
We periodically see those on the left making this demand. They are no better than my 14 year old niece who believes the same thing. It’s the same sort of magical thinking that is displayed by children, because children know nothing about providing for themselves due to mommy and daddy giving them whatever they want. Once these children reach the age of majority, they expect the free stuff to continue being delivered.

I Can’t Ignore This One

A large fight involving over 100 guests of the Canadian persuasion broke out in an Orlando Waterpark owned by Sea World.

The incident resulted in police locking down and evacuating the park.

Only For the Hoi Polloi

You need to eat bugs, stop doing your laundry, and buy an electric car that makes it impossible to do a long road trip, so you can save the planet. Unless you are rich and famous, then the rules don’t apply to you. If the commoners point out your hypocrisy, then you get a law passed to keep them from finding out how the rules you espouse don’t apply to you. It’s really important that your two private jets be permitted to fly you all over the world because you need to make money, or something.

unlike someone like Musk, Swift actually had a pretty good reason to travel a lot last year: she was on tour.

Musk travelling for business isn’t to be allowed, but Taylor Swift being permitted to travel for business is, like, really, super important, right?

Stretching the Truth

The headline:

Shots fired near DeLaSalle Education Center graduation Saturday

The reality:

The shots fired incident did not involve the graduation, and no injuries were reported in the incident

No mention of how “near” the shots were. A mile away? Half a mile? This headline is a misleading nothingburger, but the left will claim it as another “school shooting.”

The Show Trial

I was going to do a post on the Trump charges in New York. I had all sorts of stuff lined up to show that Trump is being accused of what would be misdemeanors (and thus outside of the NY statute of limitations) except that the state is alleging that the misdemeanors were done to conceal another crime, which makes them a felony and is covered by a longer statute of limitations. The only issue here is that the indictment doesn’t mention what other crime he was trying to cover up that raised this indictment to the level of a felony.

Then it occurred to me that none of that matters. This trial is in leftist controlled Manhattan, where the facts don’t matter, all that matters is Orange man bad. The followers of this anti-Trump cult don’t know the law, don’t care what the Constitution says, and most of them are frankly slobbering retarded morons who only care about Trump being opposed to their view that we can’t know what a woman is. The left has the ability to understand reason and the law about as well as my spoon understands the difference between mint chocolate chip and rocky road.

Presenting them with facts and evidence on gun control is met with remarks about penis size. Talking about case law is like banging your head against a wall. Talking simply won’t work with them.

In Case You Aren’t Watching

The left got their panties in a bunch over Putin’s reelection, claiming that it was rigged. The entire time, they have ignored the evidence pointing to the 2020 US election being rigged, and now have announced that Ukraine will not be having elections for the foreseeable future: