Antifa Active Again

A USF student participated in the pro-Gaza/anti-Israel protests back in April. The group of protesters was armed with umbrellas and shields made of wood. They violently took over campus and were making demands of the university. They stood there together in a circle with arms locked as tear gas was deployed and refused to stop disrupting campus.

“We had demands for USF to disclose their investment portfolios and divest in companies that were supporting the genocide in Palestine,” Hinckley said.

She even made a statement just after the protest telling everyone what she had done.

The college held a hearing, alleging that she and other students violated school rules and the law when they used violence to disrupt campus activities. As a result of that hearing, she was expelled just three days before completing her degree in women’s studies.

“I had a formal hearing where they called witnesses from USF side, and I was able to have my witnesses there as well, and they found me allegedly responsible for six charges, including possession of weapons and firearms, which I did not have,” she said.

“I was only one assignment away from having my full diploma,” Hinckley said.

Three days before graduation, Hinckley was expelled from USF.

Now she and the other students, are claiming that the college violated their rights to free speech. Free speech doesn’t include carrying weapons while disrupting campus and refusing to leave when told to do so. It’s no different than what the J6 protesters were accused of that sees them languishing in prison (although in the case of J6, there is evidence that the police invited them into the building).

Before anyone feels sorry for her, she is a known and unrepentant communist insurrectionist.

The organization that Hinkley is President of, Students for a Democratic Society, was suspended from campus because the group was responsible for two counts of disruptive conduct and a failure to comply for protests that happened a week prior when they marched to the Dean for Students’ office, chanting to demand a meeting, blocking a staircase and chanting in the Dean’s office.

In fact, it appears as though she spent more time protesting than she did actually attending classes. The college, it seems, had had enough and decided to get rid of her. Clearly university students with these bullshit majors do not have enough to keep them busy. They have a lot of time to protest a lot of things. When I was in college, I was working a job (sometimes two of them) and going to school full time. I had no time to protest.

It seems that she hasn’t learned her lesson, because the continues to protest against the college. That won’t stop Biden from paying off her student loans.

The other student who lead the protests with Hinkley is a Columbian who is here on a student visa. Because he was suspended, he faces the revocation of his visa and possible deportation. I just don’t give a shit. You were given a STUDENT visa so you could go to college, not so you could participate in violent protests. Get the fuck out and go back to Columbia.

For more on the activities of known communists in the Tampa area, please see my earlier posts on the active Antifa cells in the area.

Farewell to a Giant

Gun Free Zone is ending as a blog. (No- the title of this blog is not a dig on the size of anyone over there, lol) Truth be told, the end of that blog came two years ago when Miguel announced that he was retiring from blogging. The quality that I came to love about that blog dropped sharply from that point forward.

He has been blogging nearly as long as I have, but was a far more prolific blogger than I ever was.

I respect and loved reading Miguel’s stuff so much that he was the very first blogger that I met and spoke to in real life. I trusted him enough that I confided things to him about my former employer that would have gotten me fired, and he wrote articles based upon those news tips.

Miguel- if you are reading this, you are always welcome to guest post here. Let me know if you are ever interested. Godspeed, my friend.

Libertarian Candidate

The Libertarians have selected Chase Oliver as their Presidential candidate: a left-leaning, Liberal member of the LGTBQ+ club.

To boot, he supports the Biden policy of bringing people from Gaza to the US.

No thanks. This entire campaign is a way to let Dems who want to own guns and gay left leaning Republicans someone to vote for.

While I have frequently had problems with the Libertarian party, I agreed (or used to) with many of their ideas and principles. Now that I am seeing footage from their national convention, I just can’t anymore.

Accident, or Not?

The Iranians attacked Israel using an unprecedented number of missiles in mid April. The Israelis said that their response would be “carefully calibrated.” Local media reported that Israel would respond “clearly but decisively”. Others were saying they would respond “wisely but not from the gut”.

Now today comes news that Iran’s President, foreign minister, and some other officials were killed in a helicopter crash. Neighboring Azerbaijan is friendly with Israel.

So was this a true accident, or is the Mossad involved?

Legal Experts

Nearly every defense attorney in the nation advises against their clients taking the stand, but this legal brain trust insists that he is smarter than all of them. This is what we are fighting against- the retards on the left.