At about 1730 on Saturday evening, a knife wielding man was chasing people while being armed with a knife. The people being chased ran into a Chick Fil A. It so happens than an off duty Boston cop was eating dinner inside at the time. He identified himself and told the assailant to drop the knife. Instead of doing so, he charged the cop and stabbed him. (Tueller drill?) The cop shot his attacker, who was pronounced dead at a local hospital.

All told, it appears to be a good and righteous shoot by one of the few people in Boston who can legally carry a firearm. That would normally be the end of the story, and may or may not earn a blog post here. Except the mayor and police commissioner got involved.

They offered condolences. To the dead attacker and his family.

This is the same mayor that  in late 2023 after hosting a ‘no whites’ Christmas party for ‘electeds of color’ and has vowed to resist Trump and ICE when they attempt to deport illegals. Note that no one is publicly identifying the attacker. I wonder why.

Categories: IllegalsRace baiting


Vlad the non-impaler · March 2, 2025 at 3:28 pm

“a good and righteous shoot by one of the few people in Boston who can legally carry a firearm”
It sickens me that the place where the start of our Revolution is now one of the least free places in our entire country.
The braindeads that run MA should have been rounded up and shipped off to the middle of the Atlantic decades ago.

    Daniel K Day · March 2, 2025 at 8:26 pm

    “The braindeads that run MA” That would be roughly half of the Boston voting population, allowing for cheating by the “democrats” during the vote counting to obtain a majority.
    Works for me.

Taffy · March 2, 2025 at 7:35 pm

Probably cut from the same cloth as Willie Horton!

Bear claw · March 2, 2025 at 10:56 pm

Damn Amish, they must be white supremacy

CT Ginger · March 3, 2025 at 4:39 am

Massachusetts gets exactly what it deserves. A good bit of western Massachusetts is freedom loving but from the Connecticut river east the vast majority are Left-loving slaves. I do pity the exceptions.

    Frank Pinelander · March 3, 2025 at 10:55 am

    There are damn few left. It is down to just some isolated individuals now and they have no power at all remaining except the power to leave. The idea that there is a rural pool of Heritage Americans in western Mass is getting less true by the day. The whole state of Vermont to the North is a complete Marxist write off now and that was not the case 30 years ago. The Pioneer Valley is full of Communists perched in the Liberal Colleges clustered there. The bigger towns are full of alien invaders and drug smuggling criminal networks that reach into even the smallest country town.
    The bulk of the remaining Heritage American men in the state just go to work and keep up the middle class lifestyle. They harbor no ideas of resistance since they are looking at overwhelming numbers of enemy camped upon them. It resembles the situation in Europe very closely. They are disarmed, disenfranchised, enslaved in the service of the usurpers, and too stupid to see it.

Dan Patterson · March 3, 2025 at 5:10 am

How do Globo/Homo/Tyrants continue their march to victory through the ballot box?
Why is every major city a testament to societal failure and cultural corrosion? Worse than a destruction of culture, the cities are exponentially moving to complete collapse accompanied by the applause of their own citizenry.

    Birdog357 · March 4, 2025 at 1:37 pm

    Because the Boomers surrendered the education and media industries to them. GenX sat on their asses and did nothing to recover them, but finally the Millenials and Gen Z are working to overthrow them.

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