Let’s not leave out that grandstanding, antigun asshole Grady Judd, who wants to find a way around Trump’s pardon of the J6 defendants.
“I understand the 30,000 foot view of what the President did, but there’s a granular level where they were attacking our police officers who were just doing their job. There was a better way to deal with that,” said Judd.
Nope. Those cops were supporting the theft of an election. That is indisputable. For that reason, “Just doing my job” is bullshit. Shooting an unarmed woman for trespassing isn’t “just doing your job,” nor is inviting people into a building, then showing up to their homes years later to toss them in prison. Torturing prisoners isn’t a job that needs to be done, nor is supporting the outright and obvious theft of an election. That excuse didn’t work for the concentration camp guards of Germany, nor does it work here.
Jonesy · January 28, 2025 at 10:57 am
No one is going to agree 100% when it comes to J6. Of course LE is going to disagree with pardoning guys who got violent with the capital police. And the actions of police that day have been downplayed to protect them from legal consequences. Both are wrong. What Judd is failing to understand, is even if some of these people committed crimes, they were unjustly treated while in prison, were denied due process, and their 4th and 6th amendment rights grossly violated by the federal government. That’s why Trump pardoned them.
Henry · January 28, 2025 at 4:18 pm
Good point – they’ve all been punished far more than comparable “crimes” normally are. With luck, and Kash Patel at the FBI, we just might learn more about how deeply involved the feds were in planning and instigating this. As it is, the corrupt DC legal system deserves to be thoroughly overhauled so that tresspassing (after the doors were opened by the LEOs) never becomes a “crime” worthy of jail time.
Southernborne · January 28, 2025 at 11:11 am
Add in holding some of them without trial.
TRX · January 28, 2025 at 11:21 am
The Nazi leadership and various SS got a better deal from the US justices sitting at Nuremberg than modern Americans get from the same courts.
SiG · January 28, 2025 at 11:57 am
Not to mention the large amounts of evidence coming out that police on the spot and around 30 FBI agents instigated the whole thing. It’s always supposed to be “innocent until proven guilty” and “I’d rather see 10 guilty people go free than one innocent man convicted.” Neither one of those was even remotely followed in J6 cases.
Skyler the Weird · January 28, 2025 at 12:10 pm
I notice he’s not complaining about the Antics and BLM rioters who attacked officers and burned things down in DC in 2020. Any of them arrested were let go without bail. But they are on his side aren’t they?
Divemedic · January 28, 2025 at 12:52 pm
I don’t know. Sheriff Judd is on whatever side continues to make him famous. He opposes civilian carry, he carried GW’s water, and he is an authoritarian asshole, but many on the right love him because he supports shooting criminals without considering that they themselves might be included on that hit list.
SoCoRuss · January 28, 2025 at 1:55 pm
Funny how thru history the evil fucks all say the same thing at their trials or when brought to task on something.
I wonder just how many people in the FUSA are so stupid they think we still live in a country under Rule of Law???
Lori G · January 28, 2025 at 2:58 pm
They may have already found away around the pardons. So far I am counting three that were pardoned and have been shot to death. NC Renegade mentions 2, and another shot to death by a police officer in Indiana. Three dead of gunshot wounds is some coincidence.
SoCoRuss · January 29, 2025 at 12:43 pm
Then if that’s the case, we MUST ban guns. If it saves just one patriots life…..
Also multiple guys are suddenly getting charged with other crimes that date back years but were never charged then, funny how that is.
But then again not surprising, the LAWS of this country only apply to certain folks on certain sides when the masters want them to be applied.
SoCoRuss · January 29, 2025 at 12:58 pm
I have seen a few story’s about these folks having accidents and the word accident was used. Funny how that is.
But, the question I have is what are their guns rights now after the pardon? Are they banned until the commies get around to killing all them? There are multiple cases going on about when states pardon people but the ATF says no, states pardon don’t apply due to alleged federal crimes. These folks were put in jail as political prisoners on trumped up charges so what is the new status on the govt given rights now?
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