So the employees of Orlando, Florida haven’t had a raise in three years, and 4 years ago, they got a half a percent raise. The public at large has seen falling pay, while the economy has tanked. So it makes perfect sense that the elected leaders of the city should get a 21% raise.

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Alien · September 19, 2013 at 9:14 pm

Uh, according to the linked piece from WESH-TV, Orlando Channel 4 (which actually has its studios north of the City of Orlando in Winter Park), it's City of Orlando rather than Orange County elected officials who are voting themselves a raise.

I can understand the confusion from someone who doesn't live there and doesn't realize that the City of Orlando is a self-governed municipality within the boundaries of the County of Orange, but I don't think that describes you.

I don't have much love lost for the elected officials of either jurisdiction, but Dyer & Co. is a special breed of @#!& #$@*. BTW, does he still have that MAIG representative on the city payroll?

Divemedic · September 19, 2013 at 9:19 pm

Oops- I knew that. I will fix it. I live in a neighboring county. and yes, the MAIG representative still works there.

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