One of the things that is so tiring about blogging and social media is the amount of chest thumping from Internet badasses. You know what I mean- those who post things about “I would shoot that cop” or about how they would kill anyone who shoots their dog.

The endless claims about wanting to start CW2, or on how you are going to start shooting people, or other forms of statements about all of the shit they are going to do just get tiring sometimes.
Let’s face it- you aren’t going to do shit. You aren’t going to tilt your lance at a windmill, only to die needlessly charging up that hill, only to find out that your efforts and sacrifices aren’t going to matter. Even if your own little personal war du jour does begin, how do you define a win? Even if you “win,” what is your plan for what you are going to do next? It’s just childish, foolish bravado.
Instead, start deciding how you are going to survive, how you are going to keep your loved ones safe, and what you are going to do AFTER everything goes to shit.
TakeAHardLook · September 9, 2024 at 11:41 am
Wasn’t it T.R who stated, “Walk softly and carry a big stick?”
Wise words. Be The Gray Man.
Dan D. · September 9, 2024 at 1:05 pm
Your website, your AO, your rules. Its not just that what you’re addressing so fake (take the Oath keepers for example) but just so tiresome. Internet commenting is fun (like this) but hey, go mix in 3 additional parts of daily PT with the attitude! Works for me.
Divemedic · September 9, 2024 at 2:29 pm
Note that I haven’t prohibited or moderated such speech. I’m just pointing out that it’s tiresome.
Aesop · September 9, 2024 at 1:29 pm
The thing is, everyone has a Marvin Heemeyer breaking point:
“I won’t be wronged.
I won’t be insulted.
I won’t be laid a hand on.”
And TPTB seem intent on driving the greatest number of people past that point.
Everybody is just another kernel in the pan.
If they keep turning up the heat, it’s all going to start to pop.
That’s not bravado or braggadocio.
It’s the simple physics of human behavior.
There were plenty of cops in Watts in ’65 that thought they could trample on black people indefinitely and without consequences.
“We’ve always done it, and nothing happens.”
Just like there are plenty of cops – and bureaucrats – now who think they can trample on anybody indefinitely, and without consequences.
One group got one helluva rude surprise.
The other one is riding an express train to the exact same destination.
For average folks, that outcome is about as surprising as sunrise, or gravity.
The foolhardiness is on the part of folks trying to gaslight people into thinking the sun isn’t going to rise, and dropped objects aren’t going to fall down.
Sh*t’s inevitably going to blow up, and no one will be trying to gainsay a charging bulldozer, if they have any sense at all.
Robert · September 9, 2024 at 5:02 pm
There will inevitably be a blowup. Then another one. Then another one. Then another one. They will all be ruthlessly suppressed. Until the last one. I am thinking twenty years of “The Troubles” as a model for what comes. The Spanish civil war is a possibly useful model too.
The coup-de-main will be a Very Big War which we lose decisively. The coup-de-gras will be an internal revolt, the last of a long series, which knocks over an already moribund Federal government. Regional warlords are the most likely system that will follow, dressed up with sentimental imagery.
None of our current political “leaders” in any faction are relevant to what comes after “The Troubles”. Most of them won’t even survive.
“What did you do in the war Daddy?” Answer: “I stayed home as much as possible.”
jimmyPx · September 9, 2024 at 3:02 pm
I think that ALOT of the “Internet Tough Guys” GLOW and are posting from the DC metro or Tel Aviv.
That said, just about everyone has a RED LINE that for them is the straw that breaks the camel’s back. For me, it is if they ever start gun confiscation from law abiding citizens. When that happens the step after that is “this way to the camp”.
S.T. Miller · September 9, 2024 at 3:09 pm
I read your stuff almost every day. Your comment a few days ago about your cost to keep this blog running hit a nerve with me. We need more voices like yours to spread the wealth. I have acted on some of your recommendations especially about about medical devices.
So keep the faith.
Robert · September 9, 2024 at 4:16 pm
I am convinced that a civil war is coming no matter what the outcome of the “election” may be, and a very large number of people will perish. The end will come for most, not in some heroic fantasy of combat or police oppression, but by untended medical problems for which treatment has been declared “free” and is still even available – on a five-year waiting list.
My clever plan was to get my teeth fixed. Also took care of several other elective procedures. Still accumulating the usual stash of food, basic medical supplies, and potential trade goods.
Weapons and ammo? That counts as trade goods. Staying on even terms with the neighbors? That is essential. Who knows how things may break.
If I find myself in a police standoff on my front porch then I was doing it all wrong.
Michael · September 9, 2024 at 5:40 pm
The problem with being a keyboard commando aka Badass is two.
First I start with the idea your a GLOWIE and its your Job to get others to act like Badasses.
Second the internet NEVER forgets. Ask Kyle Rittenhouse about his court experience with his internet comments.
Folks that act like a Badass seem to NEVER DO ANYTHING, almost a Walter Mitty scenario.
Who Really walks into the bar and tells the badguy “I’m Comming for you “? Aside from Hollywood that is.
The 3 “S”s what is the 3rd one?
Oh yeah, Shut up.
Tom · September 10, 2024 at 1:52 pm
OK – y’all want to fight the government. Let’s get started: What’s the first target? Will eliminating that target accomplish anything? Besides your death?
That’s what I thought. It’s worth the effort to prevent such a disaster.
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