I managed to get an ObamaCare Quote:

$399.40 a month for what is called a “Silver Plan.” The costs are:
Copay: first three PCP visits is free. $55 copay after. 

$75 copay for specialist, plus you need a referral from PCP.

First ER visit $75, then $750 for each visit thereafter. 

Imaging copay for MRI, CT, etc. is $350, except Xray which is $150. 
Physical and speech therapy is $75 per visit.
Prescritions are $10 for generic, otherwise $60, $100, $150, depending on the drug.
There is a $5,000 deductible.

Of course, people who actually can sign up are another matter entirely. The article here says that two Orlando area students were able to sign up. The problem is that the MSM apparently didn’t bother to do their jobs and research the report. A Google search discovers that the two students that got cheap insurance from the exchange are probably plants for some Democrat Astroturf campaign.

According to the article:

Florida CHAIN, a statewide consumer health advocacy group, has highlighted the story of

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/10/13/3685595/obamacare-enrollees-become-urban.html#storylink=cpy

Vincent Mutia, a 24-year-old political science student at the University of Central Florida.
said he tried to enroll on the first day but ran into problems that
kept him from shopping the available plans, applying for a subsidy and
making a purchase.
“In the last few days,’’ Mutia told the Herald
on Friday, “the experience became more fluid. I was able to put in all
my information. After the security questions, I created an account.”

 According to his Linked In profile, Vincent Mutia held the titles of  “Deputy Field Organizer” and “Organizing Fellow” for Obama for America in 2012. He has a BA in Political Science. The group that “highlighted” the story is Florida CHAIN. Who are they?

 Florida CHAIN is a statewide consumer health advocacy organization
dedicated to improving the health of all Floridians by promoting access
to affordable, quality health care. We fulfill the critical role of
building the capacities for and linking consumer, community and service
organizations with health care advocacy. We provide policy education,
collaborative networking, training, and communications and organizing
tools to the public, allied partners, media and policy makers.

 How about Daniel McNaughton? According to HIS Linked In profile, his specialties include “Political Organizer” and “Volunteer Coordinator.” He also claims to have been an intern for a Democrat State Senator, Dave Aronberg, in 2009. His girlfriend appears to be a member of  NASW-FL, which is the National Association of Social Workers. 

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/10/13/3685595/obamacare-enrollees-become-urban.html#storylink=cpy
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