Cashing In Like a Whore

71 year old Pam Hemphill has been making headlines. She was among the Trump supporters who were convicted for their actions on January 6, 2021 when she entered the Capitol while videotaping.

She pled guilty to one count of demonstrating, picketing or parading in a Capitol building in federal court in 2022 and was sentenced to two months in jail, 3 years of probation, and $500 restitution, serving 60 days in Federal prison in Dublin, California. Her time has been served, and her probation is nearly complete.

Since that time, she has become rich and famous by opposing Trump and supporting the Harris/Walz campaign. Before then, she had gained a bit of fame as a Social Media figure by attending various right wing functions like the Bundy movement. She was somewhat famous in certain circles for being the videographer for various events involving the right.

Now the left has made her even more famous. She is the darling of the left, and there are stories all over the MSM about the former MAGA granny who has seen the light and now hates DJT. Since she announced her change to the other side, she has amassed tens of thousands of dollars in donations. She has been flown all over the nation and received money from a news media eager to portray a MAGA supporter who was there at the J6 event and is willing to say that they were trying to overthrow the government. “Next week CNN is flying me to New York!” she posted on Facebook Aug. 30. She raised so much money that she bought a new Mustang online.

With the issuance of the J6 pardons, her money train is about to be derailed. She is now saying that she will refuse to accept her pardon. Of course she will. The jail sentence and probation have been served, and she is now cashing in on her fame. If she accepts the pardon, that all stops and she will fade back into obscurity, her 15 minutes of fame will be over.

Milking It

Being a female dominated profession, nursing has quite a few new mothers. A couple of them are abusing the law to their advantage. The PUMP Act states that women must be permitted breaks so that they can be milked like a cow, and boy are some of them milking it.

While at work, I was instructed to cover one of these women’s patients while she went to go pump. She was gone for 2 hours. When she returned, she was only back for half an hour before she took a lunch break. After returning from that, she went to go pump again for another hour and a half. In all, she was off the floor for over 5 hours out of her 12 hour shift. When we told her that we thought she was taking too long, with even another woman telling her that it doesn’t take that long to pump, she replied that she can go as often and for as long as she deems necessary.

So we went to supervision to complain. They explained to us that there is nothing that they can do. Apparently, they had spoken to her about it, only to get a phone call from her lawyer the next day. So hands off. It’s so bad, that they are now afraid of her:

Last week, while I was covering her patients, I walked into the room of one of them to find a woman covered in blood, with large blood clots on the bed. She had a pulse of 120 and was complaining of belly pain. She had been lying there for over 2 hours like that. I intervened and went to the doctor. Turns out it was coming from her bladder, and I measured more than a liter of blood loss.

I got the patient straightened out before the nurse returned. About an hour later, I noticed on the telemetry board that the patient had a blood pressure of 80/50 and a heart rate of 120. I spoke to her and she told me that the patient would be fine. I went over her head to the charge nurse. Yeah, I dropped a dime on her.

The woman was taken to emergency surgery. The nurse? Nothing happened to her.

The very next day, same nurse had placed a patient on 2 liters of oxygen. The patient was in obvious distress with an O2 saturation of 78%. Another nurse saw this, took over care, called respiratory, and had the patient placed on BiPAP. Again, no repercussions for nurse slacker’s complete lack of anything competent.

I have told the charge nurse that I will not be placing my name anywhere on that nurse’s chart and refuse to watch over her patients while she is off the floor. I am not risking my medical license for that incompetent, lazy slacker of a nurse. You can’t make me assume care for someone else’s patients, especially when I already have 3 or 4 patients of my own.

Longshoreman, or Mafia?

It’s a lovely country. Shame if something were to happen to it.

He says if the government forces them to return to work, they will just show up and do almost nothing while collecting a paycheck. That should happen, and anyone who works at a production rate that is less than 80 percent of their average rate should be terminated immediately and without appeal.

Longshoremen make an average of $70 per hour, and are demanding a 77% raise- to an average of $124 per hour. THAT is why your dumb asses are being automated out of a job. All you do is drive a forklift or operate a crane. That simply isn’t a valuable enough skill to demand that kind of scratch, and it is far cheaper to get a robot to do your job than it is to pay you more than a quarter million a year to load and unload cargo.

