A Congressional hearing was derailed when the Democrats refused to participate in the hearing because the Chairman ‘misgendered’ male Representative Tim McBride by referring to him as Mr. McBride.
Look, I don’t care if you identify yourself as a dog and insist on being called Snuffles, you cannot force me to participate in your delusions. Every time you get in a discussion with a tranny, they always try to gaslight you by claiming that gender and sex aren’t the same thing. That is complete and total horseshit. Gender has been the linguistic representation of sex since, well, forever. From the 1898 version of Webster’s dictionary:
GEN’DER, noun [Latin genus, from geno, gigno; Gr.to beget, or to be born; Eng. kind. Gr. a woman, a wife; Sans. gena, a wife, and genaga, a father. We have begin from the same root. See Begin and Can.]
1. Properly, kind; sort.
2. A sex, male or female. Hence,
3. In grammar, a difference in words to express distinction of sex; usually a difference of termination in nouns, adjectives and participles, to express the distinction of male and female. But although this was the original design of different terminations, yet in the progress of language, other words having no relation to one sex or the other, came to have genders assigned them by custom. Words expressing males are said to be of the masculine gender; those expressing females, of the feminine gender; and in some languages, words expressing things having no sex, are of the neuter or neither gender
Gender is from the word “engender,” a word which literally describes how something was created, caused, or born. If you have a Y chromosome, you were born with a penis, you are a man. There are only four lights.

oldvet50 · March 12, 2025 at 8:24 am
I’m an old fart and definitely believe sex and gender are two different things. Although Mr. McBride is actually a man, he does not act like one. That does NOT make him a woman, though. There are masculine men and effeminate men and that is one representation of gender. You used to be able to find the descriptions of this range in the DSM-5, but the ‘enlightened ones’ have screwed that up, too. Gender has never been asked for on an official form or application; it is always sex, because that is not up to interpretation. My biggest question from your article above is: Why would you ever get into a discussion with a tranny?
Divemedic · March 12, 2025 at 8:42 am
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