It began with a tickle in the back of my throat Sunday morning. By last night, it had progressed to a sore throat. By the time I awoke this morning, I could barely swallow cold water. I spent the day in bed, getting my ass kicked by whatever virus this is. I slept until 10 am, got up to make a breakfast of chicken soup and Gatoraide, then back to bed by 11, slept until 3 pm.

Fatigue and sore throat appear to be the only symptoms. I am scheduled to work tomorrow. Let’s see how I am doing in the morning. I already feel a bit better…

But no free ice cream today.

Categories: Me


Rick · September 21, 2021 at 4:38 pm

Gargle Bourbon, that’s what works for me.

joe · September 21, 2021 at 6:47 pm

the regular flu and strep and other normal shit is still going around i assume or did covid wipe out all that out? did you weather change recently, maybe it’s just allergies?

    Divemedic · September 21, 2021 at 7:50 pm

    Naw. Wife is sick too. I think I caught it from her, and she got it from a student. This is the time of year when teachers get sick.

Seamrog · September 21, 2021 at 8:34 pm

We had strep run through our house. Son first, teacher wife who NEVER gets sick next, and youngest daughter after, all in two weeks.
I’m a walking petri dish and I didn’t get it.

Hang in there. I enjoy your posts very much.

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