How many times have we been told that you should just “be a man” and take your beating? A black man, employed by a Tampa Dunkin, punched a customer once in the head, killing him.

Punches are not harmless. I don’t allow people to attack me. Period. The fact is, more people are killed every year by fists and feet than are killed by so-called ‘assault weapons’.

In his defense, the employee is claiming that the customer used a racial slur. Even if the man did so, that isn’t an excuse for violence. It especially not a crime punishable by death.

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1 Comment

joe · May 11, 2021 at 5:29 pm

1, you don’t punch someone over a damn word…racial or not…2, you don’t hit women (unless they hit you first and they aren’t your wife/girlfriend) or old people….

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