According to Robert Heinlein, there are three ways to tell a lie:

  • Complete fabrication. This is the means of lying used most by children. The reason is that this is the easiest way to be caught as the liar loses track of what lies they have already told.
  • Tell partial truth, partial falsehood. This is the way that most people lie. You tell the truth, but modify that truth with enough facts to tell the tale you wish to tell.
  • Tell the absolute truth, but tell it in such a way as to misdirect the listener.

With that being said, read these headlines from the leftist media:

This is why I don’t watch traditional media. If I catch you lying to me once, I can never again trust anything that you tell me. Note that they are telling the truth, but are doing so in such a way as to misdirect the receiver of the message. The omission of the key facts completely transform the message, making the received message a different one that the reality that the message was based upon.

You don’t hate our media enough.

In the meantime, I continue making sure that my family is ready for what is coming.

Categories: Fake News


Elrod · July 15, 2024 at 11:30 am

“This is why I don’t watch traditional media.”


Maybe things have changed since I lived there, but 6 was the farthest left among 2, 9 and 35. Didn’t see the 13 – I think it was 13, the cable-run thing – on cable much so dunno. Not that the other 3 were anywhere near “all that much less left.”

I doubt there are any non-leftist local news sources, certainly not in O’ville. We certainly don’t have any where I live now.

    Divemedic · July 15, 2024 at 11:48 am

    I don’t watch them. I go to the website occasionally for blog fodder when I need something to write about, and that’s pretty much it.

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