Last night, my wife and I went out with her parents and brother. We went to the town square in Ocala. We dined in a Cajun restaurant and then watched the Christmas tree lightning. After her parents left to go home, we stopped to have a couple of drinks with her brother at a patio bar called “Bank Street.” 

We were there for an hour or so, and I used the opportunity to do some people watching. There were well over 150 people in this bar, and while we were there, I saw three (yes, three) of them with masks on. One of those three only had the mask dangling from one ear. Otherwise, it was a normal Friday night meeting place: people were dancing, mingling, and generally enjoying the evening. 
A nearby park had a large screen set up, and there were perhaps a dozen or so families watching “A Muppet Christmas Carol,” as a Harley riding Santa Claus posed for pictures with women in their 40s and 50s, without a mask in sight. As we walked through the square to return to our car, I noticed a large gathering of people on a second floor terrace bar. There were perhaps 100 or so people watching a televised football game. There were artists set up in the town square, selling their wares. In all, I saw several hundreds of people, and less than a quarter of them were wearing masks. 
It seems that many people in middle America are doing what Americans do best- ignoring “authority.” Which we should ALL be doing
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Miguel GFZ · December 5, 2020 at 2:33 pm

Media down here is having the vapors because bars and night clubs in Miami are full every night.

You'd think we are suffering Aerosol Transmissible pandemic of Ebola

Beans · December 5, 2020 at 7:37 pm

Whereas, up here in the People's Socialist Democratic Republic County of Alachua, just north of y'all in Marion County, in Gainesville, the maskers are a plague, with, yes, Karens following us unmasked people around harranging us.

I shoulda moved to Marion when I had a chance…

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