
A personal story of how things happen. This will tie in to a later post.

In 2016, I was attacked in my classroom by a student. In fact, it was a black student. He jumped me in my classroom, and in the ensuing struggle, I pinned him to the floor and called for help. The vice-principal suspended the student for ten days. The school resource officer (also black) came in to ask me what happened, and read me my Miranda rights. I told him that I didn’t want to answer questions, and demanded a lawyer. In an egregious display of a disregard for my Constitutional rights, he immediately went to the Principal and told him that I was obviously guilty, because innocent people don’t have anything to hide. The cop then went to the student’s home and told them he was cleared of all discipline and would be permitted to return to school. I was placed on suspension pending investigation.

During the “investigation” my students were given writing assignments like “write about the time that Mr. Medic was a bad teacher.” As a result, a couple of females said that I “looked at them funny” which made them think I was a sexual predator. Other students complained that my class was too hard, and my grades were too low, which wrecked their GPA. Those assignments would be used against me later.

As a result of the “investigation,” the school I was working for pushed me out the door. The school told me that I would have to attend anger management courses and see a psychiatrist about my “violent tendencies.” So I quit.

After I left, the school filed an official complaint with the state of Florida, using those student writing assignments as “evidence” that I was somehow breaking the law. The school insinuated that I was a sexual predator. If my teaching license would have been removed, so would my medical licenses. I hired a lawyer who specializes in this sort of thing, and $4,000 later, it was over and I had won. After it was done, my attorney wrote a letter to the state saying that he has been a lawyer for more than 20 years, and that this was the worst example of an attempt at railroading a teacher through the manufacturing of evidence that he had ever seen.

In the six years since he turned 18, that student has become a one man crime wave. He started a “business” that never really existed except on paper, then applied for a 6 figure PPP loan under that business name, a loan which he never paid back.

He has been arrested no fewer than 4 times, and this last time was for a felony. He attacked a cop after fleeing from him at speeds of over 170 miles per hour on the highway, before switching to surface streets where he was fleeing at over 140 miles per hour. His case is pending, but my bet is that he won’t do any jail time.

The girl who was the ringleader of the girls who said I “looked at them” in a creepy manner? She now works as a Democrat staffer as a “community organizer.”

That’s what our “justice” system is- the violent felons commit crime after crime, never facing any consequences, the left women toss around accusations of sexual violence and harassment, while the honest hardworking folks are told that they have anger management issues and are accused of being predators.

The gaslighting is over the top. This is why mere accusations can’t be permitted to affect someone’s life. People have learned that they can win by merely accusing someone of something, with no proof required.

Broken Record

It’s almost cliche at this point- any time a Republican is successful, a woman (or two) come forward with accusations of some sort of sexual peccadillo, making accusations about events that occurred years or even decades in the past, but are supported by no evidence other than the woman’s say-so. Trump, Hegseth, and Gaetz are just the latest in a long list of Republicans who are being accused of sexual impropriety.

I have gotten to the point where I just don’t believe any of them any more. If they are willing to rig an election, fake an insurrection, or assassinate people, what is lying about someone’s character?

Insurance Business

We finally sold our old house and the closing is next week. I called the insurance company to cancel our homeowner’s policy, effective on the date of closing. They refused to do so, telling me that they can’t leave me without insurance unless I can prove that the house is insured elsewhere. Uh, it isn’t going to be my house any longer, so why would I continue to insure it? And, since the house is paid off and there is no mortgage holder, why is it any of their business if I choose to be uninsured and assume the risk myself? I am betting you that they won’t be so concerned about leaving me without insurance if I don’t pay the premium.

Doing the math, we have owned that house for a total of 15 years and we never filed a single claim against our insurance. It was paid off and mortgage free as of six years ago. My insurance is about $2000 per year. If I had chosen to assume the risk myself as soon as we paid it off, I would have (counting my normal investment returns of about 8 percent) an additional $15,000 in my bank account with which to take care of any problems.

Speaking of homeowner’s insurance scams- I wanted to insure my solar installation. I was kindly informed by my insurance company that it would cost $2500 per year just to insure my solar panels against hurricanes, but there would be a deductible of $10,000 for hurricane damage. They are otherwise covered under the rest of my homeowner’s policy with a deductible of $1,000. Uh, the solar panels themselves cost $20,000. So in the event of a hurricane (remember my panels are engineered for winds up to 140 mph) I would actually be losing money to insure them if they can make it at least 3 years without being damaged (The cost to insure them for 4 years is $10,000, plus the $10,000 deductible). Needless to say, I elected not to cover them. I think my risk of a 140 mph hurricane in the next 4 years is pretty low.

