A study of records shows that CCW holders stopped 180 of 515 active shootings in the decade that ended in 2023. When the study excluded gunfree zones, it turns out that there were 350 active shooters, and private citizens stopped more than half of all active shootings, did so with fewer lost lives, and fewer bystanders hit.

In fact, in those 180 shootings, only one innocent was hit by the CCW holder, only two of the CCW holders was killed, and none of them were of any hinderance to law enforcement. In 44 of those shootings, the CCW holder was injured.

Compare that to the police. In the 156 active shooters stopped by law enforcement, police accidentally shot the wrong person 4 times, killing fellow officers twice and private citizens twice. That’s more than double the rate of private citizens accidentally shooting a bystander.

During the events, 27 police were shot and killed while trying to stop an active shooter, a 7.7 percent rate, which is nearly six times higher than the rate for private CCW holders.

Categories: Crime


SiG · March 12, 2025 at 8:09 am

27 police were shot and killed while trying to stop an active shooter, a 7.7 percent rate, which is nearly six times higher than the rate for private CCW holders.

I know this can’t be proven, but if the police were in uniform that’s pretty much wearing a “Shoot Me First!” sign, making them easier to spot in a crowd than a CCW shooter in concealment or cover.

    Divemedic · March 12, 2025 at 8:39 am

    True, but my statement stands- the left’s claim that private CCW holders don’t stop active shooters is false.

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