Now that the left is, in their minds, on the cusp of taking over, they are calling for the elimination of the Constitution. Mostly, they are angry that the nation isn’t a pure Democracy where the 49% minority who live in between the coasts is ruled over by the people who live on the east and west coasts.

They want a return to slavery. In this way, the city dwellers in Los Angeles and New York can vote to declare that housing, food, and medical care are basic human rights that must be provided to them free of charge.

The people who don’t live in major cities would be forced to work to provide these things to the cities free of charge. They ignore that, without the Constitution, the government is no longer a representative of the people, bound to serve them under a social contract: it is instead an occupying force that rules over them by force of arms. The only way to maintain this power is from the barrel of a gun. This won’t end well for anyone, as Americans don’t respond well to violent dictatorships. As if our national motto is: “You can’t tell me what to do,” Americans will resist any attempt to lord over them with force.

The NY Times article that spawned this post mentions something that I think is the only way to avoid the civil war that is coming: A National divorce. The country breaking up into different, distinct nations is the only way that this bloodshed could conceivably be avoided. I also don’t think it will happen, because the left can’t force people to provide them with free stuff unless they have people to do the work.

Each of those on the communist left see themselves as being able to sit around the house smoking weed, playing video games, and writing shitty poetry while someone else provides them with food, water, shelter, and medical care. They can’t do that if no one is in their control that can be forced to do that for them.

So we are headed for a violent period in this nation that will make the last civil war look, well, civil. Think of the years of 1865, but with half a dozen factions fighting it out for supremacy, and where one, or perhaps even more than one, side is in possession of nuclear weapons.

Categories: The Collapse


TakeAHardLook · September 1, 2024 at 3:32 pm

It seems that it will be an odd sort of conflict, perhaps starting with the disruption of goods & services (trucking) which should affect the blue cities first.

Even in the Civil War, actual maneuvers & battles were fairly localized, not the vast movements of soldiers & ordnance like Hitler’s Barbarossa. Where battles were not being fought the populace tried to live as they always had: farming, industry, manufacturing, earning a paycheck.

Even in Ukraine I have seen photos (?verifiable?) of UKRs enjoying their summers poolside while their luckless soldiers were being blown to bits in the Donbas.

One of my patients–a native of Belarus–told me just last month that she’s going soon to Kiev to see her breast surgeon for a revision surgery. I asked, “Isn’t Kiev on a war-footing?” She said, “Oh, life goes on and my hospital has back-up generators.” I know! WTF?

Of course, if our CWII is, or becomes, a race war then we will be drawn to sides by our skin color–whether we wish to participate or not!

The best outcome that I can foresee (and hope for) would be a split into Red/Blue states with an eventual cessation of fighting; then, a messy time of adjustment whereby trade is established so that goods–rather than bullets–are sent to those who wish to purchase/barter/trade. (See “Indian Country” and the rest of Kurt Schlichter’s series).

There will be blood. There will be warlords. God help us all.

    Tree Mike · September 1, 2024 at 6:29 pm

    TAHL, mostly, I agree with you, but I see foreign operators taking out the electrical infrastructure, thereby dooming a huge percentage of the population to death. I’m hoping my AO in rural, ranch/farming, western, middle Tennessee will be a bit of a buffer against the Chyneez, notsee, commie, infil-traitor, spy, jooo, vibrant, urban, zombie apocalypse. All my neighbors are snipers, er, I mean, hunters.

      TakeAHardLook · September 1, 2024 at 10:46 pm

      I envy you your location. I am way too suburban; working on the “2 tanks of gas” distancing from the gangbangers but it’s not moving fast enough!

        Aesop · September 2, 2024 at 10:14 am

        That’s a pipe dream. There is no place in this country that is even one tank of gas from anywhere unsavory.
        Take a protractor compass. Draw 250-mile radius circles around every “blue hive”.
        There is literally no place left.
        Everyone is in range.

        Best wrap your heads around that reality, and start coping with what you’re going to have to do: get in the boxcars, or start shooting the conductors and engineers, and tearing up the tracks, in every way possible.

        There is no third way out of this that prevents violent confrontation.
        And the other side only wants their turf, and then yours too.
        That only ever ends one way.

        We’d all best get to it, and sooner rather than as a last resort.
        Make the tales of the extermination of your would-be overlords the kind of legends used to frighten your great-great-grandchildren into washing behind their ears and eating their vegetables.

        If this country wiped out today’s 100M problem children tomorrow, the population would recover, and then some, within a generation. The main effects in the short term would be a much smaller government, and the best traffic commutes in 80 years.

