From the Liberty Safe FAQ page.

what happens if you forget your Liberty safe’s lock combination code or misplace its key? Depending on the type of lock that came with your Liberty Safe, you have a few options.

Contact the FBI. They have the codes to your safe. If they won’t give it to you, just trespass in the Capitol while registered as a Republican. They will come over and open it for you. Maybe you will get lucky and the jail cell they lock you in for 22 years will have a digital lock made by Liberty.

Liberty Safe’s policy isn’t to give out combinations or keys to safes that have not been registered.

We all know that isn’t true. There are those who are claiming that the FBI had a warrant, so Liberty gave them the code. There are two problems with that:

  • The FBI had a warrant to search the guy’s house. That warrant is in no way binding upon Liberty safe, who is an unrelated party in this. In fact, if the FBI wanted the access codes, they would have to serve Liberty safe with a subpoena. Subpoenas are for records, warrants are not.
  • The fact that a backdoor exists at all is problematic. With all of the data breaches in the news, the mere existence of a backdoor is a significant liability. This calls all sorts of electronic devices into question. Nothing you have is secure from government access. Remember that we are now living in a one-party police state with the full cooperation of big business. Conduct your business accordingly.

There are some lessons here:

  • You should have backup weapons and cache them somewhere away from your property that they will not be found.
  • If you were one of the J6 protesters, you are looking at spending the rest of your life in the Gulag. Pay your bail and don’t look back.

EDITED TO ADD: Here are my thoughts on this:

Categories: Police Statetyranny


Beans · September 6, 2023 at 2:32 pm

And this is why you shouldn’t have an electronic lock on your gun safe. Manual is much better.

    Divemedic · September 6, 2023 at 2:54 pm

    There are only two options for mechanical safes. Expensive lock with a combo that can’t be changed without calling a locksmith who will now have the combo, or cheap lock that you can change DIY but is easy to circumvent.
    I’m doing some research for a solution.

      Fido · September 6, 2023 at 10:53 pm

      That’s not quite so.. Changing the combination on an expensieve mechanical safe traditionally involves a locksmith, largely because customers are lazy and unwilling to take responsibility for fogetting it. (opening one of these without the combo is a real, destructive, PITA, and if it has a glass plate, ever more so)

      This is not like picking a lock. The skill to change the combination is easily aquired. Many intend for you to use a special “key” to change it, but those can be purchased from a locksmith, and you can easily circumvent them with time and a screwdriver.

        Divemedic · September 6, 2023 at 11:10 pm

        It seems that the solution is a Sargent & Greenleaf Group II Dial Lock. They can be safely changed with the key that comes with it. There will be an upcoming post on safe selection, but a quality safe is going to be expensive. The link for the lock is below:

      Jim_R · September 6, 2023 at 11:04 pm

      Are you familiar with the Sargent & Greenleaf mechanical locks? Their 8400/8500 series are UL Group 1 certified, and the combination can be changed by anyone with the proper change key. The 8500 series seems to be unlocked by pushing in the dial once the combination has been entered; the older 8400 series is turned clockwise to unlock. I mention them because I’ve seen them on GSA containers.

Big Ruckus D · September 6, 2023 at 6:35 pm

Sleazy fucking sellouts, and I’m not at all surprised to read this. As to mechanical combo locks, I don’t imagine the learning curve for disassembly and resetting the combo is all that tough, though special tools may be required. Is the security of your stuff worth that investment? Point being, roll your own and cut out the chance of backdoor approaches like this. If fedscum wants in, they should have to do it the hard way. Fuckem’.

I own some locksmithing tools specific to my own needs, and know how to use them. An investment of several hundred dollars in tools and supplies over a few years has saved me a ton of money in making my own keys, and resetting specialty combo locks. I sought out the tools and the knowledge, same as any other useful skill set.

And it goes without saying we are now at the stage where one should have a decoy safe with a few expendable weapons (keep a couple of halfway decent ones in there to make it convincing), and keep a secondary (and even tertiary) cache of the good stuff where it is accessible to you, but not immediately discoverable by thieving whores in uniforms.

Joe Blow · September 6, 2023 at 8:10 pm

I have a 1.3cu ft safe with combination dial lock (and key) from Sentry. Its not a big gun safe, but it holds my important papers and precious metals well enough.

Jonesy · September 6, 2023 at 10:14 pm

Who’s to say even if they couldn’t get the combination they still would get your stuff?Maybe they break the safe, or depending on the size take the whole thing.

Caching your stuff sounds good, but how many of you have the ability to do it? I’m guessing many of us don’t have a lot of options. Visiting or checking on caches brings issues.

A big thing here is not participating in questionable events. Sure, a lot of folks at J6 never thought they could be caught up with the FBI, but be the gray man. Ideally, we would be giving up cell phones for opsec too.

Bad Dancer · September 7, 2023 at 1:33 pm

It has been interesting to watch people react to this. Deviant Ollam said something to the effect of “don’t be a fascist and storm the capitol” and others in the physical and electronic security field have echoed his views. That was pretty surprising.

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