They just launched a submarine for “both” genders. What about the other 50?

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Steve S6 · September 15, 2024 at 11:24 am

I guess there wasn’t enough room for that many heads (do they call it that on subs?)

    Steady Steve · September 15, 2024 at 3:13 pm

    It’s still a ship, so yes.

      EN2 SS · September 15, 2024 at 8:34 pm

      No, bud, it isn’t a ship, it is a boat. Ships only submerge one time, boats do it all the time. ;-))

        J J · September 17, 2024 at 9:27 am

        I can’t imagine being back on boats and having to deal with females on top of everything else.

Anonymous · September 15, 2024 at 12:41 pm

Fucking racists

desertrat · September 15, 2024 at 3:50 pm

Until that third chromosome is found and validated, there are 2 genders PERIOD!

Noway2 · September 16, 2024 at 7:40 am

I used to be active on a gun forum where there was a member who claimed to be the gold commander of a boomer sub. The topic of allowing females serve came up and his comment was: We go to sea and disappear for six months. If one gets pregnant, there is no getting them off that boat. It is also some of the dirtiest, most physically demanding jobs out there (even the article mentioned having to redesign valves for them). Think of what our mission is. Do you really want to jeopardize that in the name of gender equality.

MM1 SS · September 16, 2024 at 1:08 pm

One of the issues on my first-flight LA-class boat was access to valves to operate or to maintain. You need to be an orangutang on steroids to reach and operate some of them and needed an arm with two elbows and eyes on your knuckles to do maintenance. I’m talking about threading nuts on bolts for a flange on the far side of a pump where there is no access from that side, only by reaching around the pump.

If the engineers fixed SOME of those issues making the boat female-friendly it is a good thing.

We cursed the engineers at Newport News who designed the boat on a regular basis.

MM1 SS · September 16, 2024 at 3:09 pm

A couple of other comments:
1 – The Jersey Girl is a Fast Attack, so it may go out on a long deployment but individual segments can be shorter. My boat was away from Pearl for 7 months but our longest time at sea was just over 10 weeks. Boomers live on a 3 month on/3 month off cycle, and some of that time is spent in port doing maintenance between patrols. They may be forward deployed for that time but won’t be at sea the whole time.

2- There are only a few jobs on a sub that needed knuckle-draggers like me. They are in the Engine Room, Aux Machine spaces, and the Torpedo room. Radiomen, ETs, Sonar Techs, Fire Control Techs (who aren’t re-classified Torpedomen), Cooks, Yeomen and Storekeepers don’t do heavy lifting as part of the job.

3 – One crew, one duty party for stores load, and we used to do it by hand down the brow and lowered down an escape trunk. The big deal was when it came time to load boxes of TDU weights at ~60lbs per box of iron plates. That will be a challenge for the smaller ladies for sure, but it was a challenge for the smaller guys too.

ModernDayJeremiah · September 16, 2024 at 4:34 pm

Most interesting part of the story was the NJ theme on the boat, including the Jon Bon Jovi guitar. USS New Mexico is an earlier Virginia class sub, the galley is name “La Posta” after a well-known tourist spot La Posta de Mesilla in southern New Mexico.

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