          Divemedic · September 2, 2024 at 11:56 am

          I agree. I live in Florida and my F150 has a 36 gallon gas tank. That is up to 700 miles of range. With that, I can reach as far as Maryland, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. There is nowhere in the US where you are out of range of a horde of rampaging leftists with a tank of gas.

            TakeAHardLook · September 2, 2024 at 1:02 pm

            The question was always, “Bug in, or Bug Out.” Having no fortifications in The American Redoubt to which I can get to, I feel that I’m “stuck in suburbia.”

            The absolute worst place to be during an outbreak of serious civil unrest is somewhere on the road. That’s refugee country and refugees will generally be the walking dead..

            Seems that I’ll be better off sharpening posts from Home Depot for special lawn ornaments useful in warding off additional trespassers.
            My home is my fortification. Trying to build some community with “like-minded people,” but I don’t see a lot of them in my AO.

              Divemedic · September 2, 2024 at 1:54 pm

              Buy extra weapons. When spicy times come, you will find that more people are willing to pitch in and help than they were when times were good.

it's just Boris · September 1, 2024 at 4:53 pm

“Each of those on the communist left see themselves as being able to sit around the house smoking weed, playing video games, and writing shitty poetry while someone else provides them with food, water, shelter, and medical care.”

Not all of them. Some of the researchers I know, for instance, dream of being able to dedicate all of their time to developing the ultimate genomic sequence designer, discovering the next generation of hyperalloys, establishing the path to a grand unified relativistic string theory, or whatever, without having the nuisances of writing grant proposals and otherwise do the work required to do the work they really want to do. Most proposals don’t get funded, and they resent having to spend so much effort on them only to have them declined, and then having to work on “lesser” projects. So they imagine a world in which they are free to pursue their ultimate dreams and goals, without having to do any of the other work it takes to get there.

Boba O'Really · September 1, 2024 at 6:48 pm

The fedgov hasn’t been representative of the people since 1861. As you said, a national divorce may be the only way to limit the nastiness, though I don’t see it strictly happening across current state lines. If it should happen, I would also expect to see the Chinese make their move for some lebensraum..

Plague Monk · September 1, 2024 at 6:59 pm

I see your point, but I’m afraid that Aesop, over at Raconteur Report, made the case as to why that won’t work:

I’m not trying to start a war between two writers I respect, so feel free to delete this if I’m out of line. It has been a very long day already; I was admonished at church today by the pastor for saying that Elon Musk is not the anti-Christ…

    Divemedic · September 2, 2024 at 12:05 pm

    I agree with Aesop on this one. I think that a national divorce is the only way to avoid a CW in this country, but I don’t see the left being willing to leave the other side alone. There are even those on the right who would want to force the left to their knees. It’s why I wrote:

    A National divorce. The country breaking up into different, distinct nations is the only way that this bloodshed could conceivably be avoided. I also don’t think it will happen, because the left can’t force people to provide them with free stuff unless they have people to do the work.

SiG · September 1, 2024 at 9:00 pm

About your meme or poster “Nothing that requires the labor of others is a basic human right.”

I can’t tell you how much I wish libs understood that.

The thing that goes along with that is the right to refuse to do something for someone else, even if they offer to pay you.

    oldvet50 · September 2, 2024 at 5:55 am

    I mostly agree with that except in order to have any rights usually requires a military to enforce it. THAT requires others’ labors. You really only have the rights you can secure, either through your own strength, or the efforts of others on your behalf.

      Divemedic · September 2, 2024 at 7:03 am

      Read the Constitution, which already addressed this:
      That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,

        oldvet50 · September 2, 2024 at 11:38 am

        I have read it and, sorry, I don’t agree with your assessment. Tell the J6ers in the U.S. gulags that their rights are being protected by their government with its just powers that are ‘agreed’ upon. The point I was trying to make is that I agree we do NOT have the right to free healthcare, housing, food, clothing, etc., but you have a right to obtain it if you pay someone willing to provide it. You have the right to enjoy peace, but that requires the efforts of a lot of other people – police, juries (sometimes conscripted against their will), judges, in some cases, the military(also, sometimes conscripted against their will), etc. Just a document will not protect you. From what I’ve seen lately, the left has pretty much already done away with the Constitution. The J6ers only tried to show their objection to the form of government that was destroying the consent of the governed. That didn’t work out too well.

          Divemedic · September 2, 2024 at 11:59 am

          There is a huge difference between the government having the ability to do something and the power to do it.
          This is the reason why the founders didn’t want the government to have a standing army, but would have to ask the Governors of the several states for troops drawn from the state militias.

