Some people headed to Tallahassee in support of building the Florida Museum of Black History in St. Augustine didn’t get very far before their bus caught fire, proving that fire is racist.

Categories: Race baiting


Noway2 · April 19, 2024 at 8:22 am

Karma. This is up there with the lightning bolt hitting that St. George Who mural.

IcyReaper · April 19, 2024 at 11:56 am

So will this be a actual representation of black history? Will it show the minority black group of 13% of the population accounting for the majority of the crimes committed in the US. So it will have 25% of the history shown as successful and 75% a complete failure with examples of the burnt out, drug fueled, gang run ghettos with broken families, single moms with nothing but baby daddy’s, large portions of the population both men and women spending most of the lives in prison or dead and for good reason???

Xzebek · April 19, 2024 at 9:03 pm

I’m sure the previous excellent White bus mechanic was replaced by a dark skinned person of indeterminate sex and the next thing that happens is the bus catches on fire. Oh well.

Historic Jenkem Czar · April 20, 2024 at 10:23 am

Fire is a construct of the Promethean patriarchy.
All flames will be redistributed down to the lowest common denominator.

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