While my new house was being built, a visit to the construction site on any given day would show you that no one on the construction crew could speak English. The refrain we get from the left is that “illegals do the jobs that Americans won’t do.” No, they do it for half price, because half price is still much more than they would earn in whatever shithole they came from. Still, the savings that are to be had by employing illegals is only realized by their employer, in this case the builder.

Working at my hospital, we are seeing signs that this area is being overrun by illegal immigrants. The ED at my hospital has tablets that automatically connect to medical interpreters by teleconference. The rule is that we are required to use them for gaining and disseminating information about a patient’s medical condition, if that patient doesn’t speak English.

There are three interpreter tablets for our entire ED. They are in nearly constant use, and it isn’t just Spanish. Just this week, I have had patients who only speak Haitian Creole, Spanish, and even Czech. I have at least one patient a day that doesn’t speak English, and that is in a rural area. Now multiply that by the 25 nurses on duty in my ED. Now imagine that you are in a large city where illegals are more concentrated.

You see the problem. We are being overrun.

Categories: Illegals


jimmyPx · April 16, 2024 at 8:41 am

Besides all of the other issues illegals cause, besides inflation why do people think that rents and housing prices have soared ?
All of those millions of people have to live somewhere ? Just look at Canada, same thing happening there.
Regarding contractors, my grandfather had a large electrical contracting business and in the 1990s desperately wanted my brother and I to take it over when he retired.
We could see the writing on the wall then as illegals were cutting what customers were willing to pay way down. It’s supply and demand, if the guy illegally using illegals bid is half of yours who is legal, who is going to win the bid ? The illegal guy doesn’t have to pay a decent wage, social security, workman’s comp — nothing. In the end this is the government’s fault for not enforcing the laws for decades !!

Got Preps · April 16, 2024 at 9:17 am

Cloward-Piven as the comrades gonna comrade.
Maintaining morale and not getting demoralized it is all so tiresome…but worth it.
It’s ok to admit that it’s already a steaming fourth world turd Banana Republica.
External enemies are licking their chops as the infiltrator Trojan Horses pile in.
These things happen in an egalitarian pee wee brained geriatric gynocracy of quisling traitors for working for foreign paymasters.

Jonathan · April 16, 2024 at 11:11 am

Rural area?!? Everything you’ve said about where you live and work looks to me like at least heavily in the suburbs if not an urban area. What is your criteria for rural?

I’m 200 miles from any city over 25,000 – now THAT’s rural!

    Divemedic · April 16, 2024 at 12:19 pm

    I don’t want to give too much away, but the town where I live has a population of less than 2000. The area is mostly farms and ranching. Oranges are a big crop in the area, as are beef cattle.
    I will give it to you that your area is rural. However, there are multiple considerations for where I live-
    1 There has to be a hospital nearby, both for employment reasons, and because I am getting older and don’t want to be out of reach of health care.
    2 I have lived before where there are no services, and there is such a thing as being too far out, at least for my tastes. Where I lived had no TV, no FM radio, and no cell phone service. I once lived in an area just like you, and it wasn’t to my taste.

    The nearest town (pop. 10,000) was 45 minutes away, and that’s where the hospital, grocery, and restaurants were. You were on your own when the snow came. No TV stations, no radio stations either. No cell service. No internet.
    The nearest city of over 200,000 was a 3 hour drive.
    Even now, we have a fishing cabin in Maine that’s nearest town has a pop. of 500, and is hours from the nearest city (Bangor). Nice to visit, but just not for me.
    There is rural, and there is rural.

Don W Curton · April 16, 2024 at 11:46 am

Having had more than a bit of work done at the house in recent years, I’ve found that the amount of English spoken and understood varies in proportion to the situation. “I’ve got money and need work done.” They understand that quite well and will quote you a price in fairly decent English. “There’s a problem and you need to re-do that part of it.” No habla inglis, senior.

I work under the assumption that any and all of them at least understand what I’m saying, even if they won’t speak any English back. Mileage may vary.

    Dirty Dingus McGee · April 16, 2024 at 12:45 pm

    What does a mexican and a cue ball have in common?

    The harder you hit it, the more english you get from it.

Bad Dancer · April 16, 2024 at 12:32 pm

Hearing the line about “doing the jobs no one wants to” makes me spit in anger.

