This post began as an analysis to show that there was no correlation between gun ownership rates and murder rates. Instead, I found a strong correlation between race and murder rates. Let me begin by showing the data for the most dangerous cities:

From neighborhood scout, the 20 US cities with the highest murder rates:

1 East Saint Louis, IL. The city’s population is 97.4% black. In 2014 the murder rate of city of East St. Louis was higher than that of Honduras, the country with the highest murder rate in the world.

2 Chester, PA This city had a Republican mayor until 2011. The city’s population is 74% black.

3 St Louis, MO This city’s population is 46% black.

4 Gary, IN This city’s population is 85% black.

5 Detroit, MI This city’s population is 83% black.

6 Camden, NJ This city’s population is 48% black.

7 New Orleans, LA This city’s population is 60% black.

8 Riviera Beach, FL This city’s population is 67% black.

9 Trenton, NJ This city’s population is 52% black.

10 Wilmington, DE This city’s population is 58% black.

11 Jackson, MS This city’s population is 79% black.

12 Harrisburg, PA This city’s population is 52% black.

13 Baltimore, MD This city’s population is 63% black.

14 Newark, NJ  This city’s population is 52% black.

15 Petersburg, VA This city’s population is 79% black.

16 Pine Bluff, AR This city’s population is 75% black.

17 Rocky Mount, NC This city’s population is 61% black.

18 Flint, MI This city’s population is 53% black.

19 Bridgeton, NJ This city’s population is 36% black.

20 Harvey, IL This city’s population is 75% black.

The US population is approximately 12.6% black. Each and every one of the 20 most murder prone cities in the country have a black population that is at least three times higher than that, and more often than not, five times higher. Two questions immediately come to mind:

1 If Black Lives Matter really believed that Black Lives Matter, then why aren’t they trying to find the cause of this?

2 What is causing such a strong correlation between black population density and murder?

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

tom · July 29, 2016 at 7:46 pm

Low IQ. High testosterone. Reduced executive function.

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