Oh, and the union boss? He makes a million a year, owns a large yacht and a mansion. All paid for by the union dues of those whose best interests he claims to represent.

124th Waitress Regiment (ABN)

An airborne waitress was indignant that a passenger would call him a waiter. The thought that airborne waitresses/waiters could be insulted by a leg that would dare to not recognize the extensive training and authority that comes with waitress airborne school is too much to bear, so the plane turned around two hours into the flight.

The crew member responded that he was not a waiter and that he had the power to turn the plane around

I get that the passenger was a woke piece of shit, but the fact that a glorified waiter/waitress has the power to make an entire plane full of passengers return to the airport without repercussions or a valid reason is yet another reason why so many Americans avoid flying if they possibly can.

Safety and security are our top priorities, and we thank our customers for their understanding and our team members for their professionalism in managing a difficult situation,

American Airlines

If this guy was such a threat that the plane needed to land, then why would it spend two hours in the air returning to the city of origin and not simply land at the closest airport? This had nothing to do with safety and security, or the plane would have landed immediately instead of flying two extra hours.

Give some petty tyrant a bit of power, and they ALWAYS abuse it- that applies to cops, HOAs, and airborne waitresses.

Social Media

Picture this: You see a dark figure outside of your home one evening, so you go outside to see who it is. A person wearing a hoodie and a mask points a gun at you, so you do what any right thinking American would do- you shoot him in defense of your life.

It turns out that the kid is the 15 year old from down the street who mows your lawn, and the gun was an Airsoft replica.

The latest social media craze has teenagers sneaking around their neighborhoods at night while wearing black hoodies and masks while carrying fake guns, in a game that they are calling “Senior Assassin.”

New Generation is Helpless

Sometimes you see something so stupid, you have to make time to comment on it.

The fact that no one knows how to use a map astounds me. There was a book with every street written in it in alphabetical order. You looked up the street, and it would say D 7, for example. If it was a map in the book, there would also be a page number. If it was a large wall map, the letter and number is all that you got. In later books, there would also be a “cross street” which would be the name of a large street that intersected the one you were looking for.

You would then look on the map, with letters down the side and numbers across the top. Your street was found on the map using those. As to which house number, the acronym “NEON” was useful, and it meant North and East are Odd Numbers. Meaning that the North and East side of the street is where Odd addresses were found.

Now comes the tricky part- what if you are looking for a large street that ran a long distance? Well, for that we had to memorize “address breaks.” For example, let’s say that Vine street runs the width of the town from North to South. I know that the 100 East and 100 West blocks are separated by Main Street. Going South on Main street the numbers would start at 100 South main and increase. Then I had to know that Elm was the 400/500 South Main divider. I also had to know that Pine Street was the 1000/1100 divider, etc.

You would be dispatched like this: “Rescue 14, reported seizures to a child. 1124 15th Street. Map page 27, D-14. Select tactical three for updates. Time out 1457.”

When we hired a firefighter, he would have two weeks to learn where all of the equipment on every vehicle at the station was located. The test was “where are all of the spanner wrenches found,” or perhaps “how many SCBA bottles are on the engine?” and then “Where are the nonrebreather oxygen masks on the rescue?”

At one month after hire, you were given a map book test. You had to know how to use the map book, and more importantly, you had to know where all of the major address breaks in the city were located. The test would be “You are driving west on Central Avenue, approaching Main Street. The address you are looking for is 1884 Main street. So when I reach Main, do I take a left or a right?” You better know the answer, probie.

I am sure that pizza delivery drivers, taxi drivers, cops, and even the electric company did something similar. I can’t believe that this new generation is so helplessly stupid about anything that isn’t on Tik Tok.

A response to Scotty

In comments, reader Scotty is of the opinion that the HOA has absolute power to regulate the behavior of children. I won’t quote the comment in this post because it is too long. You can read it here. His opinion essentially boils down to “the HOA can enforce whatever rules they wish” and is incredibly incorrect.

HOA’s have legal restrictions on what the covenants and bylaws can contain. The behavior of children is not among them. The HOA doesn’t have plenipotentiary power to rule over whatever they wish. Let me explain the law to you:
The HOA can only take your house under very limited circumstances. Your children playing outside isn’t one of them. HOA set rules and bylaws are for the common areas only. They cannot control what happens on private property. That has to be done in covenants.
The covenants are rules that govern private property, but they can only be changed by a vote of all of the homeowners of a community, and even then it takes a 2/3 majority of all homeowners.
Scotty’s statement about satellite dishes proves my point. HOAs can’t regulate them because they don’t have the legal authority to do so. The DO have the authority through the covenants to regulate having swing sets in the front yard.

