I wonder if anyone has statistics on how many spree killers are taking antidepressants? This guy shot 4 people and is now trying to claim temporary insanity.

Categories: Crime


BobF · April 16, 2023 at 10:18 pm


2017, but I see little reason to expect different effects from same/similar chemicals over time.

Anonymous · April 16, 2023 at 11:01 pm

I believe the original big increase in school spree killings is coincident with the introduction of the first SSRI, Prozac. The SSRIs have a black box warning that suicidal ideations and behaviors is a side effect discovered in testing. Boys get the side effect most of any group. The side effect can be triggered when their blood levels of medicine drop from not taking doses. Not taking doses is caused by parents not doing their job. I believe it was in Parkland where the shooter’s home had police visit 20 times in 3 years for domestic disturbances of his parents.

The failure of the entire national talking head apparatus to diagnose spree killings is not a mistake or accident; it is policy. We need to pick a word (besides “liberal”) to label the grassroots problem of self-loathing/self-harm/Jonestown urges by perhaps half the world population. I’m not talking about a label for the evil leaders, I want a word to label the mental illness causing followers to follow.

Jonathan · April 17, 2023 at 12:04 am

I don’t know totals… But I know it’s a lot.
I’ve seen it mentioned in multiple incidents going back a decade or more.
They do weird things to human brains, and over time the effects weaken so larger and larger doses are needed, often prescribed by doctors who aren’t knowledgeable about them.

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