            Noway2 · September 3, 2024 at 12:46 am

            And by extension, standing law enforcement. In their day, the military was law enforcement. They were against that. Note that the 4th doesn’t say, unless a roaming tax funded govt enforcer thinks you’ve committed a crime. Nor was dit common to have prodecution by the state. Both of these need to go.

John E. Rebel · September 1, 2024 at 10:44 pm

The Northeast and West Coast want to rule over us all?
Eat Shit Commie and Yankee.
Just read that esteemed CPUSA (D) comrade kommissar Robert B. Reich published an op-ed in the Guardian about arresting tech moguls such as Elon, right before the arrest of Durov in Fwance.
The 1st Amendment and 2A are the most important and aren’t granted by some apparatchik POS of the moment, they come from God.

Anonymous · September 2, 2024 at 12:49 am

If they do that, the big cities will find out what “siege” means. How much energy, fresh water, and food do they make in the big cities, anyway? And why should attempted slaveowners be permitted to stay out of prison? They should forfeit everything to compensate for the cost of prosecuting them.

Nobody has signed (agreed to) a “social” contract. The people who signed something in 1787 declared themselves slaveowners of the people who didn’t sign it, so it was bogus then. Since then nobody has even pretended to sign one. The claim that Americans are property of the president or congress or the constitution is baseless. You cannot point to contracts where 350 million Americans have each sold themselves into slavery.

EN2 SS · September 2, 2024 at 6:23 am

What’s happening was predicted in 1984:
Sure looks like the demoncra/russian plan is working out pretty well.
Be ready.

Noway2 · September 2, 2024 at 8:47 am

I agree that a breakup of empire USA is inevitable. It has ceased being a nation, defined as a group of people sharing a common culture and values, usually outlined by geographical boundaries, or words to that effect, many years ago. The mass importation of foreigners who have no desire to assimilate has hastened the split.

We are now at a point where we are culturally and socially divided, “left” / “right” or “liberal” / “ conservative”. The problem is that the split is not at the state level, but the local level. Typically, the “left” tends to occupy densely populated areas and have high concentrations of populace that can out vote the geographically much larger areas. The “left” typically want to control everything, but through the proxy of govt. which is at its core, force and violence. They’re collectivists and communists and refuse to leave others alone. There’s no living with them, but we’re not quite at the stage of shoot the bastards.

If CW2 does break out, much of the population will die within two weeks. The cities will go dark, the populace will run out of food in less than three days, the water will become foul and they’ll be fleeing in mass while suffering and dying from dysentery. In a very short time, we’ll revert to an 1850s life, for which few are prepared. Then there will be the raider gangs, and with them, (your) women will become a commodity.

Let’s hope we avoid this. A breakup of the empire, much like the Soviet Union dissolved would be the way to go. New states would form and eventually migration would stabilize the states and borders. Another option would be to adopt a city-state model where the urban population centers are politically isolated from the rest of the surrounding territory. Trade could keep the lights on and maintain peaceful coexistence. Regardless, the current status quo isn’t going to hold much longer. I think the coming election could very well spark the next 4th turning crisis.

godhelpus · September 2, 2024 at 9:58 am

The constitution is dead now. It takes a while for the rot to completely sweep the country.

IcyReaper · September 2, 2024 at 11:49 am

Yep, A divorce would slow things down but the CW will eventually happen. Kurt Schlichter’s Kelly Turnbull books series is an good example on how that would play out. But unfortunately if there is a split between the 2 sides. The right would be stuck with the Republican party and the evangelical zealots both of whom want to be in charge and set rules that everyone MUST live by just like the commies. The only difference between the 2 current sides are who gets to rule and rob us blind. So it would still be tyranny just of a different sort. Maybe a CW would bring about multiple choices of regions to live in and maybe that would be best. Just a divide by right or left wont solve the issues it would just change who is fucking you on a given day. So I guess there is that you did have at least the choice to pick your fucker so why bitch about the quality of the fucking.

    Divemedic · September 2, 2024 at 12:01 pm

    The left wants to use their power to tell you what to do with your wallet
    The right wants to use their power to tell you what to do with your body.

      Noway2 · September 3, 2024 at 12:54 am

      And neither is acceptable to me.

      I love the meme I saw at (how I came across this site) with the Jew, Moslem, and Christian all dying and going before the pearly gates and having Wotan (Odin) standing there with arms crossed and the Jew saying, “oh shit”.

Elrod · September 2, 2024 at 5:09 pm

“Buy extra weapons.”


