Here is President Biden’s statement on the pardon he issued for his son.
You hear that? The President of the United States, who at the time was a Democrat, says that gun laws are not being enforced. Lying on a 4473 is not a real crime, according to the left.
Big Ruckus D · December 1, 2024 at 9:58 pm
Meh. Anyone who didn’t see this card being played was a naive fool. Of course he issued a pardon, there are no principles or concern over public perception for lack of same. Just power, and the ability to use it. So he did.
If we’re lucky, this will give hunter cause to celebrate carelessly with drugs and whores, and he ends up dead of an OD. That’s be some sweet justice, to have pedo joey suffer two dead sons before he finally kicked off himself. Sometimes, suffering is truly deserved. This would be one of those times.
In any case, this should prompt Trump to parlay the now established precedent of abusing the presidential power of pardon to clear every one of the Jan 6 protesters being held, all his former staff (like Giuliani and Bannon) for the bullshit they got railroaded on) and anyone else that’ll undoubtedly have the demoncrats crying foul. His immediate response to any such bitching should be “fuck off, you set this standard and I’m going to run with it”. And yet, I’m betting he won’t. Furthermore, if he doesn’t, then fuck him too.
EN2 SS · December 2, 2024 at 7:56 am
“His immediate response to any such bitching should be “fuck off, you set this standard and I’m going to run with it”. And yet, I’m betting he won’t. Furthermore, if he doesn’t, then fuck him too.”
Hear hear to the max.
SoCoRuss · December 1, 2024 at 10:22 pm
Does this really surprise anyone? Is this the deal Trump made with Biden so he could win. Biden pardons his son and Trump pardons Biden. Lots of talk talk talk about how wrong it is but nothing will really change or be done about it. Just like everything else that goes on in Gomorrah DC.
Charlie · December 1, 2024 at 10:22 pm
I hope karma is a bitch for anyone in that immediate family, especially shit head Joe. Thank you for four years of misery, fucking commie fudge packer. Rot in hell.
Dirty Dingus McGee · December 2, 2024 at 12:02 am
I’m as shocked to read that as I will be if the sun comes up in the east in the morning.
Bad Dancer · December 2, 2024 at 6:58 am
The left has never been shy about using and abusing the courts to get their desired end. Meanwhile the right, especially the establishment right, folds their hands, bows their head, and offers some lukewarm mumbles about the sanctity of law and keeping politics out of courts while their supporters are beaten, jailed, depersoned, tortured, and killed.
While we try desperately to keep the needle set to peaceful it must be up to the right to infiltrate juries and local governments and practice jury nullification. That means keeping your trap shut when going to jury selection and getting off the couch and going to school board, city council, and HOA meetings. It’s tough. We have more and more time demands on our hands and its easy to say it won’t do any good and stay home but I’m working multiple jobs to try to not just survive but to get ahead and be positioned to benefit from whatever housing crash happens and still make time to go needle the local harridens and harpies at those meetings.
Noway2 · December 2, 2024 at 8:01 am
First, I don’t believe biden wrote that because it’s too coherent, but rather it was one of the shadow handlers. Two, it’s not a surprise. Three, it prima facia evidence of the deep corruption of that individual, the family, and the Star Chamber; they all need to go. Four, if I believe in hell, I’d want this lower than piece of shit pResident to spent eternity suffering the worst imaginable fate and I hope he goes there very soon.
Wilson · December 2, 2024 at 9:23 am
I would like to see the list of all the crimes hunter boi is being pardoned published so the citizens of this country can see what the biden crime family has commited against them.
Plague Monk · December 2, 2024 at 6:53 pm
Interesting take on why Joe pardoned his son:
Divemedic · December 2, 2024 at 9:12 pm
What’s really interesting is now that Hunter can’t be prosecuted, he no longer has 5th Amendment protection and can be forced to testify against others, including his father.
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