Even the covenants don’t confer power to the HOA to regulate the behavior of anyone with whom they disapprove. HOAs aren’t above the law. They should avoid transgressing local, state, and federal laws; otherwise, they may find themselves in a legal quagmire. For example, all HOAs are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act. To refresh your memory, the Fair Housing Act bans discrimination in housing-related transactions on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. “Familial status” has been interpreted by the courts to apply to rules governing families with children.

A great example of how this is applied is the case that involved the owner and management company of The Orchards at Cherry Creek Apartments in Centennial, Colo.. They had a rule that said:

All children must be supervised by an adult at all times while playing outside. No sports activities, skateboarding, roller-blading, or general extracurricular activities are to take place in our community. If we see anyone violating any of the above activities or see any unsupervised children they will be sent home immediately.

A set of parents filed a complaint with the local HUD office. The HUD director sued the management company, and the suit was eventually settled out of court. The settlement requires the owners to, among other things, build a $10,000 playground and train all employees in the requirements of the Fair Housing Act. HUD also made this statement when announcing the settlement:

A requirement of constant parental supervision of all minors, and even teenagers, is oppressive, unnecessary, and unfairly burdensome on families with children. The Fair Housing Act protects the rights of families with children to enjoy the same housing amenities that others do. In this case, there were a number of policies that singled out and targeted children for regulation in the property. Many of those rules and policies might be designed to protect health and safety, but they’re targeted at children.

Robert Galvin, a partner at Davis, Malm & D’Agostine PC in Boston who specializes in representing HOAs, condos, and co-ops had this to say:

The interesting thing is that these laws apply in areas most people wouldn’t think they apply in. In a lot of condos, there are rules that people under a certain age, say 16, can’t go into the pool at certain times. That’s the sort of thing that makes intuitive good sense to people, but it’s potentially illegal. You can have a rule or a bylaw that on its face may look innocuous but in actual practice has the effect of discouraging families with children, and that’s illegal.

Sarah Pratt, deputy assistant secretary for enforcement and programs at HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity in Washington, D.C. had this to say on HOA rules aimed at children:

We’ve even seen a case where a property management company basically said children couldn’t play outdoors after 6 or 7 in the evening. That’s very restrictive and could be considered to be highly negative toward families with children. If you’re addressing a concrete, identified problem, make sure you identify that problem and address it for anyone, whether they’re children or adults who might be engaging in the practice. And make sure, if you have a group of policies, they don’t add up to sending a message that children aren’t welcome there, even if you address the problems to everybody.

That’s just for the Fair Housing Act. The family can issue a formal warning if an HOA acts harshly against a child. If the HOA ignores their warning, they can sue the board for discrimination and harassment. Such a lawsuit can tarnish the HOA’s reputation and result in millions of dollars in legal liability.

Who is wrong?

The woman is. She is the HOA president, so what? It isn’t the responsibility of the HOA to control the behavior of neighborhood kids. She says that she was patrolling the neighborhood? That isn’t her job, either.

If she (or anyone else in the neighborhood) has a problem with the behavior of children, you go there as a neighbor and complain to the parent. What you don’t do is go there talking about how you are the HOA president and trying to use that as some sort of show of authority to throw your weight around. The guy answering the door is a lot more polite than I would have been in that case.

However, had an adult or adults come to my door and politely complained about the kids harassing them, I would have asked the kids to tone it down. It’s all about presentation.

That’s the main reason why I am on the board of my own HOA. I am there to make sure that some authoritarian asshole doesn’t become a little dictator. I do everything that I can to tell the neighbors that the HOA can’t do (x) or (y) because that isn’t within their power.

Yes, I know that many of you will say that you won’t live in an HOA community, but that just isn’t how things are here. Half of all homes in Florida, and 85% of homes built within the last 20 years, are in communities that are controlled by an HOA. I would disband our HOA in a heartbeat if I could, but that won’t happen, so I do the next best thing. I make sure that they don’t become tyrants.