I was just at a local gun store. I walked up to the Smith and Wesson section of the store, and stood in line behind a couple who were looking for a handgun. They obviously knew very little about handguns, and the sales guy didn’t know much more.

Every pistol he handed them from the case, they immediately grabbed it with their finger on the trigger. No one checked to ensure the gun was loaded before sweeping half of the customers in the store. The woman declared that she wanted a Glock. The husband responded, “Well, that isn’t what we are getting.” She then pointed (at an E-Z) and said that she wanted that one. He replied that he wanted (pointing at a full sized) this other one. This went on for 5 minutes. They walked away without getting anything.

Then I asked if they had an M&P45. He said that all they had was what was in the case. Now since this particular store has several locations, I asked if he could check to see if the other locations had any. He said, “I can’t see their inventory from here.” Uh- you can’t call?

Anyhow, I am in search of a full sized M&P45. All I can find anywhere is the Shield, and I already have one of those. Anyone know where I can get one in Central Florida? I would prefer paying less than $550.

Categories: Uncategorized


Rick · March 13, 2021 at 5:27 pm

Did you check out Gunbroker?


    Divemedic · March 13, 2021 at 6:04 pm

    The current bid for that used pistol is $550, with 7 days remaining. It normally sells for less than 500 new. I know that there is a buying frenzy right now, but I am not desperate enough to pay more than MSRP to get a used pistol. I have lots of guns, so I am not foolish enough to take that deal.

      Rick · March 13, 2021 at 6:35 pm

      No doubt, I wouldn’t either. It was 500 when I posted that, and I have no idea what they cost new, I have a .40 full size 2.0 and I like it quite a bit, but I got it used for $350 with trijicon night sights.

Don Curton · March 13, 2021 at 5:54 pm

I know sometimes there’s not a lot of choices, but that’s a gun store i wouldn’t go back to. They just opened a Shoot Point Blank nearby (outside Houston area) and i really like it. They don’t BS you, prices match any of the online places, and they have a good selection. I’m pretty much done with the local Cabelas after the last trip. Over an hour and a half to process paperwork and complete the sale, on an overpriced pistol to boot (i had a ton of points on a credit card so price wasn’t an issue, but still).

I like my Shield, had a full sized M&P in 9mm and it was good too. Gave it to my son cause reasons. I just think the single stack Shield feels better in the hand. Haven’t tried one in .45 yet.

You might try GrabaGun website. I’ve ordered twice now and had good luck with them. Just need a local FFL. Local pawnshop will do it for $15 if you have a carry license around here.

Therefore · March 13, 2021 at 11:13 pm

When I walk into a gun store, I have at least 1k I’m looking to spend on a gun. How you treat me and how you treat others can cause me to walk out the door with that K still sitting in my pocket.

My LGS had a rifle that was on my want list. The price was high, but not too bad. I looked at him, sighed, picked up the rifle and said “4473”.

In normal times I would have left with a hundred rounds of ammo on his dime. As it was he gave me a nice gun case for it.

He has respect for me. He knows that I don’t want others to know my info so that 4473 is turned over so that nobody can just happen to see my address.

There is a much larger, much better stocked store closer. I don’t buy there. When went in to look at plastic fantastics. I didn’t see one that I wanted, I asked about a k-98, he wasn’t willing to get it for me to look over.

So I walked out, spending nothing, and that K-98 hangs there still.

    it's just Boris · March 14, 2021 at 12:00 am

    There’s a reason I’m willing to spend a day driving to the “big city” (at less than 600k people, Albuquerque gets that label in air quotes) to go to a particular not-so-local gun store. The $15 transfer fee isn’t it.

Kid · March 14, 2021 at 11:52 am

You might compare to Springfield-Armory XDM. Not pushing for them. I have one, love the safety system (no levers) and a 5 yr old can take it apart and clean it.


Jonathan · March 15, 2021 at 7:29 am

It’s amazing how many people aren’t interested in customer service or getting a sale… well actually, by now it isn’t to me, it is so endemic…

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