Let me start this post with a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon from 1988.

Have you ever played Monopoly? What if one of the people who is in the game is also the banker, and you know that he or she is giving themselves interest free loans from that bank? Would you do as Hobbes did and fight back, or would you simply refuse to stoop to their level and maintain your principles?
Participating in today’s society is a lot like that. The left has no principles or morals whatsoever, as long as they win. They define a win as imposing their will and desires upon others. That’s it- all that matters is that they impose their desires and will upon you. If you refuse to play- they win. If you stick to your principles and refuse to fight back- they win.
Every society in history that has fallen has done so because they refuse to stoop to the level of those who would destroy them. Sure, they call them names- things like barbarian, heathens, whatever the label, but those who refuse to play by any rules are the ones who win by the only rule that matters- winning. Vince Lombardi is credited with saying “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing,” and there is a lot of validity to that.
In Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals,” Alinsky lays out ten rules for defeating an enemy in the political arena. One of these is “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” That’s what the left does- this is why you see them quoting the bible and screaming that you aren’t being a good Christian whenever you say that you don’t want the government to care for an unlimited amount of illegals, or see your tax dollars spent on poor transgenders in Somalia. They are trying to shame you for abandoning your ideals, they are using your own morals as weapons against you.
That’s why the left hates Trump as much as they do, and why they are willing to get along with others on the right. Many on the right do one of two things- they cave in to the left’s desires, or they stick to their ideals. In other words, they accept defeat. Trump doesn’t do that, because his overwhelming personality trait is to win. That is all that matters to him, winning.
I recently posted about Stephen Smith making racist, self loathing remarks. The response was that we shouldn’t care what he says. I disagree. Using the left’s own tactics against them would be to hold them to their own rules- if anyone on the left makes a racist remark- you hammer them for it. Ridicule them, for that falls under another of Alinsky’s rules: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
Let’s do to them what they are attempting to do to us. Hammer home the advantage, press the attack. No respite, no quarter. Winning the battle of ideas is easier and less costly than having to go out and kill one another in actual battle.
Keep up the fight.