Lists are easy to hack, easily leaked, and make it far too easy for publically unknown members to be doxxed. The people outed in this article have just seen their lives destroyed.

Of course, it can work both ways. Sign lefties up for things where, once outed, it could be problematic. Imagine your local leftie gun banner as a member of NAMBLA or the Aryan Brotherhood.

Categories: Humor


Jonathan · October 2, 2021 at 11:55 am

I’m surprised that no one has done this to the KKK. I bet AB doesn’t have a central server, if they have one at all! …. And you can’t just sign someone up for them, but it’d be interesting to sign Liberals up for the NRA, Heritage Foundation, other groups… It appears some people were signed up to Ashley Madison this way several years ago

    Beans · October 3, 2021 at 3:03 am

    It’s been done. Just the number of KKK members is far smaller, faaaaaar smaller than people are led to believe.

    Funny thing is, the KKK members fully understand that a decent portion of them are Feds or fed informers.

    And, really, what has the KKK done lately, like in the last 40 years?

Chris · October 2, 2021 at 12:13 pm

It’s also why I don’t “join” Anything.

it's just Boris · October 2, 2021 at 2:44 pm

“Of course, it can work both ways.”

Except, of course, it won’t, because that requires self-awareness, honesty, and an at least vaguely unbiased media. Their denials would be believed without question … or just the whole thing ignored in toto … because they’re the right kind of people.

Exhibit A:

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