That’s what the Muslims in Hamtramck, MI are calling themselves. The left rejoiced when they managed to get an all Muslim city commission elected in 2015. Until 2023, that is. That’s when the commissioners voted to ban the pride flag.

We supported you when you were threatened, and now our rights are threatened, and you’re the one doing the threatening.

What do you know. Muslims don’t like sexual deviants. Who knew?

Categories: Aloha Snackbar


Bigus Macus · September 19, 2024 at 5:57 am

I haven’t heard of any protests being staged over this injustice either.

Michael · September 19, 2024 at 6:50 am

Useful idiots 0, Religion of “Peace” 1+

Coming soon for the rest of the non-Muslim citizens of the city.

Has the “Call to Prayer” been sounded over the city yet? Note I said “Yet”.

    Jonesy · September 19, 2024 at 9:01 am

    Yep happens all the time. Here is an example:

    I don’t know if real world lessons override the left’s insatiable need to virtue signal. It should in this case.

    Muslims take advantage of the left to get into a majority position, and then surprise, they take control. Sharia Law is no doubt in the background, supplanting local and state law little by little.

IcyReaper · September 19, 2024 at 11:09 am

And that’s why I respect not like but respect the muzzies and their believe in their fake religion( Political Ideology wrapped in the cloak of a theology). But at least they stand u and fight for what they have for values unlike americans.
Until the right understands this and is willing to do what is necessary, you have lost and are just wasting your time chest beating about the long dead Constitution..

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