The left was celebrating a “Trump loss” when he tried to deport some illegals back to Columbia, and than nation refused to allow their citizens to reenter the country after initially agreeing to accept the flight. They were calling Trump every name in the book because the illegals were “handcuffed like criminals.”
They were handcuffed like criminals because they ARE criminals. So Trump notified the Columbian government that a 25% tariff would be placed on all Columbian imports, effective immediately. If Columbia didn’t begin allowing repatriation flights within a week, the tariffs would become 50%. The left went crazy, claiming that Trump was going to destroy the world because he was being unfair.
No, what is unfair is your co-called friends only liking you when you do the things that THEY want you to do. We are being taken advantage of like a 100 year old sugar daddy with his 20 year old supermodel girlfriend.
Instead, the Columbians, after some grumbling about how unfair it all is, decided to allow their citizens to be returned to them after all. Trump is both nicer and more effective than I would have been. I would have said, “Those citizens can’t be here. They are on a plane and won’t be returning. They can either be permitted to land in your country, or we are pushing them out the door, to land ON your country. You decide.”
As a businessman, Trump realizes that other nations NEED the US. More precisely, they need access to US markets. Well, the US needs things as well. Instead of just bending the knee and doing what they want to our own detriment, he works a deal: They get access to US markets, we get rid of their illegal emigrants. The man did write a book on the subject, after all.
That isn’t good enough for the left. The latest is that Trump is being a bully and is ruining our relationship with the world. I disagree- Trump is now refusing to be bullied by other nations who are simply taking advantage of the fact that the left likes borrowing money in order to buy gifts to make other people like them.
That has to end.
Jonathan · January 27, 2025 at 11:28 am
I don’t think they’d care if their people were dropped on their country – I think the better way would be to have troops with air support take over a major airport and shut it down while deplaning as many people as we can return.
A longer term option would be to say that we’re creating a new base by force and going to charge you for access (to your biggest airport!) and add other terms as well…
Dirty Dingus McGee · January 27, 2025 at 12:14 pm
They don’t wanna let a plane land? Fine. Next bunch will go by boat. Get an old freighter, put 30 days worth of rice and beans on it and send it south. Won’t let it into dock? No problem, just anchor it in the port and leave it there. I bet shortly it will unload, one way or another.
Jonesy · January 27, 2025 at 12:31 pm
The Prez of Columbia quickly changed his tune (probably after his cabinet told him they were gonna lose the fight and a lot of $)
Trump is putting on a masterclass in politics going light speed. Up to this point it’s been everyone feeling butthurt running to the nearest MSM camera and crying about how Trump is mean. No one cares anymore except the libs. MSM is dying and so is their influence. Vance’s interview with Margaret Brennan was a good example of how things will go from now on. He politely dismantled all of her “gotcha” questions and made the counterpoint clearly.
SoCoRuss · January 27, 2025 at 2:20 pm
Personally I prefer the Pinochet High Altitude Descent Therapy method of returning them home.
I’ve done a couple jumps out of a transport, real easy to either march them off or hookup a drogue chute and yank them out the back just like a pallet deployment. Plus it makes a real statement for next group of these fucks when it starts Raining men in Central America:).
It's just Boris · January 27, 2025 at 9:01 pm
So that would be HANO drops? (High altitude, no opening.)