People who have read this post: 238
I spent years telling everyone who would listen, and some who wouldn’t, that the US was being subjected to an attempted coup. I pointed out that Antifa and BLM were carrying out attacks and ambushes Read more…
This is the story about how cops will try to lie to gain entry to your house. As an example, I am going to use the story of Stephanie Rapkin, a woman who lived in Read more…
People who live in Maine are seeing one of their boxes of liberty being used as leverage to eliminate a second. The legislature in Maine, which is split 75 Democrat, 73 Republican, 3 other, voted Read more…
Fear Of Anarchy · March 28, 2023 at 5:27 pm
Comrades like that really believe the protect and serve horseshit and won’t last five minutes when Anarchotyranny goes into Marxist WAR of all against ALL.
It (AT) can be used to your advantage but you have to get over that long gone law and order muh poleece love me and at least we have the MIL mindrot.
Aesop · March 29, 2023 at 4:29 am
Fair enough.
I hope this shooting inspires someone to take out 12 (or, hell, how about 50?) Woketards, to one-up the scoreboard.
It’s the Chicago Way.
They like dancing in the blood of children? They want a war?
I say let’s give them one. To the hilt.
“War is very simple. You’ve got to kill people, and when you kill enough of them, they stop fighting.” – Gen. Curtis LeMay
The more the Left pulls off the mask, the fewer questions I have about the Psalmist exulting in his enemies’ babies’ heads being dashed against rocks.
Joe Blow · March 29, 2023 at 5:41 am
I don’t understand the people who look at the situation we find ourselves in and don’t do anything. Blithely slipping from one day to the next as if nothing will ever be any different. I guess it kinda makes sense if you skipped history class all 4 years of high school, but….
There will be violence. Strauss and Howe talked about it in their book. During the fourth turning, the 2 sides square up and have at it, brutal. One side wins, the other is literally decimated and departs the path of history. Every 4th turning is the same, ours will be no different. There will be massive levels of violence and killing (which is totally ironic considering the depopulation agenda of the forces pitting us in this war).
TCK · March 29, 2023 at 4:37 pm
This is what liberals support.
This is who they are.
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