The left is claiming that a woman who died after she elected to get an abortion is the fault of Republicans. Amber Thurman died while she was getting an emergency D&C that was needed because she took an abortion pill and had a reaction that caused a large amount of hemorrhaging. The timeline is telling:

Thurman discovered she was pregnant with twins in the summer of 2022. She made the decision to kill her unborn child after she had moved out of her family’s home into a gated apartment complex and had plans to enroll in nursing school. A child would have spoiled those plans, so the most convenient thing that she could do was kill the inconvenience.

Thurman had wanted a surgical abortion in her home state, but at nine weeks she sought care at a clinic in North Carolina. The clinic gave her mifepristone and misoprostol, otherwise known as an “abortion pill.”

After taking the pills, Thurman experienced cramping, but her condition worsened over several days with vomiting and heavy bleeding. She was transported to Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge, Georgia, on the evening of August 18, where doctors discovered she had not expelled all the fetal tissue from her body.

She died during the surgery that followed. Georgia’s maternal mortality review committee, which includes 10 doctors, concluded that there was a “good chance” that Thurman’s death could likely have been prevented if the D&C had been provided earlier.

Maybe, but then again, maybe not. There is no way to be certain. What caused this woman’s death is not a delay in surgical intervention. What caused her death is that she took an abortion pill, but that doesn’t fit the narrative that the left wants to portray.

About a year ago, I had something similar happen when a woman who had taken an abortion pill came in complaining of vaginal bleeding at two in the morning. Over the next hour, I had to give her 2 liters of saline, a unit of fresh frozen plasma, four units of packed red blood cells, and a unit of platelets. All together, that adds up to about 4 liters of fluids- or roughly her entire blood volume. That’s when the on call surgical team came in and took her for her emergency D&C.

There is a price to pay for taking these drugs, and they are much higher risk than the left wants you to believe that they are.

Categories: Medical News


IcyReaper · September 17, 2024 at 12:38 pm

Nope, gotta disagree here. Its not the Repubs. fault. Its clearly Trumps fault, he must be charged with murder of this woman In the NY state legal system. That’s the only system that deals out justice…..
Maybe its just me but none of these women seem to understand what birth control is, how it works and how to use it? There isn’t any understanding that abortions and the plan B pills can be dangerous like any other medical procedure or meds depending on your body. Wouldn’t birth control be a better choice. And this chick wanted to be a nurse?
We had a county commissioner who proudly talks about her 8 abortions. So last month there was a town hall, where she waxed poetically about all her vast knowledge about everything and of course everyone must vote for her in the upcoming election of our masters.. This old guy stood up and said. So you are telling me you have had 8 abortions over your life and are proud of it and now your telling us you are an expert on everything and we must trust your judgement. But it appears to me you still cant even figure out at your current age how to use a rubber, a IUD, a birth control pill or just stick to BJ’s. And you want me to let you have control of our finances, our health system and law enforcement. I think I will pass on that.
That guy will never have to buy another beer at the Legion Hall…

TakeAHardLook · September 17, 2024 at 2:15 pm

When I trained in OB/GYN the three main causes of maternal mortality were hemorrhage, infection and hypertension.
That hasn’t changed (no surprise there), and hemorrhage, even in the case of a first trimester “incomplete abortion” followed by an emergency D&C, is part of those stats.

A 9 week intervention with either medication or a D&C incurs a very small risk of significant morbidity or mortality. Regardless of where the woman needed to travel for a D&C she could have done so, even if she had to delay for 24 hours. She apparently elected to receive the “abortion pill” and the cramps, debilitation and (likely vastly underestimated) blood loss led to an unrecoverable state.

The hospital course looks to me like a classic horrendoplasty, with a delayed diagnosis, care provided by a hospitalist (during which a dx. of sepsis was made) and, after 17 hours with their thumbs buried up their sphincters, the OB/GYN was called in to do the D&C and then a laparotomy/emergency hysterectomy.

Even with sepsis running in the background, any gyn knows that the sepsis is coming from the uterus and the rule is to empty the uterus. Maybe the hospitalist was doing what a hospitalist does: fluid/heme replacement, antibiotics, etc., when what was needed was bolus transfusion with whole blood and a quick trip to the O.R.

They took so long figuring out their OODA loop that the patient ran out of time.


But using the retrospectoscope, the reporter blamed the Law for the tragedy; as said above, other options were available and at 9 weeks gestation there was plenty of time on the clock.


    TakeAHardLook · September 17, 2024 at 2:20 pm

    Addendum: The best option, to be clear, was a simple 1st trimester D&C; it is quick, minimally traumatic, with minimal blood loss and a predictable recovery. As long as the surgeon examines the POCs to be sure that the uterus is empty then the patient gets to go home to her six year-old.

    Divemedic · September 17, 2024 at 3:26 pm

    I defer to your expertise in the specialty. My job is to stabilize the immediate needs and turn them over to a more appropriate specialty.

    TRX · September 17, 2024 at 5:28 pm

    The question isn’t “did the doctors do the right thing?” but “did they follow the established procedures?”

    We know from COVID that “the right thing” is a long way down from “keeping their job.”

TCK · September 17, 2024 at 4:09 pm

I’m not sure what the fuss is about.
Every civilized nation utilizes the death penalty for murderers.

Jax Bungee · September 17, 2024 at 4:52 pm

In light of this bit:
“pregnant with twins”

saying she took a pill to abort her child makes her sound almost martyr-like. If it’s phrased that she took a pill to kill her children, well, it seems she got a quick return on her karma for infanticide. . .

EN2 SS · September 17, 2024 at 4:54 pm

Not to be too obnoxious, but it couldn’t happen to a better type of person. Plan on murdering a baby and the baby takes their evil to God.

    Skeptic · September 17, 2024 at 5:45 pm

    Buried in the article is the comment that she missed her time slot at the abortion clinic because she was late “due to traffic.”

    Gee…a black woman not showing up on time.

    Shocked, yes, shocked I am.

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