A basic and good AR-15 can be bought on sale for about $550, built maybe $100 cheaper. Install a simple, basic 4X crosshair scope (Weaver used to have a steel tube version for about $149), zero the AR for 200 meters, which will provide about a 310- yard MPBR (Maximum Point Blank Range). Put 7 full 30-round magazines in a musette bag with a pair of inexpensive binoculars, a small flashlight, a 1-liter water bottle, a few energy bars, a baseball cap, a tightly rolled up 30-gallon trash bag, a cheap basic compass, a loud whistle, some sort of cheap communication device and a few spare batteries for the comms and light.

Build several of these kits.

The people you hand them to can be taught (probably) to successfully operate an AR-15 in about 15 minutes (note: “successfully operate” is not “shoot accurately out to 300 yards”), taught basic observation, reporting and signaling procedures in another 15 minutes more and stands a reasonable chance of hitting a standing man-sized target from the muzzle to about 200-225 yards. That person has 210 rounds of ammo, a little bit of food and water, protection against rain, a vision device to identify problems at distance, a compass to provide relative heading of the problem, and comms to relay info about the problem to higher.

You may be a strategic and tactical mastermind but you will need sleep peridocally and time to address other important tasks. There will be *some* people available to help omce they realize how bad things have gotten, some may have the necessary gear but most will not, and the kit above can be shared among several people to perform guard duty with only the replenishment of water and food necessary.

The social stuff is a separate issue to be dealt with, and by “social” I mean will the person you just gave a kit to scamper off with it or defend his position so poorly that providing him with the tools is just “arming the enemy.” That’s a judgement issue.

Buy spare parts for the ARs you build, extra batteries and equipment and groom possible tribe members prior to the Beginning of Festivities.

lynn · September 2, 2024 at 7:05 pm

National divorce or civil war, there must be a third option. But half of the country making the other half of the country into slaves is not acceptable.

    Aesop · September 3, 2024 at 9:34 pm

    Divorce isn’t an option either.

    But there are still two options: your choices are civil war, or tyranny.

    The only variable is whether you’d rather live on your knees, or take a chance of dying on your feet.

    Anyone selling anything else is peddling a hopeium-fueled bong pipe dream.

    Make your preparations accordingly.

Michael · September 4, 2024 at 1:12 pm

Not to pick a fight Aesop, why do you assume that even if we “win” the civil war that a STRONG MAN government aka Tyranny will not occur anyway?

History is full of this sort of result from civil wars.

BTW “winning” needs to be defined, doesn’t it?

Is merely surviving it a “win” or something more like a working nation-state?

The grid isn’t likely to be salvageable, nor is the bulk of the water treatment plants. No grid, little safe water, no internet-telephones and banking.

The Population today (less illegals) 335,893,238

The Population in 1860 before electricity was common 31,443,321

And that was when there was no birth control, large families were common and the Midwest farming wasn’t demanding so much oil based fuels and fertilizer-pesticides-herbicides BECAUSE we’ve turned that once deep abundant loamy soil into something that just HOLDS the GMO-Round Up Ready plants upright.

We’ll fight but the results will be a disaster no matter who “wins”.

    Aesop · September 5, 2024 at 6:14 am

    Giving you the benefit of the doubt, kindly lay your finger on the point at which I assumed any such thing as you have suggested.
    I’ll wait while you try that.
    There’s assuming going on, but it isn’t by me.

    There are currently two options for what’s coming.

    If the bloghost wishes to entertain a discussion of what happens after that first choice, we can discuss those scenarios when he opens the floor.

    Just a suggestion, mind, but maybe don’t hurdle past one algorithm decision box to get to another one that hasn’t even come up yet.

      Divemedic · September 5, 2024 at 7:03 am

      The vast majority of intranational wars that result in new government do result in a regime that is more tyrannical and permits less liberty than the one before it. Our own Civil War in the 19th Century is a great example of this.

      Before that war, the south was being bullied by the north in the form of taxes and trade restrictions. After the war, the south was punished harshly during reconstruction. The so-called “freeing of the slaves” was more about increasing the north’s economic advantage by damaging the labor pool than it was about any altruistic belief that Negros deserved better. Keep in mind that employees were poorly treated, and there were no real protections or labor laws in place. Pay was low, workweeks were long, and workplace safety wasn’t a concern.

      After the war, our nation moved from a union of individual states to the states merely being political subdivisions of a larger Federal government.

        Michael · September 5, 2024 at 5:37 pm

        Thank you Divemedic.

        And the question remains open and unanswered:

        BTW “winning” needs to be defined, doesn’t it?

        Is merely surviving it a “win” or something more like a working nation-state?

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