tell me that you are protecting Democracy when the elected representatives of the people are being denied access to Legislative functions.
Don’t forget that it was Fulton County, Georgia that was so instrumental in the rigging of the 2020 election. This is where the supposed water main break allowed Democrats to add boxes of ballots to the vote tally virtually unobserved. It also gave iPads to Democrat attorneys from the ACLU, with those iPads having the ability to delete ballots without a record of the deletion.
- Fulton County, where this happened, supposedly delayed counting because a pipe burst. We now know that was a lie.
- In 2020, Biden beat Trump in Georgia by 11,779 votes.
- Also in 2020, Biden beat Trump in Fulton county 73% to 26%- which represents 242,965 votes.
- Votes cast in the Georgia election fell to an all time low in 2020
- 3.5 times more absentee ballots were rejected in Georgia in 2020 than in previous elections
Fulton County is also where the Grand Jury was empaneled that indicted Trump on election interference. It’s also where Giuliani was charged with similar crimes, and where he lost his defamation lawsuit against election workers.
Fulton County is the center of the leftwing communist movement in the South.
From Mrs. Medic
My wife sent me the following picture with the caption: This is your finance lesson of the day

The lowest 5 are:
- Alaska
- Wyoming
- New Hampshire
- Florida (tie]
- Tennessee (tie)
Fireproof Houses
One of the items in my discussion on the fires in LA, I posted that there are problems with building homes out of fireproof materials. Someone asked what that could be, and I would like to expand on that a bit. Let me begin by saying that I am not an engineer, so I will be giving you a firefighter’s perspective on this, meaning that my knowledge is broad but shallow on the topic.
Building homes to be entirely fireproof has long been a goal. Attempting this is how we wound up with things like Asbestos. One of the things that was tried in the wake of the Chicago fire in 1871 was to build homes with a fireproof roof. In the aftermath of that fire, a great many homes in the US were built with slate roofing tiles. It appeared as though the problem was solved. No more would fire brands land on your roof and burn down your house.
Until 1900, when a hurricane struck Galveston, Texas. The storm was estimated to be a Category 4 on the Saffir-Simpson scale. The winds of the storm, estimated to be over 140 miles per hour, ripped those slate tiles from the roofs of the homes, and many people were killed by these flying stone axes.
It’s difficult to find building materials that withstand all conditions, and when you do, those materials make building homes prohibitively expensive. Even were one to build homes like that, the radiant heat coming through the glass of the windows will ignite materials inside of the house.
It is still a cheaper and easier solution to manage forests, create a defensible space around your home, and take other preventative measures. The issue is that people who move to “the country” like having the woods and other plant materials growing right next to the house.
Looking Back
As we enter the last day of 2024, take a moment and reflect on this:
The last day of the Carter administration was 44 years ago, ending in 1981. In 1981, we were closer to the attack on Pearl Harbor than we are to the end of the Carter administration today.
Alice is Dead
The actress who played Alice in the TV sitcom bearing the same name has passed away at the age of 87.
I remember watching this show as a child. It seems as though portions of my childhood keep dying off.
It also seems that she was a detective on the show Barney Miller, but I don’t remember her on there.