A brief slowing of the speed with which we are headed off the cliff as the corrupt Biden regime ends.

Now about the pardons for Fauci, Milley, et al: A pardon isn’t a pass to avoid all consequences for your past actions. There are many, many people who lost loved ones and couldn’t even say goodbye or attend a funeral due to COVID. All you have to do is release all of the evidence that Fauci was complicit. Then release the addresses of his home, work, and other places he is likely to be. Heck, have Elon host a live tracker of his location. That will sort itself out.

Then recall Milley back to active duty. A pardon can only insulate you for prosecution for past crimes, not future ones. If he refuses to return, court martial him for desertion. When he DOES return, send him to the base in Antartica. Or better yet, let it be known that he assisted the Chinese in the COVID pandemic and send him on an accompanied fact finding tour to areas hard hit by the disease.
Still, there has been very little heat, light, or noise from the left. They haven’t given up, so I just wonder what is coming…
Skyler the Weird · January 20, 2025 at 12:25 pm
Biden just pardoned the rest of his family on the way out.
Jonesy · January 20, 2025 at 12:37 pm
On the way out the door, Biden issued 5 more preemptive pardons for family members. F’s sake this has got to be the most corrupt administration ever. I agree about Fauci…karma may catch up with him. Or he could just die on his own, he’s 84.
Investigate all of them, expose everything, hopefully people will pay attention. Even if we can’t prosecute them
Grumpy51 · January 20, 2025 at 2:33 pm
Presidential pardons (TMK) are ONLY at the federal level. The states can still charge??
LargeMarge · January 22, 2025 at 1:12 am
Although prosecutors at the state and county level could get involved, I think it far more likely an individual prosecutor at the sidewalk level ‘could get involved’.
[cue Matt Damon voice-over]
* “But if you keep the camera rolling…”
Alex Lund · January 20, 2025 at 12:56 pm
Have you read the book Caliphate by Tom Kratman? In chapter 9 a US president with a spine deals with islamic terrorism and leftwing infiltrators.
But unfortunately thats just a book. We will never see a ruler to act this way.
JimmyPx · January 20, 2025 at 1:37 pm
I’m hoping that our new Attorney General Pam Bondi takes the issue of pre-emptive pardons to the US Supreme Court.
The precedent is the US Supreme Court case Ex parte Garland in 1866 that sets down that “the power of pardon conferred by the Constitution upon the President is unlimited except in cases of impeachment.”
Ford issued a pre-emptive pardon for Nixon and Carter did for the Vietnam draft dodgers.
The question is if you can pardon accomplices to YOUR crimes like Biden just did to his whole family ?
Kris · January 20, 2025 at 1:38 pm
Regarding Fauci, I’d suggest immediately ending his federal protective details…
He can use his ill gotten millions of blood money to pay for his own security people.
oldvet50 · January 20, 2025 at 1:48 pm
Pardons are only good for federal criminal crimes. It does not exempt civil liability nor does it have any effect on state criminal acts. So there is hope left.
SoCoRuss · January 20, 2025 at 1:54 pm
And NOTHING will be done to any of them, noting at all. That’s why things have gotten so bad and will continue to do so. There is absolutely no consequences to these peoples actions at all from ANYONE. Oh yes have another congressional handjob. oh my bad “Investigation”.
The Repubtards are now calling for no debt limits also, that means everyone knows its over, we are bankrupt beyond coming back and they will be protected from it of course.
So Fuck it, party like its 1999. The MAGA messiah wont save shit. He traded one group of Oligarchs for another group and none of them give a fuck about normies.
The “Luigi’s Response” to these bastards is at least a big Fuck You back…….
we are going to name all our male children Luigi. · January 21, 2025 at 12:48 am
Nah. Just one little fuck you. Runner on first.
Michael · January 20, 2025 at 2:08 pm
Trump better have the finest security as the 3 letter folks are going to try.
I expect that the “Elites” will decide to drop the Greater Depression and America’s Bankruptcy upon Trump and MAGA.
I pray I am wrong but…
The Southern Nationalist · January 20, 2025 at 3:22 pm
Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t one have to be first charged with a crime, found guilty of said crime before a “pardon” can be issued?
Aesop · January 20, 2025 at 5:14 pm
Fauci’s pardon is only for federal crimes. He can still be prosecuted in 50 states’ and 7 U.S. territories’ courts for fraud, conspiracy, and manslaughter.
And should be, such that after the third or fourth trial of fifty-seven, he’s assured of dying in prison.
Milley needn’t be recalled. Just depose him under oath. And wait for him to commit a new crime.
Same thing: he ends up dying in a prison jumpsuit.
Pour encourager les autres.
And everyone O-7 and up in every branch should be fired, with maybe 10% re-instated after investigation, and the O-6 tier across the board vetted proctologically, for the next 4 years, until all the deadwood is cleared away.
That should all start at 0800 tomorrow.
Steady Steve · January 20, 2025 at 8:25 pm
We are all Luigi now…
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