Because of a major data breach, I get free credit monitoring for the next 5 years. This morning, I got multiple alerts from the monitoring service that multiple banks are reporting that someone is using my identity to try and open bank accounts using my name and address. One of those banks is Bank of America. I tried calling them, but their automated systems won’t let you speak with a representative unless you enter your account number.

How am I supposed to know a fraudulent account number? So I am trying a number listed for their fraud department. As of the time of this post, I have been on hold for 12 minutes.

Categories: Me


TRX · November 8, 2023 at 7:10 pm

Bank of America is usually in the “Top 5 Worst Customer Service” lists. Other regulars are US West, Comcast, and Verizon.

“We’re so big, we don’t have to care.”

Nolan Parker · November 8, 2023 at 7:13 pm

Ahh,the Big Companies,, so good to work with..
Why are We held to account for what someone else did and someone else Could have stopped? How was I supposed to stop the fraud? You’re Right! I Couldn’t have, but the bank Could have. I know I always had to prove everything about myself to do anything.

Good luck,

B · November 8, 2023 at 9:34 pm

Put a freeze on your credit. Easier and less hassle than chasing each attempted Identity Theft. Had it happen to me once, it fades off after about a year or so, but eh credit freeze is worth considering.

Bankers are scum · November 9, 2023 at 3:41 am

Pretty weird how easily someone can fraudulently get credit in your name and the lengths you have to go to, just to prove it wasn’t you.

And what a lurk the “credit reporting agencies” have to “protect” you.

DrBob · November 10, 2023 at 7:43 pm

Your situation is one of several reasons why I will only deal with a local bank. The big banks, like big businesses, are corporatized. They can only follow the rules they’ve made, and as a result are unable to help you in even the slightest deviation from their normal operating procedures. When I bought my second house in 2009, I had a check from a stock sale. Closing on the house was sooner than the check could have cleared (in the days before ACH). My local bank VP found out that I had been a customer for years, and told the cashier, “take it”.
Is there any chance this would have happened at a corporatized bank? Nope.
And it’s worse now.

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