Some South Florida educators allowed a delusional tranny (chick with a dick) to play volleyball with the real girls. They are about to get fired, because that shit is against the law here in the Sunshine state. You will note that the AP version of the story (linked above) has a large portion of the article missing from the original NY Post version. Why? Because of this:

In the wake of the investigation, an unidentified family friend told CBS Miami the trans athlete in question had not yet “come out” as transgender and is blaming officials for outing the high schooler.

This handling of the “incredibly sensitive” situation has left Scott Galvin, the executive director of Safe Schools South Florida, wanting answers.

“It’s horrendous first on just a human level that the school would out somebody on an issue like this that’s obviously incredibly sensitive,” Galvin told CBS Miami.

“It’s just dumbfounding, and the Broward County Schools should be ashamed of themselves.”

Lisa Maxwell, executive director of the Broward Principals and Assistants Association, wrote that she’s “confident that at the end of this investigation, principal James Cecil will be fully exonerated and return to Monarch High.”

Some students were allegedly planning a protest and possible walkout over the reassignment and in support of the transgender community, NBC6 reported.

“If we were to just sit here and just get them to go to the boys’ team, then it would look like we are not supportive of people’s perspective on things, like, being a girl or a boy or whatever, and this school is really big on LGBTQ+ clubs and stuff like that, so, it kind of would look more hypocritical on our part,” an unidentified student told the outlet.

Another unidentified student said they are siding with the Florida law if the trans athlete is a biological male.

“If he is a biological boy, I don’t think he should be able to play on a girls’ team,” the student told NBC6.

Twenty-three states have banned transgender students from competing in high school sports consistent with their gender identity, according to the Movement Advancement Project.

In Florida, a female transgender student-athlete can’t participate without first showing a birth certificate saying she was born a female.

The law does not prevent athletes born female from playing on boys’ or men’s teams.

So this is in ultra-liberal Broward county, you know, the one that keeps “finding” Democrat votes after election day? Where the Parkland shooting took place? The coward from Broward?

I hope that every one of the teachers involved loses their jobs and is permanently barred from teaching again.

Oh, and the only reason why we don’t want male to female trannies playing sports against actual girls is that their inherent biological advantages of the male anatomy and physiology gives them an unfair advantage over actual females. That, and there is no way that girls should be forced to look at some wannabe girl’s dick in the locker room.


Joe Blow · November 29, 2023 at 6:37 am

I like the idea of commitment.
If you’re a man wanting to play women’s sports, prove you no longer have a cock and balls, and we’ll let you on the team. Drop ’em what you got?
You feel so strongly about it, lets see your level of commitment.

    Beans · November 29, 2023 at 1:49 pm

    Nope. Disparity of bone and muscle mass will, by middle school, give biological (XY) males an advantage over almost every biological (XX) female, not including the occasional Amazonian female.

McChuck · November 29, 2023 at 6:44 am

“this school is really big on LGBTQ+ clubs and stuff like that”

That’s a huge part of the problem. Public schools are actively grooming and coercing children for homosexuality.

Astroturfed Walkout for Whitewashing – Area Ocho · November 29, 2023 at 7:47 am

[…] morning, I posted about the teachers and staffers at a Broward County high school that are being investigated for violations of state law for allowing a tranny to play girls’ […]

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