I picked oranges, brought in pecans, and dug irrigation ditches. I processed chickens. When I worked construction you always heard how the Mexican crews worked harder and got jobs done faster than anyone else. Bullpuckey. They cut corners, took safeties off their tools, and halfassed the jobs. Mortar from brickwork just dropped onto the ground and sodded over meaning if you wanted garden beds close to your house you had to bust through layers of rock. Roof boards not flush and fitted, nails blown through those sheets of wood and just stomped over. The plastic from shingles used instead of proper water proofing. Trash stuffed in air ducts or wedged under insulation.

No one wanted to work for wages we couldn’t survive on is what it is. Heck my new neighbors are living 6-8 in a two bedroom apartment and have flooded the parking lot with their cars and ones they collect and work on in the parking lot. Management doesn’t care tennants other than those listed on the lease are living there cause they can afford the stupidly inflated rent.

D · April 16, 2024 at 12:53 pm

We are seeing something similar. Over the past ~5 years the number of doctors that call us who speak English poorly and with an accent so thick you can’t understand them has gone from 0% to ~35%. The number of accounts in our management systems where you can’t pronounce the name has gone from a few percentage points to about 20%. The number of hyphenated names has also increased significantly.

I mean…when someone calls in and says “dis micheelle” and you go looking and can’t find their information and then you have them spell their username and it’s “yemsarch-sevorobetsalazquezzava-lasanches” it makes you wonder what the fuck is going on in the medical industry.

I knew a guy who met a Canadian woman a decade ago. They wanted to get married. She was a well-respected neurosurgeon, spoke fluent English as most Canadians do, had no accent, etc… They got married and she applied for citizenship. It cost them tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and took years of paperwork…only to get denied.

Meanwhile it was a 30 to 90-day process for most of front-line healthcare workers and doctors to get ushered into the US to be given a job for half the cost of an American.
On the other hand, they’ll l

    jimmyPx · April 16, 2024 at 4:11 pm

    Outsourcing as well as insourcing cheap foreigners is the MAIN thing that has destroyed our economy over the last 30 years. It started with manufacturing and spread out. In IT, H1Bs have supressed salaries for decades and that BS “we can’t find Americans for these jobs” is a total lie. H1Bs SUCK and are usually incompetent but they keep everyone’s wages down.

    Now it’s spreading to health care. They’ve imported filipino nurses for years but now they are starting to do this with doctors. They are importing way less qualified doctors from foreign countries. In addition for example in a lot of ERs on 2nd and 3rd shift, the radiologist doctor looking at your mri or xray is in Sri Lanka or India.
    The plan with telemedicine SOUNDS great, have a doctor visit from home via Zoom.
    Problem is that many of the doctors will not be in the U.S.
    The other monster coming is AI. AI can be a great tool to help people but can also be misused.
    One of the biggest problems in healthcare is diagnosing your real health care problems. Some doctors are awesome at this but many are not hence test after test. AI though with massive databases full of case studies can be incredible at this.
    However companies like Kaiser and others want AI to mostly replace doctors and save “big money” for THEM long term. Sorry, I don’t want an AI being my doctor or nurse thank you.

      Anonymous · April 29, 2024 at 8:36 am

      AIs don’t have consciences, so it’s trivial to cook one to claim your solution is the latest pill that costs $500/month forever. We can’t even get actual human doctors to be honest about statins/low fat/cholesterol, fast carbs/healthy whole grains/diabetes, covid treatment/covid shot results, etc.

C · April 17, 2024 at 6:30 am

I was quite vocal about my opposition to immigration several years ago. I was called a bigot and accused of hating capitalism.

Old Cranky Guy · April 17, 2024 at 9:11 am

So why are we catering to this? We don’t put road signs in anything but English. This is AMerica, we speak English. Refuse to accommodate but English and they’ll switch to English tout suite when they realize they’re not getting anything otherwise.

Old Cranky Guy

Old Cranky Guy · April 17, 2024 at 9:11 am

So why are we catering to this? We don’t put road signs in anything but English. This is America, we speak English. Refuse to accommodate anything but English and they’ll switch to English tout suite when they realize they’re not getting anything otherwise.

Old Cranky Guy

JoshO · April 18, 2024 at 8:14 pm

Fire the fucking contractor

What is Rural? – Area Ocho · April 29, 2024 at 5:03 am

[…] Reader Jonathan asks if I live in a suburb because he lives 200 miles from the nearest town. I guess that depends on your definition of a suburb. Miriam Webster defines a suburb as a smaller community adjacent to or within commuting distance of a city. […]

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