A hurricane is coming. What do you do? Head down to the marina with your wife and ride it out on your 50 foot boat that is tied to the dock. The guy died. The cause of death is that he is an imbecile.

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BobF · November 14, 2022 at 5:49 am

Yeah, pure stupid. They reroute container ships and cruise ships, but no, this one, AND wife, decide their relatively speaking itsy bitsy boat is a good place to go, storm all around and a hard dock alongside. What could possibly go wrong.

E M Johnson · November 14, 2022 at 12:02 pm

2022 Darwin award semi-finalist

SiG · November 14, 2022 at 12:48 pm

I’ve always thought you almost had to go out of your way to get killed in a Cat 1 hurricane – at least here in the (former?) “first world.” That’s the case here. If they had stayed at home, they’d be p*ssing and moaning about having to file an insurance claim on the boat, but they’d be alive.

(BTW, since I’m here, that “save my name…” etc. for next time thing has never worked for me. Is it just me?)

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