Having lived in the shadow of the mouse for decades, I can’t tell you just how stunning it is that Disney World is relaxing grooming requirements- called “The Disney Look.” The story behind that is that Walt Disney once took his brother’s children to a carnival. He saw the unkempt workers and decided that he wanted to open a park where a family could take their children to see a wholesome, family oriented carnival. The idea of Disneyland was born, and that look remained unchained for over four decades.
Now all of that is changing. Disney says that they want to be more inclusive. One of the people in comments wasn’t happy and said so. One lefty responded:
“Cast Members” include all employees, not just those who dress up as characters. Those who clean the bathrooms, man the retail shops, the food service workers etc. ALL employees, not just the characters. So this is great, makes more opportunity for more people, If the MAGA crowd cannot stand to even LOOK at people different than they are, I suggest they go somewhere, like an island, where they can all look at each other and not be offended.
This is more projection- I am betting you that if the tattoo looks like this, the person criticizing above wouldn’t be so supportive of inclusion.