Story after story is in the news, where cops abuse citizens, citizens claim that cops framed them, cops murder citizens, cops refuse to be filmed, yet desire to film everyone else.

I think that since the technology is there, every cop should, for the duration of the time he is on duty, wear a recorder that they cannot shut off, and the recording of the officer’s shift should be downloaded and stored for one year, unless a subpoena or court orders that the recording be kept longer. Such recordings would be public record, except those who identify minors, victims of sex crimes, or witnesses who are deemed to be at risk.

Any recording that is discovered to be damaged, missing, or unavailable for any reason (including the famous “technical difficulty” that causes so many police recordings to disappear) shall cause the court case to be decided against the cop. If you don’t have anything to hide, you don’t have anything to worry about, skippy.

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TOTWTYTR · August 26, 2010 at 8:50 am

Be careful what you ask for because it's not a stretch for someone to say "Paramedics need cameras" too. Like the ones that some systems have in their ambulances to track your driving skills.

TJIC · August 26, 2010 at 8:59 pm

> I think that since the technology is there, every cop should, for the duration of the time he is on duty, wear a recorder that they cannot shut off, and the recording of the officer's shift should be downloaded and stored for one yea

100% agreed!

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