Read this story.

Lets sum up the story.
Man sneaks into country illegally.
Man works illegally for 11 years, living in Florida, using the social infrastructure for 11 years, all the while earning over $100,000.
Man fails to file or pay taxes for 11 years.
Man saves money- $59,000 over 11 years.
Man tries to illegally smuggle the money out of the US.
He gets caught, and the money is confiscated. Between the immigration violations, smuggling, and tax fraud, he will get none of his money back.
He has the nerve to say. “They are treating me like a criminal when all I am is a working man.”

Uh, you ARE a criminal. The Government offers him a deal:

Robert Gershman, one of Zapeta’s attorneys, said federal prosecutors later offered his client a deal: He could take $10,000 of the original cash seized, plus $9,000 in donations as long as he didn’t talk publicly and left the country immediately.

He turned it down, saying he wanted ALL of the money. I got news for ya dude- I was born here, and I don’t get to keep all of my money. Welcome to America- now go home.

1 Comment

Anonymous · October 1, 2007 at 1:15 pm

i love how one of the comments on the article said “give this guy some credit he saved 59k most americans cant save at all.” yeah its easy to save when your not paying taxes im paying almost 4k a year in taxes. if i didnt pay taxes for 11 years thats 44k. people are so stupid.

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