From Joe over in North Central Idaho, we find out that “veterans” claiming to be antigun are actually paid spokespeople. I posted about the Harris campaign paying crowds of people to fill a restaurant and fawn all over her. She is paying people to fill social media with posts about how great she is.

Her entire campaign is being created by burning through large amounts of cash. She is raising gobs of money. She has four corporate donors who have each given her campaign a million dollars or more:

  • Google
  • University of California
  • Microsoft
  • Amazon

The US government has donated over $2 million to her campaign. (DOD, Dept of Veteran’s Affairs, HHS, etc.) As of August 21, the Harris campaign has spent $442 million. In four weeks, she spent nearly half a billion dollars. One thing to note is 58% of the money has come from big money donors. What is the money being used for? The largest media campaign I can ever remember seeing- to include paying people to post on social media, as well as big names donating their time (Oprah, Taylor Swift, etc.) and the big networks (MSNBC, Facebook, etc.) getting her message out there.

In all, the Biden campaign spent $3.1 billion on the 2020 election, four times what Trump spent. Kamala will be close to that, but will have spent that cash in less than 4 months. As for Trump, he is already being outspent by at least a 4 to 1 margin.

I was giving blood to a patient last night while she and her husband were watching the Oprah/Harris infomercial on MSNBC. It was set up to look like a town hall, but it was as scripted as any Kabuki theater. I have to admit that, as propaganda, it was well done. They hit all of the talking points and spent an hour doing nothing but making Trump look bad while making it seem as though Harris was the only way to prevent him from killing everyone that isn’t white.

Staying in that room and keeping our mouths shut was a skill that we are all going to have to learn at some point. In the area within one mile of my house, there are three Harris/Walz signs and two Trump signs. The rest of the houses with political signs out front are for other races, such as town commissioner or State Senator, and there aren’t many of those.

Still, keep track of who is supporting whom. Knowing who you can trust to be an informant is a handy bit of information to have. Informants are soon to be everywhere. It is becoming more and more obvious that my predictions are going to come true. Trump will not ever again see the inside of the White House. I’m going to vote because it doesn’t cost anything, but I don’t think it will matter.

We are headed for the big collapse.


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