Democrats are demanding that the ATF do more to regulate autosears, saying that up to this point, the ATF only controls autosears that are covered by the NFA.
Perhaps I am missing the point, but all autosears are covered by the NFA, and all unregistered autosears are already illegal.
Steve S · April 13, 2022 at 7:36 pm
Make it moar illegal because we hates it Precious.
It's just Boris · April 13, 2022 at 7:44 pm
Since when have Democrat (and no small numbers of Republican) lawmakers ever bothered to learn what the law actually is, before demanding more laws?
Jonathan · April 13, 2022 at 11:13 pm
Unfortunately, yet again the article doesn’t give enough details to understand the discussion at hand.
I “presume” that the push is to ban 80% auto Sears, which are available, especially for Glocks, with a dash of fear of 3D printing thrown in…
You are right that the law already regulates them, like it regulates all machine guns. You are also right that these legislators clearly don’t know or understand current law.
Ratus · April 14, 2022 at 2:15 am
Actually, since they claim they are so readily available you could say that they are “in common use”
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