I also recently bought a new truck and traded in my old one. I tried to log into my insurance company to take care of things, and the system wants to send a 2FA text to my wife’s phone. She isn’t home. There is no option to select my phone number to log in. So now I have to call them and get stuck in phone tree hell.

Importing Your Soldiers

Miguel posts over at his place that Tennessee is having trouble with Venezuelan gangs. It’s becoming more and more obvious that the left is allowing this because they are going to use the gangs as their foot soldiers. Remember that the left began turning illegal immigrants into police officers in 2023 or so.

This is right out of the CIA insurgency manual, which has been followed by the left since at least 2019. The plan is to make people distrust the government so that they can replace it with their own, alternative, government. You know, the alternative that they have created.

The police cannot, or perhaps will not, do anything to stop this. Things will eventually get sporty.

So we are left to begin planning our own counter. The only answer is obvious. Things are getting closer and closer to ‘going hot.’ Be prepared to setup sniper positions, where a pair of shooters can act as a sniper team to take out gang members from a couple of hundred yards away before departing the area. A shot from 300 yards away with a suppressed .308 should be enough to stymie them while giving you time to GTFO of Dodge. A .308 rifle zeroed for 200 yards will shoot 2.5 inches high at 100 yards, 9 inches low at 300 yards, and about 24 inches low at 400 yards. If you aim at the top of the forehead, you should reliably get ‘A zone’ hits out to 430 yards or so, when your drop is about 32 inches. With a suppressor, you lose a bit, call it 30 inches at 400 yards. Even the slowest .308 rounds are still moving at around 1300 fps at 300 yards, resulting in about 550 foot pounds of energy at that range. Of course, this is based on your particular ammo and your particular barrel, but the above is close enough for Kentucky windage.

Other tactics could include true camouflage. I am not talking about the idiotic dressing like a tree in the middle of an urban environment that SWAT teams do. That is some ridiculous shit. The entire idea of camo is to not be noticed. In an urban environment, blending into the background means looking like people who won’t be noticed, not like SEAL team 6. No, an ambush team that has a spotter dressed as a homeless bum would be better for blending in. Who even looks at, much less notices, a homeless druggie? Three people dressed as drug users with cheap Baofeng radios can act as lookouts on 3 of your 4 sides, leaving the ambush team to worry about the kill zone (your 4th side).

Start learning the basics of ambushes. Thing about how you will need to take the fight to the enemy. It’s coming. Plan for it now.

Still Pushing

When Trump was elected in 2016, it came as a huge surprise to the left. They were sure that Cankles would win. After that, they began a push to eliminate Trump.

  • First there was Russian collusion. It turned out to be a verified falsity that was pushed by the FBI and the Hillary campaign. They coordinated everything by using HAM radios. Why? HAM radios aren’t monitored by the NSA.
  • Then they impeached him twice, failing each time.
  • His own military conspired against him.
  • They accused him of treason and tried to keep him off the ballot.
  • They tried suing him into the poorhouse after changing the laws to allow a woman to accuse him of something that was beyond the statute of limitations.
  • They convicted him of a crime without meeting the necessary predicates to be able to do so.
  • They tried to assassinate him. Twice.

So now that Trump has won reelection, do we really expect it to end here? Only if you are an idiot.

They are so over the top that they are shaving their heads and swearing all sorts of violence and childish antics in “protest” because people are destroying Democracy by voting for a person with whom they disagree.

The latest attack is that, nearly two weeks after it ended, the election is about to be flipped in favor of Harris. The day after the election, Trump was in the lead by over 5.5 million votes. As of this morning, November 16, Trump’s lead has been cut in half, to only 2.6 million votes. Bucks county PA is still “finding” votes to the point where that county is now within 300 votes of flipping to Harris.

California is talking about secession, other states are banding together to form a shadow government that will run in parallel with the actual one.

The left hasn’t learned anything from their loss. Instead of thinking “maybe our policies are just a step too far,” they want to believe that they lost because you are a racist. Or because Trump cheated. They believe themselves to be so smart, so right, so justified in their actions, there is nothing they can do that is too extreme to win and force their will upon the nation.

They hate Trump, and by extension, they hate you too. The left is like a Terminator: “Listen, and understand! It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are dead!”

The war draws even closer.