I couldn’t resist the pun in the title. Check this out, from the US Navy:

A Mexican national, serving in the US military. Some comments claimed that it could be a joint military exercise, but that isn’t the case. The Mexican Navy doesn’t use the same rank structure as the US Navy, and would not contain a rank of “Gunner’s Mate Third Class.” No, what you have here is a military being staffed by FORN personnel.

You, my fellow Americans, are being replaced by people who will be loyal to TPTB.

Categories: Military


JR · October 20, 2024 at 7:03 pm

They do it to gain citizenship faster. I had 5 Canadians in my boot camp platoon, all to get citizenship.

Carry Condition Zero · October 20, 2024 at 7:38 pm

Shh… don’t tell Latrino Mexcrements and other mud races but they’ll be thrown overboard when they are no longer politically useful.
The most stupid useless worthless populace in human history is why we can’t have nice republic things.

Tree Mike · October 20, 2024 at 9:07 pm

“You are correct, Sir!” In my best Ed McMahon. All part of the plan. (((They))) have laid it all out, not like they’re keeping it a secret.

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